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John the Baptist

Now there you go again Smaller, misrepresenting me. You wrote: "And even baptized by someone who did NOT have eternal life in your eyes no doubt." Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

Then you say:"Your understanding of baptism remains an external view taught by condemnation." Then let us hear from you just exactly what Jesus and Peter meant in Mk.16 and Acts 2. HOW should they have better worded it to suit your belief?

Any answers to any questions?
"Hi Smaller

You continue to misrepresent me. You wrote of John baptizing Jesus: "And even baptized by someone who did NOT have eternal life in your eyes no less." I know, and I believe you know I have NEVER espoused such. I shall ask you again to stop misrepresentation on a matter you have been called on before.

You write: "Your understanding of baptism remains an external view taught by condemnation." Well, Smaller, you may want to turn to Mark 16:15,16 and read it. One translation reads "damned" and yet another reads "condemned." Now you tell us what Jesus meant. You tell us what words Jesus should have used if He didn't mean "damned"/"condemned".

Any answers yet on any questions I've asked?
Hi Smaller

You're misrepresenting again. I do not believe Jesus was baptized by John "--who did NOT have eternal life --". This is at the 2nd time I've told you such regarding John's status.

I ask you to tell us in answer to your own question. Since Jesus said He must be baptized to"fulfill all righteousness", WHAT would have happened to Jesus had He refused? You asked, now you answer.

You write: "Your understanding of baptism remains an external view taught by condemnation." Then you should go back and read what Jesus said in Mark16:15,16. One translation says "damned" another reads "condemned". Now you tell us how Jesus could have better worded it if He didn't really mean "damned/condemned". Go on, tell us.

But, enough for tonight--God bless
Originally Posted By Webb,

Since Jesus said He must be baptized to"fulfill all righteousness", WHAT would have happened to Jesus had He refused?

Webb, do you know what true Baptism is? Do you believe Baptism to be the outward, carnal religious ritual of 'water baptism'? If you do, you do not understand things that are 'spiritually discerned', and are still a 'carnal babe' in Christ:

1 Corinthians 3:1 "And I, brothers, could not speak to you as to spiritual, but as to carnal, even as to babes in Christ."

If you believe that any "outward" religious ritual has anything to do with salvation (or anything else), you have not 'put away childish things' in your walk:

1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Notice what Paul says:

1 Corinthians 1:17 "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."

That does not mean that Jesus and Paul did not teach baptism. But the baptism they both taught was the kind that cleaned a man INWARDLY:

Matthew 3:11 "I [John the Baptist] indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire."

Just as "physical" Circumcision was a "shadow" of true Circumcision - which is "of the heart" (Romans 2:28-29) - Baptism with water was a "shadow" of true baptism, which is baptism with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.

That is how Christ baptizes to this day.

Christ tells us that His words are spirit:

John 6:63 "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."

"The flesh profiteth NOTHING." In other words, 'outward' religious rituals [the flesh] profiteth nothing. It is the 'spirit' (within) that quickeneth. ['quickeneth' = Greek = zóopoieó = cause what is dead (inoperative) to have life]

As with us all, Jesus's own apostles included, we do not see this Truth at first. But eventually we come to see the futility of outward rituals, and as Paul, we come to see the Truth of Christ's words that it is His words that clean us and burn out the "wood, hay and stubble" WITHIN.

Then we finally see what Paul came to see really washes us of our sins. Here is the water that really baptizes us, and it is not physical water:

Ephesians 5:26 "That he might sanctify and cleanse it [the BODY of Christ] with the WASHING OF WATER BY THE WORD,
Ephesians 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

Is baptism necessary? YES - but it is NOT the physical ritual of baptism with water that is necessary.

There is no sin in being water baptized. I used to believe in water baptism. I can speak with confidence on this subject because I was water baptized twice, and I was as carnal after both baptisms as I was beforehand.

