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Mark of the beast

Any one else have a thought? On the seal of God being literal or not?

Literal seal of God?

All seals are God's creatures!
With today's technology, a computer chip under the skin is highly feasible. Who knows what the technology will be like 10, 20, 50 years from now?

Since the antichrist has NOT arrived yet, NO ONE has taken the mark at this time.
With today's technology, a computer chip under the skin is highly feasible. Who knows what the technology will be like 10, 20, 50 years from now?

Since the antichrist has NOT arrived yet, NO ONE has taken the mark at this time.
Correct.Yes,we just see technology advancing all the time.
Is the seal of God literal?

Rev_9:4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

I don't think Yahweh will brand us literally. The seal will be our faith and the implication of being " in their foreheads" is the same as we see in the instruction for the Israelite to obey Yahweh's commands. Actions and thoughts.

Deu 11:18 NIV Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
With today's technology, a computer chip under the skin is highly feasible. Who knows what the technology will be like 10, 20, 50 years from now?

Since the antichrist has NOT arrived yet, NO ONE has taken the mark at this time.

By "arrived" I take it you mean "revealed", which comes from the phrase - that he may be revealed in his own time...

I think this is important to understand as we determine if the man of sin, son of perdition, lawless one [antichrist] is a single individual.

Some would say otherwise.

Thanks JLB
he could be one individual, or it could be one church, or one world church, but that won't change things if he is not or if it is not .
the one who has tricked the whole world already (even believers here until their eyes were opened, by sheer grace - no claim in ourselves but all in Christ Jesus!) could be
'related' to the anti-christ, or not, in several ways. (political, lineage, religious, familial, legally, ... .. ...)

everyone already has read "there are many anti-christs among us" in Scripture, so anti-c does not refer only to one person, but to everyone who is opposed to or instead of Christ. (as if anyone or anything else could save a person instead of Christ).
oh, and even if 'he' is not revealed yet, people have already given in, accepted the mark (not taken it).

they are already ready and willing and even eager to receive the mark of the beast, whatever it is, because they trust in
the government or man or flesh
of trusting in Yhwh (and instead of seeking Yhwh) by faith in Christ Jesus.
I would guess some kind of outward sign of a persons oath of fealty to the beast. Sort of like the SS getting a tattoo identifying them as loyal to that group.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17 KJV

IOW, someone would get a tattoo or some such in the shape of the beast's logo. Many Indians have a red dot on their foreheads as a sign of their loyalty to Kali. Something like that. Vendors will be able to recognize it.

I don't believe this, but explain to me how its not the one dollar bill? We have to have it to buy or sell, Its in the right hand when we get our wallets and present cash, its on our forehead as we have money on minds to use for many lustful worldly things. As in the old expression "got my mind on my money and my money on my mind". Even when we buy used we still need dollars.

I have heard many say the mark of the beast will be microchips, but IMO thats way too obvious.

And what is a beast? An animal, of the flesh?
The beast described in Rev 13:11-18 is that of a nation that is given power to rule from the first beast (Satan). Because of the ToS I can not name this nation (you can go to my website and click on Second Coming of Christ to see what this nation is and what it's abomination was and will be again), but it has diplomatic relations with every country in the world as it is described in Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. This power is that of a one world order that controls the dictatorship of all government, economic and religious authority that is being established and everyone will be forced to bow down and take its mark which the mark means thoughts of the mind and actions of the hand as this will be the great falling away mentioned in 2Thess 2:3. Even the very elect of God, if possible, will fall away if they do not put their trust in God to take care of their needs and turn to the beast instead.
I don't believe this, but explain to me how its not the one dollar bill? We have to have it to buy or sell, Its in the right hand when we get our wallets and present cash, its on our forehead as we have money on minds to use for many lustful worldly things. As in the old expression "got my mind on my money and my money on my mind". Even when we buy used we still need dollars.

I have heard many say the mark of the beast will be microchips, but IMO thats way too obvious.

And what is a beast? An animal, of the flesh?

1) The dollar bill is not inscribed on people's foreheads, so it does not fit the description in Revelation.

