Satan's lies and deceptions, what are they? The simplest of lessons to avoid the traps of Satan are found right there in the first couple chapters of the book of Genesis, the serpent whispering from the dust of the earth: YOU WILL NOT DIE.
There is really only one covenant as the OP might suggest, but it is not readily found in either of the testaments, except for a few passages, but it was the commandment given to His Son. Of All the trees in the garden you may freely eat, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of, for in the day you shall eat thereof, you shall surely die. The Lord God Almighty, the creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is therein said if you partake of the fruit of knowledge, YOU SHALL DIE; But the lie of Satan is YOU WILL NOT DIE, so he offers you a covering to hide from the truth. So what are lies and what is truth?
The truth is Adam was created a Son of God, perfect in all his ways to walk before the Lord in Faith all the days of his life. That was his covenant with the Lord when he walked and talked with Lord in the cool of the morning as the mist of the morning dew lays upon the tender herb; And he was given but the one commandment. The tree of Life is yours and all that be in the garden, only Do Not eat the fruit of the tree of Knowledge.
Adam was created, perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. Why was iniquity found in him? Because he partook of the fruit of the knowledge of evil. Adam was created in the image of God, a Son of God to walk according according to Faith. Adam was not created to walk with the knowledge sin, Adam took that knowledge for himself. This is the covenant the Christ came to restore: To walk with the Spirit of the Lord according to Faith as He created you, not according to the knowledge of the Law.
But from the dust of the earth the serpent doth whisper, you are saved, why you shall not die... As the clay vessel cries out the to the potter, why have you made me such? Take this sin from me, for I am not a sinner. But God created you and formed you in His image. He did not create you with the knowledge of sin.
But what is lost to some is the salvation of Christ, for they confuse the salvation through Christ with those who have been redeemed from under the LAW and the KNOWLEDGE of SIN by Christ. For as in Adam shall ALL men DIE, even so in Christ shall ALL be made ALIVE. This is the covenant that Christ restored, the one lost when Adam broke Faith and then hid himself from DEATH. Jesus was Faithful to DEATH, even the death of the Cross, to show the Power of God in restoring life from the dead.
But the author of this OP continues to get caught up in the covenant made with Moses and glories in the laws of that covenant. By his words he tells you correctly that both the old testament and the new testament should not be ignored, for they are not just laws, but they are full of instruction. In this I would tell you the author of the OP is correct, for they are full of instruction in righteousness. But then the author of the OP in saying that, speaks from both sides of his mouth, for out of one side he say it is not about Laws, but then out of the other goes on to glory in a RENEWED 10 Commandments.
It's not a new covenant, but a renewed Covenant calling men, called Apostles rather than Prophets to bring a renewal of the 10 Commandments
Jesus didn't teach you a renewal of the ten commandments in the sermon on the mount, he delivered to you the words to complete in you the ministration of Death that was first given to Moses. When the ministration of Death is complete in you, then shall you find your way back to the tree of Life where you learn of the Glory of the Lord. But the lies the serpent would tell would cause you to glory in the knowledge of a commandment and the self righteousness that come by upholding a law. But the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord and the Righteousness that comes by Faith is hidden from them by the very covering of blood offered to them according to the LAW and the fruit of Knowledge of sin and repentance.
But Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. We are created and formed in the image of Christ. But if we do as the OP suggests and appreciate all that the scripture has to offer without the fear of the LAW, then we might find God expressing a few of his very own characteristics. For instance, God is a Jealous God. Is Jealousy a sin? God Hates, for it is written Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I Hated. God can be vengeful, for I am a vengeful God, visiting the iniquities upon them that hate me.... God has repented himself of the evil he thought to do unto man.
These are things we all know all to well within us. We love those who love us, and hate those we despise. We are full of jealousy and rage. But these things are natural within us, as we were created in Gods image. What we have lost with all the knowledge of sin and evil, is the ability to show the same characteristics of compassion and mercy that Christ has demonstrated for you by walking Faithfully to DEATH, even the death of the cross.
You have heard it said an eye for an eye. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, love your enemy. Do good to those who despitefully use you. If someone should steal your cloak, then GIVE THEM your coat also....... Tell me, can you find that and glorify that in the 10 commandemts?