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Is TULIP biblical?

You NEVER explained the difference between

This is because THEY ALL MEAN THE SAME.
You are showing yourself to be a dishonest person W. 3 times now I have posted that I made 8 posts in a row .posting lengthy links to teach you what you do not know. You do not study that is not my problem, it is yours
And your language is horrendous.
Why are Calvinists so mad all the time?
I do not like professed Christians who are dishonest.

It must be frustrating to belong to a denomination no other Christian sect believes has the truth.
Know the Lord and His truth is not frustrating at all. The more people like you show a hatred for truth, it strengthens and comforts me, and confirms the truth even more. The bogus and lame attempts to mock and scoff at the truth, confirm the spiritual blindness that is going on. You post as if a friendly , then attack 24/7
I explained the above.
It's not my fault if you don't understand it.
There's a lot you don't understand.
In your darkened mind, but in reality I am mainstream.
The character of God would be the very first thing on the list.
I am good with all of God;s Holy attributes Here on my website. I have quite a bit on God;s attributes, none of which you can refute, because you do not study as you should.
You will not be able to refute anything here

Mock Election?

Why would I mock something that is not even found in the bible?
Here you publicly admit to being a theological mess/ disgrace. To say election in not even found in the bible is just stupid.

You think God chose YOU to be one of the elect?
Of course He did, as I was not seeking Him .

Is the way you speak to persons a result of God's work in your life?
I think not.
You NEVER explained the difference between

This is because THEY ALL MEAN THE SAME.

And your language is horrendous.
Why are Calvinists so mad all the time?

It must be frustrating to belong to a denomination no other Christian sect believes has the truth.
I answered 8x in a row;

That was pretty good.
How do we do this?
By going to a loving Father who forgives.
The mirror IMHO is how we see ourselves (could be a dim mirror at first).
Through a glass darkly is how we try to see what we will be.
And what we were.
The news of a good creation is first
Sin entering comes second
The bad news comes third
The repentance comes fourth
The good news comes fifth
The empowerment comes sixth
The Resurrection total change comes seventh
I believe the creation we observe with our physical senses is the mirror by which we see how God created the spirits in a heavenly realm, where sin entered, expulsion from paradice followed etc.
In Christ this mystrey is exposed,

And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations. Isa.25:7
Out of time (eternity begins again)
Eternity never stopped because only God is Eternal. Life and the length of it is a gift from God.
None of the order of operation is set in stone. I may have left something out or added a step. others can help.
I believe it is set in stone in the sense that Gods' word is unchanging.
The Law and TULIP are a sort of mirror.
Please dont deny the substitutionary death of Christ here !
The law contains some hints of things to come (Which Jesus fulfilled).
The law shows us we need to ask forgivness for breaking His law. Like when sinners hated His Son. See how that works?
That lets TULIP have a use, but it is sure not the Good news part.
It's actually the lets portray God as a raving lunatic part.
This is all about using the law lawfully.
Which TULIP is exactly the opposite, because they believe God wanted His Own Son to tortured by sinners.

Calvanists don't understand that God was pleased by the restraint His Son showed in not killing them.

The eyes of understanding being oppened to the hope of our calling is the good outcome.
Yeah and no matter how bad things might get... like getting nailed to a cross.
Ephesians 1:18 kjv
18: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
20. Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,
21. Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
23. Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

I hope I be done did that right.

Mississippi redneck
If you believe Jesus is God and was sinned against and must be asked for forgivness then you be done did that right. 😊
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In your darkened mind, but in reality I am mainstream.

I am good with all of God;s Holy attributes Here on my website. I have quite a bit on God;s attributes, none of which you can refute, because you do not study as you should.

You will not be able to refute anything here

Here you publicly admit to being a theological mess/ disgrace. To say election in not even found in the bible is just stupid.

Of course He did, as I was not seeking Him .
You're a mess icon.
I'll pray for you.
It's only Grace if sinners realize sin against the Son is sin against God Himself.

And "according to the law" Jesus had the right to have His adversaries put to death.

You do in how I see them.

I see mercy as recognizing Jesus didn't have blink to destroy all rebellion on earth whether human or evil spirit.

And now can you admit the rebellion against Jesus was truly sin against God?

It isn't since the above is the Truth. The Messiah have proven His Superiorty over all.

I told you this before. Our Lord said scripture which soeaks of gentiles (like most people here) would you hear about God from this Jewish King and High Priest.

Any normal thinking human being knows that tormenting and killing an innocent man and perverting the law to do it is wrong.

Deny what happens every day. What we see. Even atheists are guided by a moral sense of knowing the law from a culture that adopted it from the Bible (like the USA did 200+ years ago)
or, by conscience from their parents, etc.

