Daer wondering
I believe you got the Word better than most pastors who are ( unknwowingly) deceiving church goers by making them belive their one-time acceptance of Christ will save them . These teachers often cite the verse from Old Testrament ( Genesis): Abraham believed and it was credited to him as rightousness. But the same Abraham was obedient to the hilt-----he was prepared to cut his son Isaac into pieces because the Lord God had asked him to. Why dont pastors teach THIS part of Abraham. God tested him severely and he passed! Because he trusted God and was willing to do whatever God willed him. Therefore as Christains, we must do what the Lord Jesus ( always) did -------" the will of God over His will" when we start doing that the kingdom heaven which is within us will be spereinced. Just by be;liveing in Jesus to get salvation will not save anybody UN:LESS that faith is proved through good works. Jesus said 15:5-6 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing..If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; s
uch branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.
Jesus repeatedly warned of impending judgment for non obedient believers. We must bear good fruit else Jesus will surely CHOP us off.
Again stop coveting salvation! But seek joy in serving the Lord... following Him, keeping His commandments.
John 12:25 ►
Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
So stop craving salvation, dear friends. Not one human on this erath has a clue who all will be saved. Only the ones whose name appears in the Lamb's book of life will be saved . And if your name does not happen to be there, no one can help you. This is the truth . take it or leave it. Therefore i urge you brothers and sisters rather than coveting salvation seek to serve the Lord and keep His commanements ---as best as you can.
As dear wondering had once very aptly put it:
"Let us do our best
and leave to Christ the rest"
This to me is TRUE Christianity. and I believe wondering got it better than the big name Martin Luther. I hope someday we can all write to pastors throughout the length and breadth of the globe urging pastors n teachers of the Word to INCLUDE obedience/ good works, if they at all wish to "guarantee" salvation to their flock.
The kangaroo Christianity that is being, unfortunately, taught in the majority of churches is churning out a bunch of ineffective Christians who are so sure of their salvation that they have stopped bothering about helping or converting any hearts. Many continue to live a sinful lifestyle. Their reasoning is simple. " I am saved, why should I care? None can take my salvation away . My pastor said so!"
Now, my friends, this is kangaroo Christianity. it serves the devil and not the Lord. the devil must be laughing his head off ( for a more honorable word ) that the churches are producing a whole host of Couch Christians! secure in their (false) notion of salvation. Thus according to me not the sweet Word of the Lord is being taught but HERESY! and it makes me very very upset. through innumerable verses, I can prove that
no obedience no salvation
Yet all above is only my own opinion. Read the word extensively ( non judgmentally and neutrally) and uninfluenced by what pastors have taught you and you will see the truth and that truth will set you free ...............................from heresy --------------RS