The Geologic Age Of The Mississippi River
(With a Presentation of Basic Factors Pertaining to Age-Estimates of River Deltas)
Benjamin Franklin Allen
The Mississippi-Missouri river system is the longest in the world, measuring some 4,221 miles in length. In flood season flat-land inundation below Cape Girareau has always been a problem. In the 1850’s congress ordered General Andrew A. Humphreys to make a survey of the whole area, which was completed and published in 1861.
The English geologist, Charles Lyell (1797-1875), promoter of the Principle of Uniformitarianism, had made superficial examination of the river and delta, and gave the river system an age of 60,000 years, on the basis of a total depth of the delta of 528 feet. Humphreys showed these measurements to be erroneous, and that the actual depth of the delta was only 40 feet. Below that was the blue clay layer and below that marine fossils, indicating that antedating the river was a marine estuary intruding far up into what is now the lower Mississippi River flood plain.
Therefore, using Lyell's formula for age computation, Humphreys
got an age of about 4620 years or approximately the time of the Flood of Noah. It is logical to believe that most of the present river drainage systems of the world were born at the close of the Flood.
There are less data for computing the age of other major rivers of the world, but the data available seem to concur with the age of the Mississippi River.
If the river were as old as many uniformitarian geologists believe, the whole Gulf of Mexico would have been filled with sediment in some 10,000,000 years. ... um9_2.html