francisdesales said:glorydaz said:No, the lie is that those who have been saved, born again of the Spirit, will be abandoned by God if they aren't perfect. That does nothing but diminish the work of the cross, and deny the power of the Lord to keep those who have been given Him by the Father. It puts the power of salvation on man's ability to keep himself.
Ding-ding, round 7...
Let's get ready to RUMMMMBBBLLLLEEEE! :boxing
We don't need to be perfect, my friend. That is grace at work. We are no longer under the Law, which requires perfection. Grace, a Loving Father, does not require perfection from His children. However, the children can choose to disown the Father and return to a life of sin. This does NOTHING to diminish the power of the Cross, since the Cross is a gift that must be freely accepted - otherwise, EVERY MAN IS SAVED and NO ONE is in hell!
Man is saved by God, not man's own abilities. But man must accept the freely given gift. Accepting a gift earns nothing, but without this acceptance, a man cannot be saved. God saves no one without them.
Regards one I'd rather rumble with.
Amen, brother....but it's a gift that is non-returnable.
In order for us to leave God, He would have to leave us, and He has promised never to leave nor forsake us. Our children can throw a fit and disobey, but, being the loving and wise parents that we are, we will never forsake them. We will discipline them until they return. As humans, we are limited in what we can do to bring our children into submission, but the great God of glory has no limitations. His power entends to all our our very health and even our lives. All things are possible with God, and Jesus will lose none the Father has given Him.
The Lord doesn't force us to believe in Him, but He is faithful to keep those who come. :yes
John 6:39 said:And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.