Bible Study Obidiah vs. America

War is me where you don't teach your daughters to defend themselves.honor on other words a female cop isn't a lady,men should strip search women in the them in public.females hide weapons in their vaginas.I don't expect women was to scream and hid.there are no front lines in war.btw Isreal has female soldiers!
Until about a year ago.women weren't allowed in combat arms.aviation yes.but that isn't a combat arm in the army.I have issues with the decision but I have seen old images of wacs at Blanding doing infantry movements and rifle ranges.
OK, Bill, you hold tight to all that hate.

I was really hoping to get through to you but I don't know how. All I
can do is hope you wake up before it's too late.

You have a good day now.
th1b.taylor, since you said that I should study so that I might believe, then answer me this one question.

Do you believe that Isaiah 2:2-4 has been fulfilled yet?

edited: instead of the word "fulfilled", I would instead say "come to pass"
Do you believe that was written in Isaiah 2:2-4 has come to pass?


Were you following this and the other conversation, you would have known the answer is no, leaving no reason other than diversion for the question.

Thank you for you answer Bill, now I have a much better understanding of your view on the scriptures. You have attempted to chastise me and inform me that I should study so that I might believe, and yet you have responded with your answer saying that Isaiah 2:2-4 has not yet come to pass. So I would ask of you, for all of your studying, what good does it do if you do not believe? How can you claim to be entering in at the narrow gate when you say that which which lights your way has not yet come to pass. How can you reach that narrow gate if the path has not been made known and the word of God has not yet come forth from Zion?
Back to your study on the book of Obadiah and America.

Though many, even some here, rebuke me, there is the wisdom of the Most Holy in what I term to be the first rule of Hermeneutics: No scripture, group of scriptures, collection of scriptures nor any passage of scripture can ever be fully understood without the light of all scripture shining on it/them. Second, only to the first rule is context, context and context.

You have presented a Bible Study trying to show that America's downfall will be likened to the prophecy of the downfall of Edom as it is found in the book of Obadiah. So far you have not shown me much scriptural evidence. Do you have any other scriptures that may shine some more light on this? So far the only thing that you have mentioned is some book by some guy named Church. Is this a Bible study on the book of Obadiah or is this just another one of the doctrines of men? Where is the context? If this is just your supposition on the similarities between Edom and the USA in the book of Obadiah, perhaps placing the thread in the End Times forum would have been more appropriate.

I am not sure I see the significance of your war stories. How do they relate to Edom and the book of Obadiah? Are they meant to glorify Christ or is it glorying in one self?

War is me where you don't teach your daughters to defend themselves.honor on other words a female cop isn't a lady,men should strip search women in the them in public.females hide weapons in their vaginas.I don't expect women was to scream and hid.there are no front lines in war.btw Isreal has female soldiers!
And you are so far off topic and putting words into my mouth I have never spoken. Now please, this is a Bible Study on the Book of Obidiah and this is not a debate.
Until about a year ago.women weren't allowed in combat arms.aviation yes.but that isn't a combat arm in the army.I have issues with the decision but I have seen old images of wacs at Blanding doing infantry movements and rifle ranges.
And Army Aviation is combat, period. The Sams that tracked and tried to shoot my chopper down were not instruments of peaceful discourse. In 8 months in the Spade I patched over 350 shell holes. Now, let' s not try to be starting useless arguments and let's study the scriptures. If you have a different take on a verse, post it, all else is useless and uncalled for. Your anger is pulling you apart.
OK, Bill, you hold tight to all that hate.

I was really hoping to get through to you but I don't know how. All I
can do is hope you wake up before it's too late.

You have a good day now.
If you want to teach me something, use scripture but in this study, let' s stick to the title.
Thank you for you answer Bill, now I have a much better understanding of your view on the scriptures. You have attempted to chastise me and inform me that I should study so that I might believe, and yet you have responded with your answer saying that Isaiah 2:2-4 has not yet come to pass. So I would ask of you, for all of your studying, what good does it do if you do not believe? How can you claim to be entering in at the narrow gate when you say that which which lights your way has not yet come to pass. How can you reach that narrow gate if the path has not been made known and the word of God has not yet come forth from Zion?
You are still off topic.
Back to your study on the book of Obadiah and America.

You have presented a Bible Study trying to show that America's downfall will be likened to the prophecy of the downfall of Edom as it is found in the book of Obadiah. So far you have not shown me much scriptural evidence. Do you have any other scriptures that may shine some more light on this? So far the only thing that you have mentioned is some book by some guy named Church. Is this a Bible study on the book of Obadiah or is this just another one of the doctrines of men? Where is the context? If this is just your supposition on the similarities between Edom and the USA in the book of Obadiah, perhaps placing the thread in the End Times forum would have been more appropriate.

I am not sure I see the significance of your war stories. How do they relate to Edom and the book of Obadiah? Are they meant to glorify Christ or is it glorying in one self?

