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James 2 And OSAS

Either way, works must accompany saving faith. And you can't be OSAS if you believe that. That's the point.

Romans 4
What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found?
2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,
7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

Is Paul disagreeing with James? NO
and that is why James does not disprove OSAS.
James is talking about faith and if one does not have saving faith then they are not saved, never were saved. Not saved and lost it.

Hebrews 11
11 Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

All of Hebrew 11 speaks of the faith people....Sarah is just one.
Do you suppose the Sarah lost her salvation when she doubted God and then got it back when she "judged Him faithful"? I'm speaking of when Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to give him a child. God had already promised Isaac.
The point is that JESUS knew this. Not the followers

So from this scripture and by what you say, "they thought they were following", doesn't that say they were "never saved"?

First, thanks for your response, this is the sort of conversation I had hoped to have when I returned to this board...

Generally speaking, a follower of Christ was saved, correct? By definition, a follower does the will of the leader, following the leader's teachings and expectations.

Jesus tells the apostles to teach EVERYTHING that He had taught. A good part of that is the idea that one must persevere and continue in belief. Jesus gives a number of examples/parables of how people can falter and fall away, in other words, STOP following the Christ. Disciples of Jesus stopped following Him. Thus, this is a lesson for us today.

Now, the Spirit of God. That does change things literally. We could open another thread on how the role of the Spirit "changed" with the beginning of the end times, the revelation of the Messiah and His death/resurrection. I would say that the Spirit's role is more manifest - He is applied more liberally. But He ALWAYS was active, in a hidden manner. "He has spoken through the prophets", He inspired the writers of Scriptures, and we understand that THROUGH Him, men and women were able to obey the Law, even if imperfectly.

But does the Spirit of God absolutely prevent the ONE TIME follower of Christ to not fall away? Is His role now to prevent Christians from falling away? Why would Paul warn saved Christians to beware that they are not cut off from the olive tree and discarded, as unbelieving Jews were? This would ignore numerous passages on perseverance, remaining in Christ, do not let your faith be shipwrecked, do not be overconfident, beware of the prowling satan, etc... NONE of these and many others make sense if the LESSON Jesus was preaching could still not be applied and taken to heart today.

Jesus was not teaching all of those parables about the contents of the Kingdom, the sower, etc. for people of only up to the cross! There would be no reason for the writers of Scripture to relate these teachings IF they had no more use for people of the end times.

Jesus had died yet and the Holy Spirit had not been given either. They were not sealed by the Holy Spirit, either.

To seal something means to show ownership. It does not mean that the sealed item cannot be destroyed or compromised. To have the seal of the king on something meant it was owned by the King and his words were contained within. I think people go too far in defining "being sealed" means. It means we are now God's children - with all of the rights of adoption. As you know, people can disinherit themselves WHILE STILL being "legally" considered children of the parent(s)

This is what I wonder. Could Israel either as a nation or individually, get out of the covenant they had entered into with God?

Yes. Of course. Covenantal Nominism is something offered freely by God - but to REMAIN WITHIN it requires obedience to the Law. We are in a NEW Covenant, and the same basic idea applies. We (as Gentiles) are freely allowed into the People of God, once formerly reserved for Jews. To remain within it requires the obedience to the Father's Will. That hasn't changed. What has changed is the extent of Who can become part of the Covenant AS WELL AS the giving of the Holy Spirit, Who enables us to obey the Law of the Covenant Giver, Jesus Christ (yes, He did leave us a commandment!)

Paul states that those who do not believe will be removed from the "Tree of Life", the branches cut off the tree, and will be discarded. Unbelievers have no part of Jesus Christ's life giving waters.

Can a new covenant believer who by their own free will has entered into a covenant with Jesus get out of that covenant? Is part of that covenant Your will not mine. That we now belong to Him. Should the prudent man have known what he was getting into?

I am not sure what you are asking here. I think your reference to the prudent man is worthy of consideration. As a follower of Christ, we are told to "die to self". Do not turn back to the past life (of sin). Know what we are getting into, yes, that makes sense. But can't such a man later decide, "this is not for me"? Can we be like the wife of Lot, who turned back? Of the one who took their hand from the plow and turned back? We don't become baptized with full knowledge of what lies ahead. Surely, you have seen people who later fall out of faith. We don't know anyone's final destination, but is there saving faith when someone turns back to the vomit (which of course suggests that they were once free of the vomit?)