2) Money has existed for thousands of years. How could money be a sign of the end times?

3) Jesus told someone to bring him a coin, and asked whose portrait was on the coin. It was Caesar's. Jesus then said to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars. That is, its okay to use money to pay your taxes. Money itself is not the mark of the beast.

And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Matthew 22:20-22 KJV

Money itself is not evil It is the love of money that is evil.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 KJV
1) The dollar bill is not inscribed on people's foreheads, so it does not fit the description in Revelation.

2) Money has existed for thousands of years. How could money be a sign of the end times?

3) Jesus told someone to bring him a coin, and asked whose portrait was on the coin. It was Caesar's. Jesus then said to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars. That is, its okay to use money to pay your taxes. Money itself is not the mark of the beast.

And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Matthew 22:20-22 KJV

Money itself is not evil It is the love of money that is evil.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 KJV

Thanks for the reply

1.How do we know its visible in the sight of others? (The Mark)

2.Money, like prostitution, has truly lasted a long long time. But how long has the dollar lasted?

3.But Jesus also said Mathew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (money)"

Yeah I agree, money is not evil or good itself, same thing with a library. It is the evil, wicked thoughts of men, that can use it the wrong way.
1) Merchants will only sell to those with the mark. Ergo, the mark must be detectible.

2) The dollar is new, but so what. Why is the dollar different from any of the other thousands of forms of money throughout history?

3) Yes that's true. Never serve money. Serve only God. None of this makes the use of money the mark of the beast. The Bible tells us to use money to pay our taxes. Money is just a tool. Use money to pay your taxes, but don't serve money.
no matter what is it, if people are still controlled by sin, will they be able at all to refuse the mark ?? will they even care ? (people I've met as long as 20 years ago said they didn't care - they would go along with it because the untied states government gives them money and food)
no matter what is it, if people are still controlled by sin, will they be able at all to refuse the mark ?? will they even care ? (people I've met as long as 20 years ago said they didn't care - they would go along with it because the untied states government gives them money and food)

I think there are very militant people out there that are willing to resist unto death whenever that day comes, if just a few spoke out and figured it out in time. I am not so sure they would be doing it for God but rather, the act of submitting to the state. You have hardened military vets who trust in themselves more than God. I think this is a interesting thing because it involves turning a peaceful Christian into someone fighting for their lives, trusting God unto death. Many have already done that. Unless of course, it comes down the pipe ever so sly without any violence. Then there will be very little resistance or thought of the magnitude of what it might could really be.
many of the ecclesia will NOT FIGHT, and will allow themselves to be imprisoned, taken before the judges, and even executed, without resisting evil.
they may flea if Yhwh permits. (like as happened in nazi germany almost 100 years ago)
they will refuse the mark, even if put to death for refusing, and won't resist.(this has already happened many many many times in other countries, as reported by many bibliographies and reports of believers being executed without resisting - in books etc that have been available for almost 1000 years perhaps.... and recently.... (I read dozens of them back in the 70's? ... I thought then that believers everywhere were quite well aware of this. It is not a surprise today that many 'believers' haven't got a clue now. ) )
James 5:6 - Bible Gateway -
6 You have ·judged guilty [condemned] and then murdered innocent people, who ·were not against [did not resist/oppose] you. James 5:6 X. Back X. James 5:6 (GNV)

James 5 EXB - A Warning to the Rich - You rich - Bible Gateway
6 You have ·judged guilty [condemned] and then murdered innocent people, who ·were not against [did not resist/oppose] you. Be Patient. 7

Verses 47–56 - Matthew Henry's Commentary - Bible Gateway
We are next told how Christ argued the case with them that came to take him (Matt. 26:55); though he did not resist them, yet he did reason with

...image? his online selves.

...mark? his karm.

...number? 8 since he has 8 heads. Remember one was as though dead because of a wound, so it is not just 7 heads. Satan. Hint: Dragon...

Oh, and his other number (666)... is symbolically implicating he is in 3 sexual relationships with Ba'bylon divided into 3 parts.
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