Any Arab Christian knows the God of bible and the Allah of the muslin world are not the same in the Godly, spiritual use of the words... Words that are the same in language are not always the same in spiritual side of life.
So would you agree that the terminology/words used are not as important as the
defining attributes as described by the religion? (Obviously, I am not proposing that we use words for God that conjure up idolatrous meanings, as opposed to good, holy meanings. E.g. I wouldn't call God "Krishna", "Budda" or "Ganesh", but I have no objection to saying Dieu, Dios, Dio, Eloh, Allah, Alaha, Khuda, Gott, etc. Etymologically the former three mean "God the light", the following three are derived from the meaning of "He who is worshipped", Khuda means "He who is master", and Gott/God mean "He who is called upon".)
Therefore, the title of this thread should not really have been "Are Yahweh and Allah one", because it is like saying, "Are the Eternal God and the Creator one?". Rather, one should ask, "
is the God described by Judaism and the God described by Christianity and the God described by Islam the same"? Perhaps this was indeed the intent of the OP, to which I would answer that I believe that the intrinsic qualities of God in Judaism and Islam are very much the same, while in Christianity - as has been mentioned - the Trinitarian theology and the concept of begetting mark a distinction.
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