Some may not realize it, but apparently Continental Masonry (continent of Europe) branched off from British Masonry which had only 3 degrees (per British Mason John Robison's 1790's work 'Proofs Of A Conspiracy' exposing the Bavarian Illuminati conspiracy in his era).
Robison exposed that it was the Illuminati order in Bavaria and other occultists that had infiltrated the high membership roles of Continental Masonry, and had added many degrees to the original form that originated from Britain. He basically was saying that groups within the Illuminati had taken over the Masonic lodges on the European continent, while British Masonry in the Isles stayed intact.
I think a reading of the U.S. founding father's own writings in some of their disagreements with each other reveals they had a conflict in their social philosophies which depended upon which type of lodge they were being influenced by, some by the lodges in Britain (British Masonry - 3 degrees), and others by lodges in France and Germany (Continental Masonry- many degrees).
Yet the whole matter does not stop with the fraternity of Masons; there are many more related fraternities, which some masons are members of several. In the early 1900's there was an organization headquatered in France abbr. F.U.D.O.S.I, and stood for Universal Federation of Initiatic Orders. It contained something like 12 different initiatic orders like Masonry; like the Rosicrucian order, the Disciples of Pythagoras, Hermes Trismegithus order (? spelling), some orders that involved the practice of Alchemy which I can't recall. I saw a picture of each order's head officer, and another picture of a signed document by each one and the name of the order in a publication put out by the Rosicrucian Order AMORC which is headquarted in San Jose, CA. It was to show its members the authenticity of the Rosicrucian Order in San Jose being officially connected to the original Roscrucian order in old Europe, and with the Universal Federation of initiatic orders, or what they call the "Grand Orient" of France.
I think there's a book called 'Conspiracy Against God and Man' by a Catholic done back in the 1970's who went to France and researched a lot of those connections, and had help from a French librarian. It's a very well documented work, not a fantasy work.
So the matter of initiatic fraternities is not just about Masonry, but many other type orders which specialize in different areas of the ancient mystery school teachings. And with all of them joined to a federation, that reveals their kind of working is on a much grander scale than one might think. Just because we rarely ever hear or read about them in news or history works should also raise a big question.
Robison exposed that it was the Illuminati order in Bavaria and other occultists that had infiltrated the high membership roles of Continental Masonry, and had added many degrees to the original form that originated from Britain. He basically was saying that groups within the Illuminati had taken over the Masonic lodges on the European continent, while British Masonry in the Isles stayed intact.
I think a reading of the U.S. founding father's own writings in some of their disagreements with each other reveals they had a conflict in their social philosophies which depended upon which type of lodge they were being influenced by, some by the lodges in Britain (British Masonry - 3 degrees), and others by lodges in France and Germany (Continental Masonry- many degrees).
Yet the whole matter does not stop with the fraternity of Masons; there are many more related fraternities, which some masons are members of several. In the early 1900's there was an organization headquatered in France abbr. F.U.D.O.S.I, and stood for Universal Federation of Initiatic Orders. It contained something like 12 different initiatic orders like Masonry; like the Rosicrucian order, the Disciples of Pythagoras, Hermes Trismegithus order (? spelling), some orders that involved the practice of Alchemy which I can't recall. I saw a picture of each order's head officer, and another picture of a signed document by each one and the name of the order in a publication put out by the Rosicrucian Order AMORC which is headquarted in San Jose, CA. It was to show its members the authenticity of the Rosicrucian Order in San Jose being officially connected to the original Roscrucian order in old Europe, and with the Universal Federation of initiatic orders, or what they call the "Grand Orient" of France.
I think there's a book called 'Conspiracy Against God and Man' by a Catholic done back in the 1970's who went to France and researched a lot of those connections, and had help from a French librarian. It's a very well documented work, not a fantasy work.
So the matter of initiatic fraternities is not just about Masonry, but many other type orders which specialize in different areas of the ancient mystery school teachings. And with all of them joined to a federation, that reveals their kind of working is on a much grander scale than one might think. Just because we rarely ever hear or read about them in news or history works should also raise a big question.