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    Join Elected By Him for a devotional on Ephesians 6:14-15

Message to GOD"S elect

12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: John 1:12

A person must choose of the free will, to receive Him.

Once a person chooses to receive Him, they now have the right TO BECOME sons of God, by continuing...

Yes a submission to Gods Will, but it is Gods Will, not mans.

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

God's will is for not any should perish.

It's God's will all are saved.

Your free will has to be engaged for you to be saved.

Of your free will you must choose to receive Him.

The will of God in verse 13 is God's will for all to be saved.

Not God's will just for a few "elect" to be saved.

I hope you see the difference.

No that is surrendered will, one is saved by accepting Gods Will, not by "free-will" No man can save himself nor keep himself saved by his own free-will, he must surrender his will to the Christ Crucified. Unless one loses their life they cannot find life, unless one surrenders their own "free-will" they cannot walk in Gods Will. How can two walk together, unless they agree? Its man who does the agreeing with God, not God changing His Will.

Let me just say this, anyone who walks in the Spirit of God, KNOWS that is requires that one be crucified to self-will. This "free-will" stuff is just not the way of The Cross.
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: John 1:12

A person must choose of the free will, to receive Him.

Once a person chooses to receive Him, they now have the right TO BECOME sons of God, by continuing...

Yes a submission to Gods Will, but it is Gods Will, not mans.

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

God's will is for not any should perish.

It's God's will all are saved.

Your free will has to be engaged for you to be saved.

Of your free will you must choose to receive Him.

The will of God in verse 13 is God's will for all to be saved.

Not God's will just for a few "elect" to be saved.

I hope you see the difference.

No that is surrendered will, one is saved by accepting Gods Will, not by "free-will" No man can save himself nor keep himself saved by his own free-will, he must surrender his will to the Christ Crucified. Unless one loses their life they cannot find life, unless one surrenders their own "free-will" they cannot walk in Gods Will. How can two walk together, unless they agree? Its man who does the agreeing with God, not God changing His Will.

Let me just say this, anyone who walks in the Spirit of God, KNOWS that is requires that one be crucified to self-will. This "free-will" stuff is just not the way of The Cross.

By choosing to accept God's will of Salvation, you have a choice to make, this choice involves your free will.

A person must initially choose God's will, and continue to choose God's will throughout his or her walk with God.

Always a person's free will is involved.

God's will is for not any should perish.

It's God's will all are saved.

Your free will has to be engaged for you to be saved.

Of your free will you must choose to receive Him.

The will of God in verse 13 is God's will for all to be saved.

Not God's will just for a few "elect" to be saved.

I hope you see the difference.

No that is surrendered will, one is saved by accepting Gods Will, not by "free-will" No man can save himself nor keep himself saved by his own free-will, he must surrender his will to the Christ Crucified. Unless one loses their life they cannot find life, unless one surrenders their own "free-will" they cannot walk in Gods Will. How can two walk together, unless they agree? Its man who does the agreeing with God, not God changing His Will.

Let me just say this, anyone who walks in the Spirit of God, KNOWS that is requires that one be crucified to self-will. This "free-will" stuff is just not the way of The Cross.

By choosing to accept God's will of Salvation, you have a choice to make, this choice involves your free will.

A person must initially choose God's will, and continue to choose God's will throughout his or her walk with God.

Always a person's free will is involved.


Your last several posts leave little for the rest of us to add!
Yes a submission to Gods Will, but it is Gods Will, not mans.

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

What submits to God's will?

While he is looking up some "Greek" definitions for your question, please allow me to answer -

Man's free will of choice.

Some folks can not will not accept their guilt for their sins... At the same time if we have not sin we do not need His Blood which covers our sin or forgives one of those words.... One of those catch 22 things.
Limited atonment..........The belife that God died for a certain people and WILL save that people despite their sins.

