is the very ten commandments that well are the same as the noahide laws demonic to you.
i read that link and well we christians are commanded to do much of the same. are we to take the lord name in vain, and are we to murder and also to fornicate etc.
or what does the lord say? that we are to do the first and second all esle will fall in place.
those noahide links you gave didnt mention that they wanted to rule the world only to live out their faith.
Jason. You are surely not saying that the Noahide Laws are a good idea are you?
Look. They are a Talmudic creation. There were never any laws given to Noah. Law #1 frobids any kind of idolatry ::::: BUT!!! The Talmud and the Rabbinical leadership who came up with this garbage define WORSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST AS IDOLATRY. I've given you all the resources you need to see that. They say it themselves. Straight from the horses mouth. You have to read the smallprint>>
If you worship Christ your head is chopped off.
If you celebrate Xmas or Easter your head is chopped off. You can add to that ANY Christian holiday.
From :::::
"A gentile . . . is liable for the death penalty . . . if he has invented a religious holiday for himself . . . The general principle is we do not allow them to make new religious rituals and to make 'mitzvahs' ["commandment;" sometimes "good deed or blessing"] for themselves by their own devices . . . if he does make some new 'mitzvah,' we lash him, punish him, and inform him that he is obligated [sic] with the death penalty for this." (Rambam Mishne Torah--Hilchose Melachim 10:9)
So Christians or non-Christian Gentiles, according to the "Rambam Mishne Torah" should be lashed, punished, and put to death if they insist on following their own religious practices, including celebration of non-Jewish religious holidays, such as Christmas.
You will see that Jesus is called a "dangerous" false prophet who "repeatedly broke the Law by committing terrible sins, while openly challenging the G-d given authority of the rabbis of the Sanhedrin."
The "Who Was Jesus" page also cites the Talmud -- the references in parentheses are the specific books. The quote begins here:
The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene':
1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).
2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), and was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).
3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh -- which is also explicitly banned in the Bible. (Shabbos 104b).
If Jesus Christ stepped into America with the Noahide Laws being enforced..... he would be put to death again -- by Jewish law.
Please Jason. You have to realise that the noahide Laws involve setting up courts of law with the Sanhedrin as the judges. It's law # 7. Go back and read my info.
i dont think you understand that we have much in common with the jew that actually practices his faith.
Huh? I have nothing in common with antichrist. The only thing I have to offer them is the Gospel. The love of truth. Thats it.
the only difference is that we can and an empowered to fulfill them by the blood of christ and that we know we arent perfect enough to fulfill the law. nowhere in the nt is the very idea of law negated just the curse and the need to follow the sacrifices. we are to follow the ten commandments are we not.
Empowered to fulfill them? Oh dear.
I hope your not suggesting with this post that we are under the old law Jason. Please dont slip into the hebrew roots thing. You know we only have two commandments now. They cover everything that is right and wrong. Except sabbath......which were not under anyway.