This study is not finished and my use of real life experience is my best metaphor collection and if you fail to see the connection there is nothing I can do for you.
If you want to teach me something, use scripture but in this study, let' s stick to the title.

You have to admit Bill, you have taken this off topic a time or two yourself but no matter, it happens. The thing I'd like to discuss is, to me anyway, much more important than the title and that thing is you. :) And I'd like to do that right here so, I can have help available if I need it, if I/we don't, that's fine too. You've done so much for God and country, that I think you are worth having everyone available to you if needed. And no, we aren't perfect by any means but I think you are honest enough to know there is something extra ordinary that may need addressing.

Well let me stop pussyfooting around, I think you are man enough to handle it. I'd like to discuss why your mean and hateful as heck.

Can we talk about that? I'll drop it if you like, but I won't be comfortable doing that and leaving you in a place that has to hurt you more than anyone, but I will, just the same. If we do, we can pick it up anytime you want.

I like the new you, btw, you need to post it on Jethro's picture thread.
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You have to admit Bill, you have taken this off topic a time or two yourself but no matter, it happens. The thing I'd like to discuss is, to me anyway, much more important than the title and that thing is you. :) And I'd like to do that right here so, I can have help available if I need it, if I/we don't, that's fine too. You've done so much for God and country, that I think you are worth having everyone available to you if needed. And no, we aren't perfect by any means but I think you are honest enough to know there is something extra ordinary that may need addressing.

Well let me stop pussyfooting around, I think you are man enough to handle it. I'd like to discuss why your mean and hateful as heck.

Can we talk about that? I'll drop it if you like, but I won't be comfortable doing that and leaving you in a place that has to hurt you more than anyone, but I will, just the same. If we do, we can pick it up anytime you want.

I like the new you, btw, you need to post it on Jethro's picture thread.
not in this string.
Oba 1:10 For the violence done to thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever.

Oba 1:11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that strangers carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them.

Oba 1:12 But look not thou on the day of thy brother in the day of his disaster, and rejoice not over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither speak proudly in the day of distress.

Oba 1:13 Enter not into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, look not thou on their affliction in the day of their calamity, neither lay ye hands on their substance in the day of their calamity.

Oba 1:14 And stand thou not in the crossway, to cut off those of his that escape; and deliver not up those of his that remain in the day of distress.

Oba 1:15 For the day of Jehovah is near upon all the nations: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy dealing shall return upon thine own head.
The US, from the rebirth of Israel, has accepted the Evangelical position that as Christians grafted into the vine that Father Abraham is the root of, we have stood beside our brother and did so until 2008. (v. 10) Today, since '08, the US is becoming more and more aligned with the people that want Israel dead and after Israel, the US. God will see us to regret the day we were born for this transgression.
The US, from the rebirth of Israel, has accepted the Evangelical position that as Christians grafted into the vine that Father Abraham is the root of, we have stood beside our brother and did so until 2008. (v. 10) Today, since '08, the US is becoming more and more aligned with the people that want Israel dead and after Israel, the US. God will see us to regret the day we were born for this transgression.

I see the angle now. Because we elected a black man as president in 2008 and because many want to believe he is a Muslim and contrive of every fantasy to claim he is against the state of Israel, then America will regret the day they elected a black man a president.

Your supposition has no basis on the book of Obadiah. If America resembled anything fit for destruction, then it's likeness would be in Egypt. For as the children of Israel were held in bondage for 430 years of slavery, so too has the black man been held in bondage in this land for over 400 years. And like the taskmaster of the time who beat them with whips if they they were not productive slaves, so even today is there a spirit at work the we can witness when cops gun down unarmed black men, or idiotic misinformed zealots decide to gun down black brethren peacefully studying in their own church with the hopes of inciting a race war?

What does it look like when the powers that be send our manufacturing jobs over seas for cheaper slave wages, then stand back and call them lazy for not going out and getting a job. You shall be punished for your insolence, and your tally of bricks shall not diminish. But how shall we make bricks without straw?

What I know of America is that I was born of the generation of the civil rights movement. A movement that saw voting rights for black men and women. My generation saw affirmative action laws passed making it against the law to discriminate. But like the LAW of MOSES that you like to hold to and cherish, you learned nothing from those laws, because you did not take them to heart.

My generation, that began with the civil rights movement has seen towards it end achievement in the election of the first black president. And though many want to see him as an illegitimate president, they still claim that his election proved that America has overcome its racist past, the election of a black man as the crowning achievement of affirmative action. Since that time there has been a rush throughout the states to roll back and eliminate affirmative action laws and to disenfranchise voters by passing laws requiring more and more stringent requirements.

But you have not learned from these laws and you have not taken them to heart. Instead they have hardened your hearts with resentment. What shall we say when a group of college kids start singing and chanting about lynching black men and hanging them from trees. What do we say when a young kid is infused with the ideology that the black man is no more than an animal and should be treated as such, and then goes on to carry out a bloody massacre trying to incite a race war.

