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Lukewarm believers and faith

I think you're selling yourself short here, brother. Although I agree that we do not look good when we're doing wrong it doesn't mean we lose our Justification.
No Scripture speaks of losing salvation and justification, and so I don't preach it. Scripture only says we forsake the Lord and His ways, and He forsakes us to our own ways.

To be "justified" in the sense of Redemption, or Salvation, has a much lower threshold.
Only in the unclean religion of sinful man.

God's threshold for disobedience is none in His holy temple and body of Jesus Christ on earth.

At West Point and in the military, disobedience to a lawful order is court martialed out of the army. The only difference between man's military and God's army is there is no trial with defence made for the disobedience.

The Advocate only pleads for mercy to them that repent, the Jew first, and also the Christian. Until then, all children of disobedience are out of God's holy and everlasting kingdom.

In this life, parents may indeed allow the disobedient to remain in the house, and not be kicked out for one offence, but not in God's house. Christians who believe God is like them and their manner of home rule, are anthropomorphizing their own manner of judgement to God Himself.
We don't have to get saved and re-saved every time we fall into error.
Certainly not to the seared conscience.

This the endgame of justification by one's faith alone in Christ: searing the conscience to the Holy Spirit, who draws any man that sins to His godly sorrow confession and repentance, for forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

It doctrinally cuts in half a lifetime double hearted cycle of rebellion and repentance. It doesn't cut the disobedience part, but only cuts the repentance part from being forgiven and reconciled to God.

Rom 16:18For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Where any man is disobeying God more on earth, there is more condemnation of God from heaven.

Justification by faith alone without works, is disobedience alone without repentance.

Nah 1:3The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked:

Job 10:14If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity.

This is why Justification by Faith is so important, because it covers us even while we're sinners and slip up on occasion.
Well then. Here we have it in a nice nutshell. Thanks.

Justification by faith alone is so important to being forgiven and justified, while sinning with the sinners of the world.

Jas 4:4Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Justification by any faith, while being a disobedient enemy of God, is only a cover for the conscience being seared against the Spirit's conviction, and rejects repentance as being necessary to being forgiven and reconciled to God by Jesus Christ.

Jhn 15:22If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

even while we're sinners and slip up on occasion.
The road to lukewarm religion is covered with euphemisms for sinful trespass and iniquity against God: Slip ups, mess ups, and oopsies.

It doesn't mean we're right to "slip up,"
No, certainly not any right to do so, just justification while doing so. A distinction without a difference.

But then again, don't sinners have a right to mess up from time to time? I mean, if we're born with sin, then isn't it a kind of brithright given us by God, who created and made us that way in the first place...
We *all* slip up at times.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus slipped on mud or wet grass in His life.

But we don't all crucify Him to ourselves today. I.e. sin against Him. Sin.

I'm not part of the 'we' that you speak for. And you certainly don't speak for me.