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Is TULIP biblical?

No he isn't because the flesh nature can't be moral, upright, honest etc., yet people display these qualities all the time.
Eating because we need to sustain our bodies that need nourishment isn't gluttony.
Yes, all of us are born natural, in the flesh, thats why Jesus told Nicky boy Jn 3:7-8

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Nicky boy was one of the most devout, religious men in Israel, yet he must be born again, he was yet natural, in the flesh.
Being overseas in a time of war was the best service in chapel ? Why no fleshly distractions of sports , entertainment as much .
It's good to think about the importance of life. I was never in the armed forces of the USA (thank you for your service 💖), but God did use circumstances I was in to show me that my could end in a flash. I thought about that..
Numerous times the wall shook and the alarm of incoming sounding man the walls ,take cover
That's how the Apostles felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. It's how Lazarus' sisters felt along with their grieving friends when our Lord didn't come right away.....and Lazarus died.
Our desires to sin is what he mentioned not natural desires that arent sin .
Calvanists don't seem to believe there are any "natural" desires that aren't sin.
Calvanism seems to believe that sunce aquiring the knowledge of good and evil, people only think evil.
PTSD forced me to see how shallow others are and myself .
Seeing how nailing Jesus to a cross was the act of sinful mankind did that for me after I learned,

he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stoneat her. Jn.8:7 KJV

You therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Rom.2:1 NIV

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; Lk.6:37 ESV

God has always since the beginning of creation corrected all mankind this way.

The problem my friend is that Jesus held back the wrath of God by holding back his own wrath against vile men who sinning against God himself without knowing it.
Yes, all of us are born natural, in the flesh, thats why Jesus told Nicky boy Jn 3:7-8
How was Nicky boy drawn to Jesus?
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Nicky boy was one of the most devout, religious men in Israel, yet he must be born again, he was yet natural, in the flesh.
I understand Nicky boy needed to be born again. Now, why did Nicky boy in his fallen state even care about what Jesus had to say?
Calvanists don't seem to believe there are any "natural" desires that aren't sin.
Calvanism seems to believe that sunce aquiring the knowledge of good and evil, people only think evil.

I do not know anyone who claims to be a Calvinist that believes these statements.
It's good to think about the importance of life. I was never in the armed forces of the USA (thank you for your service 💖), but God did use circumstances I was in to show me that my could end in a flash. I thought about that..

That's how the Apostles felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. It's how Lazarus' sisters felt along with their grieving friends when our Lord didn't come right away.....and Lazarus died.

Calvanists don't seem to believe there are any "natural" desires that aren't sin.
Calvanism seems to believe that sunce aquiring the knowledge of good and evil, people only think evil.

Seeing how nailing Jesus to a cross was the act of sinful mankind did that for me after I learned,

he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stoneat her. Jn.8:7 KJV

You therefore have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Rom.2:1 NIV

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; Lk.6:37 ESV

God has always since the beginning of creation corrected all mankind this way.

The problem my friend is that Jesus held back the wrath of God by holding back his own wrath against vile men who sinning against God himself without knowing it.
Seriously ?

This is why I pick my posts.
My pastor hardly arminist has a hobby and isn't gonna preach against my love of history .in fact he texted me of a photo I took .he will send me or ask about local history .

He has taken my jaci on trips . Went to Disney .so no .natural that isn't a lust but the fact is the world will rather do walk in the woods ,worship a tree then God .that's the stuff of the flesh .paul spoke of his battle with the old man .that which I ought not ,is sin ,I do and that which I should I don't .
Seriously ?

This is why I pick my posts.
My pastor hardly arminist has a hobby and isn't gonna preach against my love of history .in fact he texted me of a photo I took .he will send me or ask about local history .

He has taken my jaci on trips . Went to Disney .so no .natural that isn't a lust but the fact is the world will rather do walk in the woods ,worship a tree then God .that's the stuff of the flesh .paul spoke of his battle with the old man .that which I ought not ,is sin ,I do and that which I should I don't .
Galatians 5 fruits of the spirit versus the lusts of the flesh .it's a good comparison and the things we should be versus to repent of .
Seriously ?

This is why I pick my posts.
My pastor hardly arminist has a hobby and isn't gonna preach against my love of history .in fact he texted me of a photo I took .he will send me or ask about local history .

He has taken my jaci on trips . Went to Disney .so no .natural that isn't a lust but the fact is the world will rather do walk in the woods ,worship a tree then God .that's the stuff of the flesh .paul spoke of his battle with the old man .that which I ought not ,is sin ,I do and that which I should I don't .
Well jasonc,
I really don't know what you mean by that but as long as we understand we should care enough about other sinners as God cared for us while we were His enemies then we perceive all scripture the right way. 😊
Well jasonc,
I really don't know what you mean by that but as long as we understand we should care enough about other sinners as God cared for us while we were His enemies then we perceive all scripture the right way. 😊
You really haven't been to a reformed church .it shows .

No reformed pastor I know and I was listening to them before becoming a member .shoot Charles harden surgeon ,d j James Kennedy,John piper ,r.c Sproul are reformed and of them all but spurgeon have audio and video recordings .

The reformed have their issues but None of them ignore the call to preach to the lost of they follow the command . Every church has incongruous teachings .the arministd here assume that one has soo much free will that he can transform himself in a matter over arching doctrine without the help of God yet then deny such statements when dealing with the reformed and confronted.
I understand. How was unregenerate Nicodemus drawn to Jesus?
The Bible is not clear if Nicodemus was regenerated.

Those who God has chosen for salvation will be drawn by the God.