What should the judgement of God look like towards this generation. When you have not taken the law to heart, be it affirmative action or the law of Moses, what shall be done with America. Shall he rain down plagues upon us? I think we do a pretty good job of destroying ourselves. Is judgement already upon us? Billionaire owners have been stripped of their franchise for verbalizing racist attitudes. No more can he buy and sell black players likes they stand upon the auction block.

If you are one that holds this president as being illegitimate or can't contain themselves from speaking bad and disparaging remarks, then I would ask if you have ever really heard what Moses had to say, or Paul, or Peter, or Jesus for that matter.
The US, from the rebirth of Israel, has accepted the Evangelical position that as Christians grafted into the vine that Father Abraham is the root of, we have stood beside our brother and did so until 2008. (v. 10) Today, since '08, the US is becoming more and more aligned with the people that want Israel dead and after Israel, the US. God will see us to regret the day we were born for this transgression.
Oba 1:10 For slaughter, for violence to thy brother Jacob, Cover thee doth shame, And thou hast been cut off--to the age.

The vine is Christ, not the secular nation of Israel. The olive tree, the commonwealth of Israel, is people Bill, not a piece of ground in the middle east.

When God built Israel, the land was a gift to the people, NOT the people to the land.
There is no comparison of US, to the hatred that the people of Edom, had for the Israelites. Their hatred ran deep for generations.

Now what is God's definition of a Jew? It not the blood that runs in ones veins, it is not ones name, it is not where they or their ancestors were born.
God's definition of a Jew is one who is in the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus Christ. There is no Jew or Greek in Christ.
Rom 2:28 For he is not a Jew who is so outwardly, neither is circumcision that which is outward in flesh;
Rom 2:29 but a Jew is he who is so inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter, of which the praise is not of men, but of God.

I'd be much more concerned about our courts and government turning on the true Jews, the true people of God, those in the vine, in the Jewish Christ. Those in the good olive tree.
There are powerful pastors and self-declared prophets who are being distracted. While their eyes are on a secular nation, and they lead others to do the same, they are almost blind to the suffering of the true Jews across the world who are being beheaded, raped, kidnapped, etc. They cluck, cluck, about the Christians being persecuted, but their protective wings are spread across a secular nation, instead of the people who worship our Lord.

Who are the children of Abraham? Who does scripture say they are? Because they are the ones that the OT scripture is speaking about, when God says He will destroy anyone who harms them.
I see the angle now. Because we elected a black man as president in 2008 and because many want to believe he is a Muslim and contrive of every fantasy to claim he is against the state of Israel, then America will regret the day they elected a black man a president.
I have to say something here. You are wrong in this statement. Bill, does not have a problem with Obama being black, that I am sure of. Bill is not racist.
I see the angle now. Because we elected a black man as president in 2008 and because many want to believe he is a Muslim and contrive of every fantasy to claim he is against the state of Israel, then America will regret the day they elected a black man a president.
That is your perception, not mine. You are ¿intentionally? dreaming and forgetful. As a youngster I lived in the midst of Black America and to this day my Black Friends are the closest. This has nothing to do with race.
Your supposition has no basis on the book of Obadiah. If America resembled anything fit for destruction, then it's likeness would be in Egypt. For as the children of Israel were held in bondage for 430 years of slavery, so too has the black man been held in bondage in this land for over 400 years. And like the taskmaster of the time who beat them with whips if they they were not productive slaves, so even today is there a spirit at work the we can witness when cops gun down unarmed black men, or idiotic misinformed zealots decide to gun down black brethren peacefully studying in their own church with the hopes of inciting a race war?
There are misinformed zealots present son of whom I am not one. The ever popular lie that slaves were, routinely, beaten is just without logic. There were idiots that, likely, did get stupid and mistreat the very engine that could have made them wealthy but that could not have been the rule or the bulk could not have prospered. You watch to many movies.
What I know of America is that I was born of the generation of the civil rights movement. A movement that saw voting rights for black men and women. My generation saw affirmative action laws passed making it against the law to discriminate. But like the LAW of MOSES that you like to hold to and cherish, you learned nothing from those laws, because you did not take them to heart.
And I was run out of Mississippi in the sixties by the KKK... your actions during the period I do not know but why do you want to make this a major issue in a study of scripture when I used my examples as, just, an evidence of what I believe. What I believe is not, and I repeat not, the Word of God, of necessity in this case.
What do we say when a young kid is infused with the ideology that the black man is no more than an animal and should be treated as such, and then goes on to carry out a bloody massacre trying to incite a race war.
There is none of that in the South but the Northern Dems did get a law passed, before the Civil War, they started, making the Black Man, by law, only three fifths human. A study of real history would do you well!