Rituals are indeed "milk of the word". And it is this milk that is used by God as a strong delusion. And as 2 Thessalonians 2:11 states, it is God who sends the strong delusion because it is necessary. The masses of Christianity are deluded into believing that milk is really meat. The masses of Christianity are therefore stunted as "carnal...babes in Christ."
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Romans 7:14/New Testament-the Law of Christ

Romans 7:14 (KJV)
14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

Man was carnal and could not receive and cherish in his carnal heart the abiding Spirit. The mind perceived the truth, but his heart, unchanged and dominated by the flesh, did not cherish or obey it, and while in that condition could not be freed from sin.

New Testament

John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Those who listen to the voice of Christ and are obedient to his will escape death and come into possession of spiritual life because he is both the source and giver of life. This life which he gives is inherent in him because it exists in his Father who is of the same nature as he. And, God also gave him "authority" to judge as a man in the flesh though as deity he possessed it by nature. We must remember that Jesus was the Son of God, on the divine side, the son of man, on the human side. This eminently qualifies him to do the work assigned by the Father—to judge. He knows fully the trials of man and can sympathize with all who are sorrowful of heart; and at the same time he can execute pure justice being himself deity.

what about the Jews from the past, do they have any hope

what about those who never had a chance to know about Jesus
Hi Smaller
You're misrepresenting again. I do not believe Jesus was baptized by John "--who did NOT have eternal life --". This is at the 2nd time I've told you such regarding John's status.

You've stated it such. That JTB did NOT have eternal life until some X point, and then seek to justify when that X point might be and on what basis.

It's a phony argument out the gate. Any conversation we might have will take the same route or you can not hear it or handle it. That other believers are condemned. Not you of course. Just everyone else who doesn't cotton to your setups.

You have no other avenue. And that avenue doesn't end at water baptism either. When that is done you have a nearly unending track of condemnation laid before every believer on every matter that they must hurdle to your satisfaction 'or else.'

Any conversation that does not go down the avenue to arm you with condemnation so you can beat another believer out of life, you can not hear it or bear it.

You must condemn. It's your only language.

Webb said:
Now there you go again Smaller, misrepresenting me. You wrote: "And even baptized by someone who did NOT have eternal life in your eyes no doubt." Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

It is clear that smaller wrote: "And even baptized by someone who did NOT have eternal life in your eyes no doubt."
Webb wrote: Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

Wayseer said:
Interesting. Care to elaborate.
Please see explanation above. I believe you have a misunderstanding.

smaller said:
You've stated it such. That JTB did NOT have eternal life until some X point, and then seek to justify when that X point might be and on what basis.

Your twisting it smaller... just like the devil. Is this why you left out "in your eyes no doubt."
Oh my goodness smaller, are your really that blind? Your twisting your words to make it seem like they came from Webb. Wow... really?

That is from the devil my friend. It is not from God.

Mr. Webb's claim is that a prophet of God who spoke Gods Words and did His Works and gave his own head to the sword did not have eternal life until some X point that Mr. Webb chooses.

And I'm of the devil?


Mr. Webb's claim is that a prophet of God who spoke Gods Words and did His Works and gave his own head to the sword did not have eternal life until some X point that Mr. Webb chooses.

And I'm of the devil?



Webb wrote: Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

You continue to insert your words into his mouth...

did not have eternal life

and then add to them: until some X point that Mr. Webb chooses.

Lets be clear.

This is what You said: did not have eternal life
This is what Webb said: Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

1 Timothy 6:3-5 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

God day sir.
Hi Wayseer

In reply to your post 64, I'm glad you find it "interesting". As for elaborating, please read the thread.
Webb wrote: Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

You continue to insert your words into his mouth...

did not have eternal life

and then add to them: until some X point that Mr. Webb chooses.

Lets be clear.

This is what You said: did not have eternal life
This is what Webb said: Sir, you know I've never espoused such position.

God day sir.

You really could stand a read on Webb rather than waste your effort with false accusations to me.

Mr. Webb has not proposed that no Old Testament prophet was saved/had life until post Cross

To which I proposed that salvation by faith in God through His Grace and Mercy is an Old Testament PRE CROSS fact.

You are however welcome to dispute salvation/life by faith in God did not prior exist.
And I will say those who claim such are full of baloney.

