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Justification by Faith


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Nathan, answer the whole theology depends on it....why would one turn from Jesus and trust in another "faith"?

You say that is your requirement for losing, tell us why one would turn.
My theology rests on Christ alone. You have no authority to say otherwise.

Listen to the answer - you will be without excuse. One who leaves Christ does so because they desire sin over Christ. Christ set us free from sin, if you choose sin it is because you want it.

You cannot choose Christ and sin. You cannot have both.
My theology rests on Christ alone. You have no authority to say otherwise.

Listen to the answer - you will be without excuse. One who leaves Christ does so because they desire sin over Christ. Christ set us free from sin, if you choose sin it is because you want it.

You cannot choose Christ and sin. You cannot have both.

Will you continue to dodge the question? I would expect you to, because it proves your religions continued salvation depends on happenstance.

What would cause a person to leave Jesus? Why would they make that decision?
Will you continue to dodge the question? I would expect you to, because it proves your religions continued salvation depends on happenstance.

What would cause a person to leave Jesus? Why would they make that decision?
I've answered your question. You can keep asking if you like. You have made the choice for yourself - no one forced you.

Why does someone reject Christ to begin with?

Do you believe everyone will be saved eventually?

If not, the ones who are not saved, why did they reject Christ?
WHY would a believer desire sin over Christ? Such sin they lose their salvation?

Why does anyone desire sin over Christ?

Why does anyone not believe in Christ for salvation?

I've answered your questions, answer mine unless you choose to do what you falsely accuse me of.
I've answered your question. You can keep asking if you like. You have made the choice for yourself - no one forced you.

No you didn't. You simply explain what they do...take their eyes off of Christ, or never once explained WHY.
Why does anyone desire sin over Christ?

Why does anyone not believe in Christ for salvation?

I've answered your questions, answer mine unless you choose to do what you falsely accuse me of.

Please stop telling me what they do...then claiming you answered the question....tell me WHY.
No you didn't. You simply explain what they do...take their eyes off of Christ, or never once explained WHY.

Please stop telling me what they do...then claiming you answered the question....tell me WHY.

Can you not answer the question?

Because they know they cannot have both sin and Christ. You cannot have both. You have to make a choice between them. When a person chooses to leave Christ it is because they want sin.

Do you want sin? Do you believe you can have both?
OK, you don't seem to be getting it...or you're dodging the question.

What is that choice based on?
Am I dodging the question in the same way you are?

The choice everyone makes is based on what they desire.

If you think my answer is wrong then do you think you know the correct one?
Am I dodging the question in the same way you are?

The choice everyone makes is based on what they desire.

If you think my answer is wrong then do you think you know the correct one?

Come on Nathan....why do people base choices on their desires? What causes desire?

...I'm trying to help you see why a person may or may not choose to remain in Christ....but your answers are surface. Beating around the bush. it your parents?
Where you grew up?
what church you went to?
Your best buddy in school?
A college professor?
...some sort of combination of the above?
Come on Nathan....why do people base choices on their desires? What causes desire?

...I'm trying to help you see why a person may or may not choose to remain in Christ....but your answers are surface. Beating around the bush. it your parents?
Where you grew up?
what church you went to?
Your best buddy in school?
A college professor?
...some sort of combination of the above?
So if your trying to help me see, then you know already? Why do people choose to not believe in Christ?

I'm not beating around the bush. I am being straight forward with you.

Those things you list are not why people make choices. They influence choices, but they do not make the choice for the person.

God made us to choose. We choose because we have to. It is impossible to not choose.

There are only two desires that choices are made on - God or the world. Before we are made alive in Christ we only have one choice, and that is for the world.

When God makes us alive in Christ we now can choose God.

If someone turns from that, it is because they want the world. It's not more complicated than that.

If you believe it is, please explain. Why do people choose to not want Christ?
So if your trying to help me see, then you know already? Why do people choose to not believe in Christ?

I'm not beating around the bush. I am being straight forward with you.

Those things you list are not why people make choices. They influence choices, but they do not make the choice for the person.

God made us to choose. We choose because we have to. It is impossible to not choose.

There are only two desires that choices are made on - God or the world. Before we are made alive in Christ we only have one choice, and that is for the world.

When God makes us alive in Christ we now can choose God.

If someone turns from that, it is because they want the world. It's not more complicated than that.

If you believe it is, please explain. Why do people choose to not want Christ?

You're still pretty much on the appears your avoiding the point.

The bible teaches in John 6:65 God gives you the ability to come to Christ. Without that a person can't come to Christ.
......And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

