I have done the posting and external links before and I had to get personal with the moderator, so I don't want to repeat it again. If you can get the permission from the moderators/admin then I'm ready to link the content
Ok no worries. Let's just assume I don't believe your claims made against Grace Preahers. You can PM me the quotes and site addresses if you want to change my mind.
I have asked this question several times and let me know if you can answer me
A businessman attends a grace preacher's prayer meeting and he receives Christ as his personal Saviour. Now the businessman has lot of business to do all the day and he doesn't have time for prayer or bible reading. Most is he will attend few prayer meetings at his will. My question is this business man sticks to this attitude till he dies. Now tell me if that businessman would get into heaven just only because he got believed in The Lord Jesus Christ but couldn't have any fellowship with the Saviour because of his worldly commitments. Please answer this question frankly to me.
If the man was Born Again he will be saved. I have a couple of questions for you.
1. Do you believe you need to pray and read the Bible to be saved ?
2. Do you believe a person can unrepentantly misrepresent people and still be saved ?