God uses a lot of legal terms in His system. Can we just walk out on the covenant of grace without the Lord using His authority over us? Like putting on the pressure for us to fulfill our part of the covenant? Our part is to rest in Him by having faith that Jesus is our redeemer and all good things come through Him.

Well, we do not know the extent of how God "applies pressure to us" already and at what point a "tipping point" is achieved, and the "wrath of God" ensues - LETTING people go on with their own designs (as in the end of Romans 1). We DO know that as long as we turn to Christ, we will not be abandoned. No matter what we have done, returning to Him means forgiveness and a spot at the table within the Kingdom. So yes, I agree with your last sentence. That is OUR part, with the help of grace from God.

Did we give Him that authority in our lives just like the Hebrew children did?

Good question. Do we? I think for MANY, including myself, I don't fully do that. There are still parts of my life where He is not King and Lord...

Lord I want you in my life, I want to be your child, I accept you as my Father.......Father have authority in their children lives.

What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are I am happy to discuss such things without being chided or someone talking about my "sect"... I am happy to share my thoughts and hear yours, for I am looking to learn more about my relationship with Christ.

Where do you get the idea Moses was an unbeliever? He did everything as the LORD had commanded.

Both Aaron and Moses did not enter the promised land because of UNbelief:

Numbers 20:12
And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.

Hebrews 4:6 says they fell because of disobedience.
The short course on disobedience is that it is unbelief, as shown above. "ye believed _ not"

All sin is at it's essence, unbelief. We disobey because we don't believe God. We 'rebel.'

So does Hebrews 3:18 So does Hebrews 4:11 'Let us strive to enter that rest, that no one fall by the same sort of disobedience.' And Jude 1:5 says he 'afterward destroyed those who did not believe'. Destroyed is the opposite of saved. What happened to the Israelites is a lesson what happens to unbelievers. They are destroyed not saved.

Then you must conclude using your measure that neither Aaron or Moses are saved if you desire to be consistent. Aaron and Moses didn't make it to the promised land and they did not because they believed NOT.

And should you happen to see the error of your view on this count, as you should, you may have to reconsider your hardline on other fallen brothers.

Either way, works must accompany saving faith. And you can't be OSAS if you believe that. That's the point.

James is saying that if you don't have faith that is saving faith, then you're not saved, never were saved.
Since we Protestants say James is saying 'justified' means we show our saving faith by what we do (as opposed to meaning we make our faith able to save by what we do), Dadof10's point is that when a person shows their faith by what they do (which to us means that they are saved) but then fails in his faith we have no choice but to conclude that they lost their salvation--in direct contradiction to the OSAS doctrine we also believe is true.

You can't have it both ways: Either 'justified' doesn't mean 'to show one as righteous', or, OSAS is false. I'm suggesting we take a hard look at OSAS. Let's start with the five passages I posted that seem to plainly defend the non-OSAS belief. It is those that make me undecided about the issue (but heavily in favor of non-OSAS).
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Either way, works must accompany saving faith. And you can't be OSAS if you believe that. That's the point.

James is saying that if you don't have faith that is saving faith, then you're not saved, never were saved.

Not that you were saved and lost it.

James also said what all these non-OSAS claimers are doing is in fact demonic.

Why? Because they are cursing fallen believers to eternal torture or death:

James 3:
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.
13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.
14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

Every honest non-OSAS believer admits they too still sin. Yet they will condemn to hell a fallen believer who's SIN is UNbelief. As if their sin is of 'lesser' degree.

But some are FALSELY taught that their sin 'is not as bad' as some other [fallen] believers sin.

The Scriptures have been given, I'm waiting for yours.

Said before Butch if you haven't picked up the subject matter and studied it you are out of your element.

Calling them 'mine' is only indicative of your entire lack of interest and predisposition to same.

The BULK of this dilemma started by doing double back flips with Paul's admonishment that 'after one or two warnings' then anathematize that person.

And those who desired to LORD their power over other believers began to ABuse that statement to prove and enforce their authority and isolate/condemn legitimate criticism of said FALSE authorities and FALSE positions/doctrines.

and we have as churches been in one long downhill segmented authority fighting spiral ever since.

In short, those early destroyers left us all with a bloody mess. It was one thing to condemn short sights. It was quite another when believers began to damn each others to hell over such matters.

Those who go therein are in fact taking CONDEMNATION into themselves.

Every honest non-OSAS believer admits they too still sin. Yet they will condemn to hell a fallen believer who's SIN is UNbelief. As if their sin is of 'lesser' degree.

