While I think I see what you are trying to say, correct me if I'm wrong. You are saying that God jumpstarted Jesus as a human, but Jesus was not the Son, but the seed with Jesus was the son of God.
So when God said to Jesus, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased" He was speaking to the seed that created the whole world and not the flesh Jesus that was Jump started?
I can't grasp that.
Why not just say Jesus was God because His Father was God
Therefore He was God and Man
Corinth, Yes, that is what I am saying. I appreciate that you did not come at me with guns blazing but with a desire to understand what I am saying. I certainly can understand why you have questions. I will try to answer your objection.
In Luke 3:23-38 it gives Mary's lineage beginning with Jesus going all the way back to Adam. In vs. 38 it says that Adam was "the son of God". He was God's son by creation as his 'mortal' life came from God alone. That did not make Adam 'God'.
Paul writes of Christ in you, Jesus is a human with Christ in him. Jesus cannot be in you or me as he can only be in one place at a time. A human cannot live inside of another human except during pregnancy. Yet the Son who is a spirit being can be in everyone. To be born again (not of the flesh nor of blood but of the Spirit ) your life is not the life that Adam lost in Eden. Your life in the spirit is of the Son, it is eternal. If you remain in intimate union with the Son you too will be immortal. Our life is now hidden with Christ in God and He is your Father. He can freely call you his Son because His Son has become your new identity you are a new creature, the two have become one. (see John 17) There is a marriage of humanity and divinity. This is how God could redeem us by joining us to Himself. This is the record that God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son. 1 John 5:11 Eternal life is not a thing that God gives us, that life is within the Son himself, "He that has the Son has life..." . And since God so loved us He has given us his Son.
Jesus is the second or last Adam. He is the father of a new race of beings. We are the literal body of the Son of God. Jesus is the head of the body and we are all the other parts.
We were spiritually dead thanks to our first parents. That death can not be repaired.
Forgiveness is not sufficient we needed a new source of life. The Son chose to sacrifice His life to give it to us, everyone of us.....forever He will remain within the redeemed as our Life. God's gift is not something He loaned to us, it was given.
The gospel I grew up with made Jesus the Son and we are the sons. Our Father did not give us a lesser son or a detuned son. We receive the very Son as our life. Jesus was our example, the model man. we all have to give up our 'life' (which is destined to perish anyway). The grave will take it or we can lay it down voluntarily as He did. Then He will indwell us with His divine eternal life.
John 14: 16-23 not only promises us the Spirit but the Father and the Son will dwell within us. that is the fullness of the Godhead.
Yes, Jesus spoke these words, but I suggest that it was the Son who was speaking through him. Just as an evil spirit spoke through the demoniac in Luke 8 it was not the man who was actually speaking, it was a spirit who possessed him. God's Son possessed Jesus and spoke the words that the Father gave him to speak.
Does this help? If not I can share more scripture and object lessons. I hope we can continue to share.