- Oct 23, 2003
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- 664
I am not mature enough in Christ to see what you are saying. What I see from my perspective is this:
1. You are not responsible for your sin.
No matter how responsible Paul was Paul was never responsible enough to make the messenger of Satan in his own flesh any less the sinning entity that it was/is unto eternal damnation.
2. All will be saved because it is not really our fault.
Obviously the party in Red will not and can not be saved for any reason, period.
If I am wrong, could you please revert to layman's terms.
I am merely observing the layman's theological nightmare of blindness to you in failing to account for the reality of the party in RED, the devil and his messengers.
Jesus dealt with these parties IN M A N K I N D on nearly every page of the N.T. Gospels. A believer would have to be blind to miss this fact wouldn't they?
Years ago, after engaging in a 10 or 12 year intensive study of Law and Grace I received what I call a breakthrough on the subject matter when 'sharing' my frustrations with another believer.
The conversation went kind of like this:
Who is the law for?
I: Sinners and the lawless (1 Tim. 1:9) But all of us are and remain sinners, so the law must apply to us as lawless sinners.
Would you consider the devil and his messengers as lawless?
I: Undoubtedly
Where are the devil and his messengers located?
Problem solved.
Jesus gave us the first INSIDE look at this matter here:
Mark 4:15
And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
There are no exemptions after salvation. We all still sin, even if in mind and that SIN is in fact of the DEVIL.
And yes, even temptation is sin of the devil that transpires within believers.
None of us are turned from the power of Satan as a one time event, even though our initial turning is GOOD for an eternity in heaven. It is a continual internal wrestling match as long as we remain on earth.