Romans 8:33 says "WHO shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect. It is God that justifieth"

Those words of holy scripture can only apply to God's choosen blood bought people. One would think that sinfull, sin-cursed men would show genuine intrest in the Doctrine of particular redemption, not hate and despise those precious Bibleical, God-honoring truths. But it takes the power of God to open anyones eyes.

Any doctrine that points to what a man does takes his eyes of of what Jesus does and that is NEVER good. The devil LOVES this. But again Only God can give his spirit to you as only he can do. I do hope he has done so.

AS many as were ordained belived.............No more and no less. And scripture tells us God paid the complete price in blood for ALL who are his.

If he paid for something what man can keep him from obtaining it or change it by making a choice or doing anything. NONE...........I recieve not honor from men....Words of Christ in John 6:40 And in verse 39 it says " And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life." Jesus came to save sinners not anyone who comes to him their way. NONE are rightous.....NO not one. NONE do good....NO not one NONE seek God. Where does that put your choice? Or are you just good enough to make a decision on your own? Men don't let God do anything. HE rules right now over his creation doing as he pleases, and we are his creation.......His name is Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of all his people and he will not fail to save EVERY ONE he bought with his blood. If he died for all men ALL would be Saved. If he paid for ALL your sins, then no one would perish in their sins. Fear God for HE has the power of life and death in his hands, giving life to all he chooses to do so.

God has created both vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath, for his use. "What if God, willing to show his wrath and to make his power know, endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. And that he might make know the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory. " Romans 9:22 and 23 May God bless you as only he can do.
Mine Elect, in Whom My soul Delighteth !

But it takes the power of God to open anyones eyes.

All it takes to open eyes in the case of this thread is the teaching of men.. specifically the teachings of John Calvin.

Here's a painfully obvious illustration of this point.

The holy scriptures are very plain in teaching that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect of God, the chosen One in whom the Father delights...

But will you hear the Calvinist teachers preaching this verse.. ?

I doubt it. This thread will go on and on and perhaps never even mention the one who is the elect of God.

Will you hear them teaching that if any man shall come to Him that he must DENY HIMSELF and take up his cross ?

Will they teach that our old man is corrupt according to deceitful lusts ?

Will they teach you that YOU are crucified with Christ and nevertheless you live, yet not YOU, but Christ lives in you..

Will they teach you that it's Christ in you, or will they endlessly teach that it's Christ AND you ?

It doesn't take the power of God to open our eyes to Calvinism, it only requires the teaching of men.
Not for our sins only, but for the sin of the world...

As for the teaching of men and limited atonement... ask yourself this..

WHO would want to LIMIT the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ ?

Is this something the Spirit of God would teach..? The Spirit of God who always exalts and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in all things...

No... certainly not imo..

WHO else might want to LIMIT what the LORD has done..?
Re: Not for our sins only, but for the sin of the world...

As for the teaching of men and limited atonement... ask yourself this..

WHO would want to LIMIT the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ ?

Is this something the Spirit of God would teach..? The Spirit of God who always exalts and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in all things...

No... certainly not imo..

WHO else might want to LIMIT what the LORD has done..?
Good point Eventide, only the "accuser of the brethren" would want such things taught. And not sure how the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace etc... are ever found anywhere but in confidence in the power of Gods Grace and eternal security.

Eph 1:3 ¶ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

Here in this confidence and on this good ground does the fruits of righteousness grow in abundance of peace, joy, love etc...
Some folks can not will not accept their guilt for their sins... At the same time if we have not sin we do not need His Blood which covers our sin or forgives one of those words.... One of those catch 22 things.
Sin was judged, and mercy was poured out, its called the Cross. The only "catch" is for those who will not admit they are nothing in the flesh, that the flesh must be crucified with Christ. This is not a work or action of the flesh through dead religious works, it is by faith in the truth and power of Gods Spirit. The renewed mind, and the power of Gods grace are the only thing that gives a believer power over the sin that dwells in the flesh. The flesh is the issue, the Cross is the answer. So for anyone to claim they are concerned about "others" sin, and not bring the biblical solution? Proves they have not dealt with their own sin. As the Lord said "get the log out of your own eye, before you look for the twig in the eye of others"
God's will is for not any should perish.