You believe human beings are born and raised by parents who have no moral guidence left from before Adam and Eve sinned.

Our God blesses all sinners in ways we should all consider.
Again, Tulip is the Gospel of Gods Grace , and your rambling here hasnt changed that.
Eternity never stopped because only God is Eternal. Life and the length of it is a gift from appears that our whole existence is a temporary thing called time.
It appears our whole existence is a brief thing called time. This time will end.
Those born again will enter eternity with with God.
Time stood still at a point.

Time is the limited way we enter eternity. And that entrance only came because in the fullness of time The Son of God entered time asJesus.

My point? Where is the discussion in scripture of eternity never stopped. I don’t think it is. Discussed that way.

From everlasting to everlasting is mentioned.

Gid never ceases

This was just an exercise in thought.

Mississippi redneck
Again, Tulip is the Gospel of Gods Grace , and your rambling here hasnt changed that.
If your statement is a Bible statement, could you give a Bible scripture reference?

If it is an old traditional statement, could you reference it?

If the state mentioned is your statement, could you give the authority?

Sounds like an Elihu statement to me.

Help us understand the thought process So far it is just a statement posted 59? Times.

MMississippi redneck
If your statement is a Bible statement, could you give a Bible scripture reference?

If it is an old traditional statement, could you reference it?

If the state mentioned is your statement, could you give the authority?

Sounds like an Elihu statement to me.

Help us understand the thought process So far it is just a statement posted 59? Times.

MMississippi redneck
Do you know what the acronym TULIP stands for ?
Do you know what the acronym TULIP stands for ?
Let’s just say from your understanding of what I have posted, that I am clueless as to what TULIP stands for.

What should I have received way back (as far back in time as you think fit)

Take this opportunity to tell how TULIP IS THE Gospel. For me and others. Not a whirlwind of random scriptures, but your best presentation of Bible references. Yours I hope and not for me to read this article, or a quote from an article.

If it is a personal revelation tell me. If it was a dream tell me. I really want the source.

Mississippi redneck
It appears our whole existence is a brief thing called time. This time will end.
Those born again will enter eternity with with God.
Time stood still at a point.

Time is the limited way we enter eternity. And that entrance only came because in the fullness of time The Son of God entered time asJesus.

My point? Where is the discussion in scripture of eternity never stopped. I don’t think it is. Discussed that way.

From everlasting to everlasting is mentioned.

Gid never ceases

This was just an exercise in thought.

Mississippi redneck
Well, to make a temporary existence as fine as this He must be amazing! 😊

Let’s just say from your understanding of what I have posted, that I am clueless as to what TULIP stands for.

What should I have received way back (as far back in time as you think fit)

Take this opportunity to tell how TULIP IS THE Gospel. For me and others. Not a whirlwind of random scriptures, but your best presentation of Bible references. Yours I hope and not for me to read this article, or a quote from an article.

If it is a personal revelation tell me. If it was a dream tell me. I really want the source.

Mississippi redneck
Im going to give you some material that explains it better than I do, and its scriptural, so do you want to learn it that way ?
Caring about the welfare of others isn't ranting.
Take that to the caring for others forum, this forum is about Calvinism and it can be offensive to others, the Gospel offends some people, Paul even calls it a savor of death to some 2 Cor 2:14-16

14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:

16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

Also, please dont promote your message against the substitutionary death of Christ here on this forum. I understand you may not believe in it, which is fine, but its believed in both calvinistic and arminian circles.
Im going to give you some material that explains it better than I do, and it’s scriptural, so do you want to learn it that way ?
Not what I really wanted.

If it includes the (TULIP is the Gospel of Grace). In specific words. And you will quote the paragraph for all to see.
Post it.

So this is a learned statement? I hope it is not AI.

Mississippi redneck
Noah had Faith, thats the fruit of the Spirit, so he was regenerated, thats the only way one hears Gods word Jn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Faith comes by hearing God’s word.

A person must believe the word and therefore obey the word in order to become saved.

Again, the word of faith Noah received from God was to build the Ark.

But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:16-17

Again, if you believe that a person becomes saved, regenerated first before they hear and believe the Gospel, then please tells us how they are saved before they ever hear about Jesus Christ.

Take that to the caring for others forum, this forum is about Calvinism and it can be offensive to others, the Gospel offends some people, Paul even calls it a savor of death to some 2 Cor 2:14-16

14 Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:

16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

Also, please dont promote your message against the substitutionary death of Christ here on this forum. I understand you may not believe in it, which is fine, but its believed in both calvinistic and arminian circles.
The substitutionary death of Christ, which is called The Penal Substitution Theory of Atonement
was invented at the time of the reformation.
It DID NOT exist before.