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Is TULIP biblical?

It's stunning. Jesus mercifully holding back his own anger against people who are abusing him, got turned into "TULIP"...."I can't repent because I don't know how. I have to wait for God to sprinkle magic fairy dust on my head so I can turn to him. And after I turn to him, I'm so depraved I'll continue living in sin and God is OK with that because he knows I'm just a mindless robot. What?
I think I am starting to see what Jesus did so that humanity can be victotius.

Total depravity was defeated by the flood. The ark symbolized the work of Jesus.
We should not rehash total depravity today.

Unmerited favor when Israel crossed Jordan into the promised land, may be a symbol of Repentance.
Today we have favor through the work of Repentance and the work of Jesus.

Limited atonement the law was a stop gap short term limited way till Jesus came and fulfilled the law.

Will stop for now.


Mississippi redneck
Please begin to show what scriptures show TULIP 5 Gospel benefits (good news)

I tend to see TULIP as the 5 disasters to be overcome. Am I glad that Jesus overcame the problems? Yes.

Mississippi redneck
I recommend you read something on TULIP, do you want me to provide you a resource, that shows that TULIP is all about the Gospel of Gods Grace.
I recommend you read something on TULIP, do you want me to provide you a resource, that shows that TULIP is all about the Gospel of Gods Grace.
I'm not a five pointer ,but it blows my mind that some say here that man isn't depraved.we by nature woky resist God . My devotional today was on total depravity. The author goes into how we are
I think I am starting to see what Jesus did so that humanity can be victotius.
ok, what do you think that is?
Total depravity was defeated by the flood.
How was it defeated? Are you suggesting people born after the flood are not dead in Adam?
The ark symbolized the work of Jesus.
The Ark was the only place of safety when the judgment came. In that way it was the same.

We should not rehash total depravity today.
Like BF said, you should read about it first. You do not understand what the teaching is, yet you attempt to comment on it.
Unmerited favor when Israel crossed Jordan into the promised land, may be a symbol of Repentance.
Today we have favor through the work of Repentance and the work of Jesus.
This is somewhat incoherent
Limited atonement the law was a stop gap short term limited way till Jesus came and fulfilled the law.
completely wrong, not even close to the teaching
Will stop for now.

you need to learn before commenting
Mississippi redneck
Please begin to show what scriptures show TULIP 5 Gospel benefits (good news)

I tend to see TULIP as the 5 disasters to be overcome. Am I glad that Jesus overcame the problems? Yes.

Mississippi redneck
Please check this out. The Gospel of Gods Grace and the Doctrines of Grace are one and the same

I'm not a five pointer ,but it blows my mind that some say here that man isn't depraved.we by nature woky resist God . My devotional today was on total depravity. The author goes into how we are
I think most have a wrong understanding of what is meant by “depraved.” They might just agree if they actually knew.
I have given the text. That’s all that is needed—just that verse. That verse clearly says that the only ones who believed were “appointed” or “ordained” to believe. You have not yet addressed the use of that word in that context.
You have the cart before the horse, He isn't saying they were "appointed to believe."

He saying believers are destined for a certain end. They are appointed to eternal life for believing in Jesus.

as many as had been appointed to eternal life....believed.

God says this all through the Book, from Genesis to Revelation, he pre-ordained before the universe as we know it came into existence.
Why? What does it have to do with Paul and Barnabas in Antioch of Pisidia?
Because those gentiles rejoiced that the Jewish scriptures made mention of them.
You do realize this is some 15 years after Pentecost, after the start of Acts, yes?
Yes I do. Please remember Gods' disciples were being persecuted and they were on foot. They did not have the resources we have today. The gentiles were waiting to hear the words of this apostle.
And that shows what, exactly?
That prophecy is being fulfilled right before their eyes. You think that's inconsequential? How about this,

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world Mt.24:14 NKJV

I find that a bold claim and guess what? It came to pass.
What does this have to do with Acts 13:48?
It has to do with how some people when asked to come told God no because they had more important things to do.
Then, God decided to fill up the hall with the nobodies.

Then God decided? God was waiting for a response and then decided? Really?
I recommend you read something on TULIP, do you want me to provide you a resource, that shows that TULIP is all about the Gospel of Gods Grace.
What I want from you is a scriptural explanation from your personal Bible studies. I personally do not usually read
Side notes. My reasoning can be wrong, but you are talking to a person you can try and reason with.

Mississippi redneck
I'm not a five pointer ,but it blows my mind that some say here that man isn't depraved.we by nature woky resist God . My devotional today was on total depravity. The author goes into how we are
There is IMHO a difference in seeing the depravity of man and the Total Depravity that almost caused God to wipe men and animals off the face of the earth.

I see TULIP as having swung way off course. I am not out to abolish TULIP, but I am for understanding TULIP. Much like I try and help the law be used lawfully. Which seems to not haven too Great.

Free may be saying a similar thing.

Mississippi redneck
Tulip is the Gospel of Gods Grace

TULIP is a man made doctrine.

The phrases such as:

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement

are not found in scripture. They are man made.

Only those who obey Jesus Christ will receive eternal salvation.

And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him
Hebrews 5:9

What I want from you is a scriptural explanation from your personal Bible studies. I personally do not usually read
Side notes. My reasoning can be wrong, but you are talking to a person you can try and reason with.

Mississippi redneck
I have gave you a source to study if you interested in the Truth. Also I have a few threads I started with most of my own study and research's,
Dead men cant hear. Hearing is something alive people do
Most people at the flood were alive. 8 people who heard in faith got on the boat.
All may have sinned but only a few believed.

Before John the Baptist the law was taught. To me TULIP fits before Jesus.

The Holy Spirit arrived at Pentecost.
TULIP was not mentioned as a new covenant benefit. The new covenant is Jesus.

Mississippi redneck
TULIP is a man made doctrine.

The phrases such as:

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement

are not found in scripture. They are man made.

Only those who obey Jesus Christ will receive eternal salvation.

And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him
Hebrews 5:9

Its too bad you think so ill of Gods Gospel of Grace.
Dead men cant hear. Hearing is something alive people do

Please produce the scripture for your statement.

For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:6-8

People who are dead in trespasses and sin, are made alive spiritually, born again, when they hear and believe the Gospel.

Most people at the flood were alive. 8 people who heard in faith got on the boat.
All may have sinned but only a few believed.

Before John the Baptist the law was taught. To me TULIP fits before Jesus.

The Holy Spirit arrived at Pentecost.
TULIP was not mentioned as a new covenant benefit. The new covenant is Jesus.

Mississippi redneck
Men were dead to God following the sin of Adam, in Adam all died, so man must be made alive to God in order to act towards God.