The world influences people. It does this in many ways. Perhaps by a clever professor....or some other means of deception. Your choice to leave Christ would be based upon the influences of the world...a con game...your decision is based upon false misleading information...happenstance...If one just so happens to fall prey to this happenstance, you say they can lose their salvation. The bible tells us nothing can separate us from Christ love. Nothing can snatch us from the double protection of the Fathers hand as well as the Sons hand.
Salvation is not based upon or maintained upon what the world dishes out to you. How the world influences you..but rather is maintained and sealed by the Holy Spirit. (for eternity).
Christians often succumb to the world...they don't lose their salvation but rather lose their witness for Christ.
Once God has claimed you..which was established from the foundations ofthe earth...given you the ability to believe, regenerated you, born're His...for eternity. The world can't snatch you from Him.
Sure, you can walk away from the faith....lose fellowship, but never lose salvation. My God keeps me even when he knows I'll spit in His face. My God is patient with my sin. He knows the world is stacked against me. He knows I'll stumble...curse Him. But He never gives up on me or my salvation which was sealed by the Holy Spirit.
If my salvation was dependent upon the worlds influences..I don't think I'd last a week. This is why I say, if you can lose your salvation, you already have.
My God is full of mercy and grace...My God has claimed me. The world and it's influences can't take me back..even if I've been deceived and walked away from Gods mercy and grace. The price the Son paid for me was to high, to precious to have the worlds influence reclaim my un-sanctified soul. My sanctification is promised. That's what my God has promised me. Eternal life...bought and payed for by the shed blood on the cross. Verified by the resurrection.
While working out my salvation i don't do good deeds to show God how good I am. That I haven't walked away from Him, but rather for His glory. Knowing I'm secure in Christ when I mess up...fall away, or even deny Christ through my actions or sin.
I know, if it's possible to lose my salvation...I already have. But I'm secure in Christ hands where nothing can snatch me from His hands.
So in Christ security. Yes, you're going to screw up..many times...but you're secure in Christ, despite the world influencing you to lose your faith.
You're still pretty much on the appears your avoiding the point.

The bible teaches in John 6:65 God gives you the ability to come to Christ. Without that a person can't come to Christ.
......And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.”

The world influences people. It does this in many ways. Perhaps by a clever professor....or some other means of deception. Your choice to leave Christ would be based upon the influences of the world...a con game...your decision is based upon false misleading information...happenstance...If one just so happens to fall prey to this happenstance, you say they can lose their salvation. The bible tells us nothing can separate us from Christ love. Nothing can snatch us from the double protection of the Fathers hand as well as the Sons hand.
Salvation is not based upon or maintained upon what the world dishes out to you. How the world influences you..but rather is maintained and sealed by the Holy Spirit. (for eternity).
Christians often succumb to the world...they don't lose their salvation but rather lose their witness for Christ.
Once God has claimed you..which was established from the foundations ofthe earth...given you the ability to believe, regenerated you, born're His...for eternity. The world can't snatch you from Him.
Sure, you can walk away from the faith....lose fellowship, but never lose salvation. My God keeps me even when he knows I'll spit in His face. My God is patient with my sin. He knows the world is stacked against me. He knows I'll stumble...curse Him. But He never gives up on me or my salvation which was sealed by the Holy Spirit.
If my salvation was dependent upon the worlds influences..I don't think I'd last a week. This is why I say, if you can lose your salvation, you already have.
My God is full of mercy and grace...My God has claimed me. The world and it's influences can't take me back..even if I've been deceived and walked away from Gods mercy and grace. The price the Son paid for me was to high, to precious to have the world s influence reclaim my un-sanctified soul. My sanctification is promised. That's what my God has promised me. Eternal life...bought and payed for by the shed blood on the cross. Verified by the resurrection.
While working out my salvation i don't do good deeds to show God how good I am. That I haven't walked away from Him, but rather for His glory. Knowing I'm secure in Christ when I mess up...fall away, or even deny Christ through my actions or sin.
I know, if it's possible to lose my salvation...I already have. But I'm secure in Christ hands where nothing can snatch me from His hands.
So in Christ security. Yes, you're going to screw up..many times...but your'e secure in Christ, despite the world influencing you to lose your faith.
Sounds like you are very confident in something you have done in the past.

Why believe some things the Bible says, and not believe other things?

If you turn away from Christ then how can you still say you have faith in Him? If you can turn away from the faith, how can you say you still have the righteousness that comes from faith?

Does God accept another form of righteousness that comes other than by faith in Christ?

Let me ask you this question - what does your security rest in? Christ or something you've done in the past? Do you believe your in Christ because of something you did one time?
Sounds like you are very confident in something you have done in the past.

Why believe some things the Bible says, and not believe other things?

If you turn away from Christ then how can you still say you have faith in Him? If you can turn away from the faith, how can you say you still have the righteousness that comes from faith?

Does God accept another form of righteousness that comes other than by faith in Christ?

Let me ask you this question - what does your security rest in? Christ or something you've done in the past? Do you believe your in Christ because of something you did one time?

Even if the worlds fools me and I turn from Christ...I'm still saved from the snatching.
Why should the worlds influence determine my salvation? God chose me before the world was formed and the world can't claim what God has claimed.
Sounds like you are very confident in something you have done in the past.

Why believe some things the Bible says, and not believe other things?

If you turn away from Christ then how can you still say you have faith in Him? If you can turn away from the faith, how can you say you still have the righteousness that comes from faith?

Does God accept another form of righteousness that comes other than by faith in Christ?

Let me ask you this question - what does your security rest in? Christ or something you've done in the past? Do you believe your in Christ because of something you did one time?

By the way, that's a pretty piss poor job of respnding to post 274.
Even if the worlds fools me and I turn from Christ...I'm still saved from the snatching.
Why should the worlds influence determine my salvation? God chose me before the world was formed and the world can't claim what God has claimed.
Do you believe you can deny Christ and still have His righteousness?

Does Christ give His righteousness to people who deny Him?


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