Ernest T. Bass
- May 17, 2012
- 2,094
- 140
There is a process of learning right from wrong. Even though children lie that are not sinning until they learn right from wrong. Prov 22:6; Eph 6:4; Heb 5:14 children have to be trained in learning right from wrong. Children are just as capable of telling the truth. So no one has to be born with any kind of nature in order to cause them to do wrong or right.It HAS a bible basis.
This is what you refuse to accept.
Original Sin is just another name for concupiscence or the flesh or sin nature.
It was given the name original sin because it was the ORIGINAL SIN that Adam committed.
Augustine messed up the whole concept.
He came along 400 years after Jesus died with his strange teaching.
Why are you so obsessed with this?
The CC accepted ORIGINAL SIN when Augustine taught this.
It did NOT wait till the Council of was made a doctrine at that time
to combat Protestantism. Why do you think babies began to be baptized before 1500AD??
The Confessions of Faith are of the reformed, or calvinistic, faith.
Can we forget about Calvinism since nothing of what it teaches is biblical?
What you state in your first paragraph is 100% correct and, if I were you, I'd stick to that, except for the fact that you DO have to have a REASON as to why persons sin.
Do 7 year olds lie?
All of us are born with the ability to obey God but do not know how to go about obeying God until one is first taught, trained in learning right from wrong.
Rom 2:14 "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:"
Verses as Rom 2:14 show that man on some conscience level has an innate understanding of right and wrong in regard to some moral issues. The Gentiles did not have God's law telling them murder was wrong but on some conscience level they understood taking a life was morally wrong. Cain, after killing Able, experienced a sense of guilt even though we have no record of God tellng Adam, Eve Cain and Able 'thou shalt not murder'. Thereby proving men are not born with any nature that would have to cause them to sin. Yet the Gentile did not live up to this natural conscience law as the Jew did not live up to the OT law revealed to them, hence both were sinners. Both Gentile and Jew had an idea and understanding of right and wrong, violated it with their free will making them sinners accountable to God.
So again all that is needed to be a sinner is (1) a law, whether be by revelation as the OT and NT law or by nature as with the Gentiles, and (2) a free will to break that law. No nature of any kind is needed for man to be a sinner.