But some are FALSELY taught that their sin 'is not as bad' as some other [fallen] believers sin.


smaller, feel free to explain to us how the 'sin that leads to death', and the 'sin that doesn't lead to death' are the same. And then explain how sharing that and other warnings in the Bible about sin is to be guilty of the devil's work.
smaller, feel free to explain to us how the 'sin that leads to death', and the 'sin that doesn't lead to death' are the same. And then explain how sharing that and other warnings in the Bible about sin is to be guilty of the devil's work.

That pretty much epitomizes the issue JB.

Exactly none of you are officially authorized to diminish the GRACE OF GOD IN CHRIST unto any believer 'in sin' to the detriment of their eternal destiny.

You'd all be better off eternally damning yourselves before you pull that stunt on fallen believers.

There is only one statement that should flow from the lips of a believer to another who has been drawn away....

Gal. 6:
6 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

This quest somehow manages to get twisted in the minds of some to be 'they must believe ME, ME ME' or be eternally tortured or destroyed.

The BULK of this dilemma started by doing double back flips with Paul's admonishment that 'after one or two warnings' then anathematize that person.

And those who desired to LORD their power over other believers began to ABuse that statement to prove and enforce their authority and isolate/condemn legitimate criticism of said FALSE authorities and FALSE positions/doctrines.

and we have as churches been in one long downhill segmented authority fighting spiral ever since.

In short, those early destroyers left us all with a bloody mess. It was one thing to condemn short sights. It was quite another when believers began to damn each others to hell over such matters.

Those who go therein are in fact taking CONDEMNATION into themselves.


Yea, good thing you are here to chastise everyone and put them down. I'm learning so much from your brotherly love.:screwloose
I think for MANY, including myself, I don't fully do that. There are still parts of my life where He is not King and Lord...

Yes, how quickly we let ourselves off the hook with convenient religious formula's but WOE to those other fallen believers.


As usual, you make little sense, since you based everything on a wonderful red herring of your own making...

I was pointing out the obvious fact from your lips that you are not perfect and still sin.

yet you are quick to toss aside other believing sinners into the pit of hell.

It's called hypocrisy 101.

I think for MANY, including myself, I don't fully do that. There are still parts of my life where He is not King and Lord...

Yes, how quickly we let ourselves off the hook with convenient religious formula's but WOE to those other fallen believers.


As usual, you make little sense, since you based everything on a wonderful red herring of your own making...

I was pointing out the obvious fact from your lips that you are not perfect and still sin.

yet you are quick to toss aside other believing sinners into the pit of hell.

It's called hypocrisy 101.


Which post have I condemned anyone to hell? Which post has ANY non-OSAS condemned someone to hell here??? A big fat red herring...

Listen drama queen, maybe you should slow down on the coffee, look at your posts and ask yourself why you are such a bitter person... No one is condemning anyone to hell. Take it down a notch.

Non-OSAS people are merely pointing out to BEWARE. We apply this to ourselves, as well.

Furthermore, perhaps you could explain - to someone else, not me - about the whole idea of "never been saved to begin with" and the logical conclusion of that. I find that utterly ironic - esp. with your gall to declare us hypocrites...
As usual, you make little sense, since you based everything on a wonderful red herring of your own making...

I was pointing out the obvious fact from your lips that you are not perfect and still sin.

yet you are quick to toss aside other believing sinners into the pit of hell.

It's called hypocrisy 101.


Which post have I condemned anyone to hell?

Are you going to pull out the 'not me but God' card now?


Which post has ANY non-OSAS condemned someone to hell here??? A big fat red herring...

Every one of you who claim believers might fry if doing X are playing that game.

Listen drama queen,


I do understand where your soft spots are. That much is rather obvious.

Here is Paul's method of dealing with 'dire sin' with a believer:

1 Corinthians 5:5
To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Do you see Satan as the Savior there?


When weeds overtake the soil, better to move the flower out of the dirt and into the ETERNAL BARN.

Furthermore, perhaps you could explain - to someone else, not me - about the whole idea of "never been saved to begin with" and the logical conclusion of that. I find that utterly ironic - esp. with your gall to declare us hypocrites...

What 'standard of measure' would you care to raise up the flag to say 'this person is a believer?'

That might make a good starting point.

I could point to many legitimate scriptural measures. Doing righteousness. Loving another. etc etc.

Then tell me how you'd like to go about promoting to burn that person alive forever in fire? What formula's and incantations might you employ?
