" THE requirement Of remaining in the Kingdom".
Isn't this just another way of saying you can lose your salvation if you dont do the "works" that YOU feel that are necessary after you are saved?
Or are you not saying that "being in the kingdom" is also the same as being Saved and remaining saved?
Am i missing something?
I think my IQ is turned on, so, im pretty sure i gotcha message in that comment.
And in that case, if that is what you are saying..... then you are stating that works and not Grace ALONE, is what keeps you saved.
= Welcome To what the POPE teaches.
And the problem with that perspective is very simple....
"Grace", is , IS, The Blood of Jesus and the Atonement, (GRACE IS JESUS) exactly the same as (ETERNAL LIFE IS JESUS) and God does not offer anything else that can redeem us or save us OR keep up saved OR give us eternal life.
There is no scripture ever given by the Holy Spirit that says....."once you are saved, you must do (anything) to stay saved".
This doctrine does not exit in the bible, or in the mind of God, or in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, but it definitely exists like a wildfire in the minds of a lot of people who talk endlessly about "works."..........>.
And Yes, James says your "faith without works is dead", but he does not say your salvation is lost without works.
However, Thats what NT heretics say, and James isn't one of those.
So, no need for anyone to recompose the meaning of the scriptures for the sake of trying to refute OSAS.
Which, of course, always finds us at the same disconnect, which is......how can anything such as your works or deeds, ...which cannot and do not save you before you are SAVED by God through Christ,.....how can they (works) then gain such importance to some people that they think that what cant saved you before you Trusted in Jesus, can now cause you to no longer be saved if you dont do them?
This is not only Illogical, its kinda crazy., actually...
"Well, i know that i cant be saved by works (before im saved) , but, i can be lost if i dont to X, Y, Z, and endure to the end, and hope to God i never lose my faith, after im saved"""".... = ummmmmmmmmm, TILT".
See all that?
Its nonsense.
Theological tinker toy self righteousness nonsense.
So, the issue with all this adding works to the blood of Jesus as a sort of "cross helper", is that once you go there, you have now discounted and discredited the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, = as ALL that is necessary for our Salvation.
And so, just rip John 14:6 out of the bible, as apparently when Jesus said He is THE WAY, then some people would argue..."no, not necessarily Jesus, after all, what about WORKS".
You mentioned the Pope and it made me stop reading.
The Pope may teach this, but I know most Christian churches do.
This idea of not having to do works is a NEW idea. It's poison.
All Jesus did was tell us to do works.
Find me one verse where Jesus says we only need to have faith and DO NOTHING and we'll still be saved. The only place is in John 6:29 where Jesus says that this is the work of God, that we BELIEVE in Him whom HE has sent.
Fine. But then, please explain the word believe and what it means in the way that Jesus used it, or IOW, in koine Greek which Jesus MIGHT have knows, but which certainly was used to write the N.T. It's saying that we are to be committed to God's works, which are all the things Jesus told us to DO.
Feed the hungry, clothe the nakes, honor our parents, worship God, etc.
Also negatives must be included.
As you know, I do believe that salvation can be lost. If it could not be lost, Paul and Jesus and all the other writers would not have spent so much time telling us to be careful so as not to loose it. I refer you to only this scripture (but there are many):
John 15:1-6
Jesus is saying that He is the vine and Father is the vine dresser.
Father prunes the branches that bear fruit, so that they may bear even more.
The branches that do not bear fruit, Father takes away. He removes them.
Jesus tells His followers that they are clean because of Him and the word which He has spoken. John 15:3
Jesus tells them that they must abide (abide, present tense) in Him, so that they could bear fruit. By ourselves we can do nothing. We must ABIDE in Christ.
What happens if we decide not to abide in Him any longer?
John 15:6
"If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned."
I'm not even saying the buring means hell, but it certainly means destruction.
The branches that do not bear fruit are destroyed and burned up.
How do you get around that?
Jesus is eternal life, as long as you are IN Jesus. And if you are in Jesus then he does require you and us to do as He commanded.
You mention the Kingdom of God. Jesus set up the Kingdom of God right here on earth. A Kingdom has a ruler: Jesus
A Kingdom has a population living within it: Us
A Kingdom has rules that must be kept: Jesus made the rules.
If you don't keep the rules, you cannot stay in the Kingdom.
The Holy Spirit led Paul to write many passages that say exactly how we are to remain saved. For instance, What does Romans 12:1 mean to you? We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice. We are to sacrifice ourselves in every way to God, when we go to work, or school, when we do our every day things, we are to do them as unto God, for God. Isn't this doing something for God? Can we call this works or good deeds?
Osas has been refuted by the church and still is refuted by most of the church.
Only Calvin in 1,500 came up with this idea of eternal security. It was not in the belief system of the church till then. Gnostics believed this to an extent. But Gnostics are a heretical group. Apparently they are still around today.
I'll post this especially for those reading along, but there is much much more...
What did the early church teach about salvation and eternal security? Many of the church fathers living from the first to the third centuries believed and taught conditional security. They taught that a person was saved by faith through the grace of God but they had to live a life dedicated to Christ until the end. Let’s examine some of the quotes from their writings. Justin Martyr wrote around 160 A.D.: “I hold further, that those of you who have confessed and known this man to be Christ, yet who have gone back for some reason to the legal dispensation [i.e., the Mosaic law], and have denied that this man is Christ , and have not
repented before death— you will by no means be saved.” [Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume 1 page 218] “If you do not guard yourself against [anger], you and your household will lose all hope of salvation.”
[Hermas written around 150 and is quoted from Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume 2 page 23 as recorded in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, David W. Bercot published by Hendrickson Publishers, 1998] Irenaeus
wrote around 180 A.D. “Those who do not obey Him, being disinherited by Him, have ceased to be His sons.”[Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume 1 page 525 as recorded in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, David W. Bercot published by Hendrickson Publishers, 1998] Clement of Alexandria around 195 A.D. wrote: “It is neither the faith, nor the love, nor the hope nor the endurance of one day; rather, ‘he that endures to the end will be saved.’”[Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume 2 page 600 as recorded in A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs, David W. Bercot published by Hendrickson Publishers, 1998]
source: http://mfchase.net/Documents/Salvation_and_Eternal_Security.pdf
I fail to understand why you are against good works.
They cannot save you all by themselves, but they surely will keep you saved.
Since works are a sign of your salvation and your desire to do good deeds for the sake of God who cannot be on earth to do them for you, I would think that you'd be happy to do them and to expouse them as necessary for our final salvation.
Jesus Himself said He expects us to ENDURE.
Mathew 10:22