John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.
You really haven't been to a reformed church .it shows .
I sat under a reformed Baptist pastor for many years.
No reformed pastor I know and I was listening to them before becoming a member .shoot Charles harden surgeon ,d j James Kennedy,John piper ,r.c Sproul are reformed and of them all but spurgeon have audio and video recordings .
And all of them preach that Jesus was being punished by his Father in place of sinners, a doctrine called "penal substitution", or "substitutionary sacrifice."
The reformed have their issues but None of them ignore the call to preach to the lost of they follow the command . Every church has incongruous teachings .the arministd here assume that one has soo much free will that he can transform himself in a matter over arching doctrine without the help of God yet then deny such statements when dealing with the reformed and confronted.
I understand people who commit sin are sinners. I know we've all committed sin. I agree sinners cannot transform themselves into the Image of Christ without His help.

I never denied needing my very breath. I never said God didn't give me a mind to think with and I don't believe because I'm a sinner, I'm flawed and in fact filthy in Gods' sight, my breath or my mind have completely left me.
I sat under a reformed Baptist pastor for many years.

And all of them preach that Jesus was being punished by his Father in place of sinners, a doctrine called "penal substitution", or "substitutionary sacrifice."

I understand people who commit sin are sinners. I know we've all committed sin. I agree sinners cannot transform themselves into the Image of Christ without His help.

I never denied needing my very breath. I never said God didn't give me a mind to think with and I don't believe because I'm a sinner, I'm flawed and in fact filthy in Gods' sight, my breath or my mind have completely left me.
And all of them preach that Jesus was being punished by his Father in place of sinners, a doctrine called "penal substitution", or "substitutionary sacrifice."

What was the purpose of Christ's crucifixion?

Dis you know God ordained the crucifixion?

Acts 2:23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of lawless men and put Him to death.
The Bible is not clear if Nicodemus was regenerated.
Yes it is because the Holy Spirit indwelt no man after the Messiah was birn on earth until after He ascended to Heaven.
Those who God has chosen for salvation will be drawn by the God.
Since you don't know I'll show it to you. Nicodemus said to the Messiah,

Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jn.3:2

Nicodemus was a Pharisee (Jn.3:1) and his
greeting our Lord by saying, "we" know you're a man from God" isn't really true because many religious leaders took an immediate dislike to Jesus, so Nicky boy wasn't speaking for "the group."

Nicodemus came to our Savior at night before lightbulbs were invented because he didn't want anyone to see him.
John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.
Yes and what drew Nicodemus to Jesus was the fame he heard about him,

for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jn.3:2 KJV

You need to understand the gospel from the misunderstanding Judaism had. The rabbis correctly understood that when the Messiah comes, he's here to stay. They misunderstood the Messiah wasn't here to stay in the flesh, but by His Spirit.

When believers are persecuted because of our faith in Jesus it's because Jesus was persecuted and told the boys and girls hanging around who believed in him not to be afraid of our enemies.

See how that works?
Yes it is because the Holy Spirit indwelt no man after the Messiah was birn on earth until after He ascended to Heaven.

Since you don't know I'll show it to you. Nicodemus said to the Messiah,

Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jn.3:2

Nicodemus was a Pharisee (Jn.3:1) and his
greeting our Lord by saying, "we" know you're a man from God" isn't really true because many religious leaders took an immediate dislike to Jesus, so Nicky boy wasn't speaking for "the group."

Nicodemus came to our Savior at night before lightbulbs were invented because he didn't want anyone to see him.

Yes and what drew Nicodemus to Jesus was the fame he heard about him,

for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jn.3:2 KJV

You need to understand the gospel from the misunderstanding Judaism had. The rabbis correctly understood that when the Messiah comes, he's here to stay. They misunderstood the Messiah wasn't here to stay in the flesh, but by His Spirit.

When believers are persecuted because of our faith in Jesus it's because Jesus was persecuted and told the boys and girls hanging around who believed in him not to be afraid of our enemies.

See how that works?
Yes, you have shown me the way. Fame draws humans, not the Lord.

Who is afraid of our enemies
Yes, you have shown me the way. Fame draws humans, not the Lord.
The Lords' fame came not only by what He said, but by what He was doing and He attributed that to His Father. He said He did miracles as proof He came from God so please stop with that nonsense.
Who is afraid of our enemies
Not The Messiah,
The LORD is on my side, I am not afraid! What can people do to me? Lk.12:4 NET

Not this Paslmist
The LORD is on my side, I am not afraid! What can people do to me? Psa. 118:6
The alternative which was not kicking the you know what out of sinners. Seriously, you wanna pick a fight with the Son of God? You think the King saying He could call on legions of angels was a bluff?

If so, you must not know that everyones knee us going to bow before Him.
That's a good thing to think about because that's how we as sinners now see that God never meant to harm sinners.

Of course. He prophesied He would be rejected by men. God didn't reject Himself. God has always shown patience and mercy to sinners. That's what the Messiah showed.

And so when Paul says,

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: Gal.3:13 KJV

He means God knew His Son would give them no reason to violate the law, but they would anyway, because Paul is quoting Deut.

If a person commits a sin punishable by death and is executed, and you hang the corpse on a tree, his body must not remain all night on the tree; instead you must make certain you bury him that same day, for the one who is left exposed on a tree is cursed by God. You must not defile your land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance. Deu.21:22-23 NET

Paul understood that the King of the Jews was betrayed, lied about, executed contrary to what the law permitted.

The alternative which was not kicking the you know what out of sinners. Seriously, you wanna pick a fight with the Son of God? You think the King saying He could call on legions of angels was a bluff?

If so, you must not know that everyones knee us going to bow before Him.
That's a good thing to think about because that's how we as sinners now see that God never meant to harm sinners.

Is not an answer to this...

What was the purpose of Christ's crucifixion?