It's God's will all are saved.

Your free will has to be engaged for you to be saved.

Of your free will you must choose to receive Him.

The will of God in verse 13 is God's will for all to be saved.

Not God's will just for a few "elect" to be saved.

I hope you see the difference.

No that is surrendered will, one is saved by accepting Gods Will, not by "free-will" No man can save himself nor keep himself saved by his own free-will, he must surrender his will to the Christ Crucified. Unless one loses their life they cannot find life, unless one surrenders their own "free-will" they cannot walk in Gods Will. How can two walk together, unless they agree? Its man who does the agreeing with God, not God changing His Will.

Let me just say this, anyone who walks in the Spirit of God, KNOWS that is requires that one be crucified to self-will. This "free-will" stuff is just not the way of The Cross.

By choosing to accept God's will of Salvation, you have a choice to make, this choice involves your free will.

A person must initially choose God's will, and continue to choose God's will throughout his or her walk with God.

Always a person's free will is involved.

Again that is not "free-will" that is surrendered will. Those who walk in "free-will" are not walking in Gods Will, but they are what the scriptures call "self-willed"
Most likely you are just in mans religion and not in the Kingdom of God.

George, how did you let yourself get on the hot seat like this?
My friend, the truth is always a hot seat, in a world filled with the deceptions of the enemy. The Holy Spirit is the Only True witness to ones standing as it relates to the "elect", now if that puts me on a "hot seat" then that same Holy Spirit will allow me to defend the seat.:)
God's will is for not any should perish.

It's God's will all are saved.

Your free will has to be engaged for you to be saved.

Of your free will you must choose to receive Him.

The will of God in verse 13 is God's will for all to be saved.

Not God's will just for a few "elect" to be saved.

I hope you see the difference.

No that is surrendered will, one is saved by accepting Gods Will, not by "free-will" No man can save himself nor keep himself saved by his own free-will, he must surrender his will to the Christ Crucified. Unless one loses their life they cannot find life, unless one surrenders their own "free-will" they cannot walk in Gods Will. How can two walk together, unless they agree? Its man who does the agreeing with God, not God changing His Will.

Let me just say this, anyone who walks in the Spirit of God, KNOWS that is requires that one be crucified to self-will. This "free-will" stuff is just not the way of The Cross.

By choosing to accept God's will of Salvation, you have a choice to make, this choice involves your free will.

A person must initially choose God's will, and continue to choose God's will throughout his or her walk with God.

Always a person's free will is involved.

Again that is not "free-will" that is surrendered will. Those who walk in "free-will" are not walking in Gods Will, but they are what the scriptures call "self-willed"

Is surrendered will made freely? John 6:38 Luke 22:42

We have freedom in Christ but we are not free to sin. If I choose to follow Jesus thats free will.

Yes a submission to Gods Will, but it is Gods Will, not mans.

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

What submits to God's will?
Well in that we are judged as sinners and convicted by the Holy Spirit as sinners, we renounce our self-will and yield to the Will of God and His Spirit. Again this is an act of weakness and surrender of ones own will. No one "chooses" God, but God does the calling, and He does the saving. We in effect are admitting or inability to save our self by "free-will". The Cross demands that all must renounce their own will, and even Christ did not walk is this so-called "free-will" but said "not My will"
By choosing to accept God's will of Salvation, you have a choice to make, this choice involves your free will.

A person must initially choose God's will, and continue to choose God's will throughout his or her walk with God.

Always a person's free will is involved.

Again that is not "free-will" that is surrendered will. Those who walk in "free-will" are not walking in Gods Will, but they are what the scriptures call "self-willed"

Is surrendered will made freely? John 6:38 Luke 22:42

We have freedom in Christ but we are not free to sin. If I choose to follow Jesus thats free will.