And at that point we may even engage in a factual conversation.

In case you're not getting Mr. Webb's picture here it is again:

"In heaven, of course. Why? Because of Jesus' sacrifice"

and again:

"simply said "shall be saved" but said nothing of when. The when awaited the shedding of Christ's blood."

In short, no prophet had life post body death until his when point.

If he says they did in fact 'have life' post body death
PRE CROSS, then his statements are not true.

Get the picture yet?

And again, just so we're clear, Old Testament prophets had eternal life through faith in God.

It's not 'the just shall live LATER by faith' to his end game.

I pointed to several facts on this matter as well, every one of which you also chose to completely ignore.

One of which is Abraham speaking POST BODY DEATH in Luke 16.

Abraham HAD LIFE

Hello Osgiliath

Your post to me (#65) is rather lengthy and covers lots of ground. I don't have the time to respond per se. However, should you like to discuss these matters on the one-on-one all you have to do is "ask, and you shall receive."

Hi Smaller
Catch you later.
Careful guys don't let this go personal.....

2.5: Respect each others' opinions. Address issues, not persons or personalities. Give other members the respect you would want them to give yourself.

ADDED: Reading some of this i am sure blessed to know God has more Mercy, Grace, Longsuffering..... then we do...
That's pretty much a foregone conclusion. If anyone believes by faith that Jesus is their Savior, you will actually claim they are not saved until they do your ritualistic performances, like WATER BAPTISM... THEY REMAIN CONDEMNED until they do so. That's the first place you take them, directly into condemnation.

Jesus, pre Cross:

John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Jesus, pre Cross:

John 11:26
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Your sifter never got out of the gate the instant you delayed John the Baptist eternal life on any basis.

You eliminate Jesus' Words above first, and then we'll talk about your view about it.

But that ain't gonna happen is it Webb?


Again, you have no problem with John 5:24 and now John 11:26 but completely deny this:

Mark 16:16 (KJV)
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Now either John 5:24 and John 11:26 is right, or Mark 16:16 is right, or for the true believer they are all three right and in deed they are, which indeed means you fail to understand what is meant for one to "believe".

To believe (just as in the Baptizer days) is to obey "ALL" his commandments, and those who did so (on both sides of the cross) are "saved".

Pre-cross baptism was brought as ordinance of God through John the Baptizer making it a requirement Jesus be baptized else it could not be said he was the perfect lamb as he would not have kept all of Gods law making him NOT perfect. (to fulfill all righteousness).

Baptism on this side of the cross is just as much a requirement as it was once it was ordinate on the other, it is required for us as much as it was required for Jesus.

And you can deny it till He meet you, but Mark 16:16 by the conjugal "AND" says you are NOT save until you are baptized.
I pointed to several facts on this matter as well, every one of which you also chose to completely ignore.

One of which is Abraham speaking POST BODY DEATH in Luke 16.

Abraham HAD LIFE


You being smaller have again put words in Webb's mouth by twisting.

He has never said the Prophets of old (or anyone else pre cross) did not have "life after death", you twist his use of the word "life", you are smart enough to know "life after death" can mean the spirit will not die, and "life after death" can mean "eternal salvation" (of which he is talking about and your twisting).

All spirits live on, it is eternal salvation after final judgment, or eternal punishment after final judgment that the the obedience of man and the cross divides.

Believing divides the two (the believing part is what you fail to understand)
Again, you have no problem with John 5:24 and now John 11:26 but completely deny this:

Mark 16:16 (KJV)
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

You and I will have different sights on matters of baptismS. None of which I see as a basis to condemn those who believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior.

There are plenty of you guys to go around on these matters already. Not interested, thank you.
Now either John 5:24 and John 11:26 is right, or Mark 16:16 is right, or for the true believer they are all three right and in deed they are, which indeed means you fail to understand what is meant for one to "believe".

Do I see like you with the sole intentions of dragging those in faith immediately into condemnations? No. I'll pass on that intention, thank you.

I will say that you perhaps don't see Perfectly and you show the same predilection to condemn those in faith. I don't buy your condemnation wares whatsoever.