Who is promoting sin but those who claim that a will is not to be surrendered to the Will of God? It is "free-will" that sins, it is "surrendered will" that obeys.
And often we surrender with gladness based upon Gods goodness, "for it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance" But it is surrendered will nevertheless.
Re: Not for our sins only, but for the sin of the world...

As for the teaching of men and limited atonement... ask yourself this..

WHO would want to LIMIT the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ ?

Is this something the Spirit of God would teach..? The Spirit of God who always exalts and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in all things...

No... certainly not imo..

WHO else might want to LIMIT what the LORD has done..?

While Calvinists use the term "Limited Atonement" because of TULIP, the phrase is commonly misunderstood. Probably "Particular Redemption" is the better phrase to explain Calvinist/Biblical theology. Actually, the phrase "Limited Atonement" better belongs to Arminians or non-Calvinists. Non-Calvinists do not believe the atonement has the power to save all those under the atonement. Non-Calvinists loudly trumpted the inability of the shed blood of Jesus Christ to save all who are under the blood. That is far more "limited" in power then the Calvinist "Limited Atonement." Calvinists on the other hand take a far higher view of the atonement in that it is perfect in its power to save. If Jesus Christ shed his blood for you as a particular individual, then you will be saved, or are saved. All those under the shed blood of Jesus Christ (the atonement) are saved. Of course in Arminianism, you can be under the shed blood (atonement) and still go to hell. That would be a very weak view of the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ to save. Thus the term "Limited Atonement" should go to non-Calvinists. Calvinists believe in a "Full Atonement" or particular redemption. The shed blood of Jesus was no partial atonement as in non-Calvinism.
Re: Not for our sins only, but for the sin of the world...

George Muller said:
Good point Eventide, only the "accuser of the brethren" would want such things taught.

I would agree. LIMITING the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ is certainly not something which the Spirit of God would teach the body of Christ.

And not sure how the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace etc... are ever found anywhere but in confidence in the power of Gods Grace and eternal security.

No question about it, I couldn't agree more.

Eph 1:3 ¶ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.
7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

Here in this confidence and on this good ground does the fruits of righteousness grow in abundance of peace, joy, love etc...

Once again, I couldn't agree more.
Re: Not for our sins only, but for the sin of the world...

As for the teaching of men and limited atonement... ask yourself this..

WHO would want to LIMIT the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ ?

Is this something the Spirit of God would teach..? The Spirit of God who always exalts and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in all things...

No... certainly not imo..

WHO else might want to LIMIT what the LORD has done..?

While Calvinists use the term "Limited Atonement" because of TULIP, the phrase is commonly misunderstood. Probably "Particular Redemption" is the better phrase to explain Calvinist/Biblical theology. Actually, the phrase "Limited Atonement" better belongs to Arminians or non-Calvinists. Non-Calvinists do not believe the atonement has the power to save all those under the atonement. Non-Calvinists loudly trumpted the inability of the shed blood of Jesus Christ to save all who are under the blood. That is far more "limited" in power then the Calvinist "Limited Atonement." Calvinists on the other hand take a far higher view of the atonement in that it is perfect in its power to save. If Jesus Christ shed his blood for you as a particular individual, then you will be saved, or are saved. All those under the shed blood of Jesus Christ (the atonement) are saved. Of course in Arminianism, you can be under the shed blood (atonement) and still go to hell. That would be a very weak view of the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ to save. Thus the term "Limited Atonement" should go to non-Calvinists. Calvinists believe in a "Full Atonement" or particular redemption. The shed blood of Jesus was no partial atonement as in non-Calvinism.

Regardless of what Calvin or any other man teaches, limiting the work of Christ to only the unconditionally chosen elect (as many Calvinists are taught), is certainly limiting His atoning work for all men in the first Adam..

The LORD provided a covering for Adam and his wife, the mother of all living..

While men refuse to understand that the LAST ADAM is the elect of God... all of this confusion and speak of 'the elect' will continue on and on without ever mentioning the actual ONE who is the elect.

Watch and see for yourself..