To believe (just as in the Baptizer days) is to obey "ALL" his commandments, and those who did so (on both sides of the cross) are "saved".

yeah, well, you'd be hard pressed to find water baptism in your intentions pre-John the Baptist.

Pre-cross baptism was brought as ordinance of God through John the Baptizer making it a requirement Jesus be baptized else it could not be said he was the perfect lamb as he would not have kept all of Gods law making him NOT perfect. (to fulfill all righteousness).

Were that the measure then we have vast amounts of Prophets who were not saved OR the 'methodology' CHANGED. I don't buy that either.

Their faith was sufficient for them.

Baptism on this side of the cross is just as much a requirement as it was once it was ordinate on the other, it is required for us as much as it was required for Jesus.

And you can deny it till He meet you, but Mark 16:16 by the conjugal "AND" says you are NOT save until you are baptized.

Well, you just have an ever changing God who made new rules. Nothing more than that. And your list of rules in the end will always result only to one end. To insert condemnation into the equations.


Hi Smaller, I'm back again, this time in response to your post 74.

You wrote: "I proposed that salvation by faith in God through His Grace and Mercy is an Old Testament Pre Cross fact." Such is not and never was questioned. Go back and read my posts. The gospel was in the OT in prophetic form but never preached in fullness and in fact until Acts 2. Prospect IS different from REALITY.

You wrote: ''In case you're not getting Mr. Webb's picture here it is again: 'In heaven, of course. Why? Because of Jesus' sacrifice." Something must be wrong with your camera for it continues to take a flawed "picture" of what Iunderstand the scripture to teach. But yes, its "because of Jesus' sacrifice." Do you, Smaller believe any, including those of the OT could go to heaven without Jesus' sacrifice? Please answer. If you answer honestly our discussion is over, for Jesus' sacrifice was not made PRE CROSS or even PRE NT. If you have scripture to prove otherwise please come forward.

Smaller says the OT said the prophets etc. "Shall be SAVED" but said nothing of when." And then you said I said: "The WHEN AWAITED THE SHEDDING OF CHRIST'S BLOOD.'' Yes Smaller, the prophets etc. had a promise but not at that time the reality of that promise. Please answer this question and try hard not to misrepresent: COULD THE PROPHETS OR ANYONE BE SAVED IN REALITY WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF CHRIST'BLOOD? Answer that honestly and we are finished. But that you may see the necessity and importance of the shedding of Christ's blood I shall quote the following verses in toto: ''AND ALMOST ALL THINGS ARE BY THE LAW PURGED WITH BLOOD; AND WITHOUT SHEDDING OF BLOOD IS NO REMISSION" Heb.9:22. Without the shedding of Christ's blood no one (not even you Smaller) can have remission. But whose blood are we talking about? Christ's blood and ONLY His for Heb.10:4 tells you the blood of animals could not. Now another verse: ''FORASMUCH AS YE KNOW THAT YE WERE NOT REDEEMED WITH CORRUPTIBLE THINGS, AS SILVER AND GOLD, FROM YOUR VAIN CONVERSATION RECEIVED BY TRADITION FROM YOUR FATHERS ( THE FATHERS SMALLER WERE THOSE OF THE OT, EMP. MINE ); BUT WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST, AS OF A LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH AND SPOT:" I Pet.1:18,19. Redemption was and is absolutly impossible without the shed blood of Jesus. WHEN, WHEN, Smaller, was that blood shed? At the cross or pre-cross. If that does not tell you when then please present scriptre which does. Of course, I by now expect no answer.

Finally you write: "And again, just so we're clear, Old Testament prophets HAD ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH FAITH IN GOD." Yes sir they did, in prospect. Read all of Hebrews 11 for proof.

Perhaps, Smaller you would profit by a sincere study of the Hadean world. I think maybe it would help you to "rightly divide the word of truth."

I have now answered the scriptures you posted on # 74. Of course, I by now never expect you to answer my questions, but I wish you would at least give it a half-hearted try.
God bless.