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Paul addressed the Pretribulation Rapture teachers in 2Th 2:1-5. When someone told the Thessalonians the rapture was at hand or could happen at any moment, the Thessalonians became confused about what Paul taught them. The fellow who said this was a Pretribulation Rapture teacher because when he said the rapture could happen at any moment the Antichrist had not yet emerged on the scene. In other words, he was teaching the rapture occurs before the Antichrist rises to power. In order for the Thessalonians to become confused about what Paul taught them they must have esteemed the Pretribulation Rapture teacher as Pastors are esteemed by believers today; otherwise the believers would not have taken him seriously. When Paul heard about this he wrote the letter recorded in 2Th. 2:1-5 and told the Thessalonians not to listen to the Pretribulation Rapture teacher because the rapture or our gathering to the Lord does not occur until after the the falling away and after the Antichrist seats himself in Jerusalem displaying himself as God. The scriptures tell us the Antichrist doesn’t seat himself in Jerusalem until 3 1/2 years after he emerges on the scene.

2Th. 2:1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you may not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?
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Actually Annagrace said that.

I am laughing. If this is not the cheapest was to get out of the request to show scripture that I ever heard. Just because scripture does not say what you believe does not mean it is not still true. Where have I heard that before?
You have to show the scripture that says, even if the activities in a verse correlate with scriptures that pertain to thel Antichrist, it is not the Antichrist doing them it is someone else. Go back and read my previous posts and you will find the scriptures you claim I did not post.
You have to show the scripture that says, even if the activities in a verse correlate with scriptures that pertain to thel Antichrist, it is not the Antichrist doing them it is someone else. Go back and read my previous posts and you will find the scriptures you claim I did not post.
The idea of an “antichrist” (and “many antichrists are in the world” according to scripture) is a view you impose on scripture that isn’t there. So you see that bogeyman where the author didn’t. But since you change the text to fit that eschatology and I don’t wear those filters, you’ll present texts where you alone see him.
The idea of an “antichrist” (and “many antichrists are in the world” according to scripture) is a view you impose on scripture that isn’t there. So you see that bogeyman where the author didn’t. But since you change the text to fit that eschatology and I don’t wear those filters, you’ll present texts where you alone see him.
Dan. 7:11 and Rev. 19:20 refer to the Antichrist being thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Dan. 7:11 “Then I kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking; I kept looking until the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and given to the burning fire.

Rev. 19:20 And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone.
Dan. 7:11 and Rev. 19:20 refer to the Antichrist being thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Doesn’t say so and John who wrote Revelation coined the term “antichrist.” He didn’t use it because it isn’t so. John even said point blank that there are MANY Antichrists, not one. I know that’s what you’ve been taught, it’s your eschatology but you superimpose that title on texts that don’t say that.
Dan. 7:11 “Then I kept looking because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking; I kept looking until the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and given to the burning fire.
No “Antichrist” mentioned.
Rev. 19:20 And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone.
No “Antichrist” mentioned. There’s no “one world bogeyman” coming.

You can, of course, continue to believe that eschatology. A lot of Americans do but it’s fairly limited to America.
Doesn’t say so and John who wrote Revelation coined the term “antichrist.” He didn’t use it because it isn’t so. John even said point blank that there are MANY Antichrists, not one. I know that’s what you’ve been taught, it’s your eschatology but you superimpose that title on texts that don’t say that.

No “Antichrist” mentioned.

No “Antichrist” mentioned. There’s no “one world bogeyman” coming.

You can, of course, continue to believe that eschatology. A lot of Americans do but it’s fairly limited to America.
You are acting willingly stupid.
You really are acting willing stupid.
Again, the personal attack when you cannot intellectually defend your position. These kinds of responses always reveal a great deal about the spirit behind the theology.

This boegyman "Antichrist" is not mentioned in the scriptures where there is no mention of this person because that is NOT who the author was thinking of. This is taking the scriptures for what they actually say and not changing them to match one's chosen eschatology. The book, only book, that mentions "Antichrist" says "there are many antichrists." This bit is usually ignored by those who want a really bad man to take over the world. There are many antichrists. That is what it actually says.
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Paul addressed the Pretribulation Rapture teachers in 2Th 2:1-5. When someone told the Thessalonians the rapture was at hand or could happen at any moment, the Thessalonians became confused about what Paul taught them. The fellow who said this was a Pretribulation Rapture teacher because when he said the rapture could happen at any moment the Antichrist had not yet emerged on the scene. In other words, he was teaching the rapture occurs before the Antichrist rises to power. In order for the Thessalonians to become confused about what Paul taught them they must have esteemed the Pretribulation Rapture teacher as Pastors are esteemed by believers today; otherwise the believers would not have taken him seriously. When Paul heard about this he wrote the letter recorded in 2Th. 2:1-5 and told the Thessalonians not to listen to the Pretribulation Rapture teacher because the rapture or our gathering to the Lord does not occur until after the the falling away and after the Antichrist seats himself in Jerusalem displaying himself as God. The scriptures tell us the Antichrist doesn’t seat himself in Jerusalem until 3 1/2 years after he emerges on the scene.

2Th. 2:1 Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you may not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?
My friend, according to the scripture, there is no rapture. For it is written, If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. Amen.

May this video be a blessing to you:
She seems to have made it quite the habit of doing so.
It is quite common in the US culture to attack personally people who are besting you in an intellectual exchange. When you run out of logical rational arguments, just call the other person an insulting name. It means one has lost the exchange and it says something about the character as well. This is actually not something seen in all cultures but it is particularly American seen in politics and elsewhere.
It is quite common in the US culture to attack personally people who are besting you in an intellectual exchange. When you run out of logical rational arguments, just call the other person an insulting name. It means one has lost the exchange and it says something about the character as well. This is actually not something seen in all cultures but it is particularly American seen in politics and elsewhere.
Well we can’t all be as intellectually gifted as you are, Dorothy! Especially in your incredible ability to label, stereotype, and slander people who live in a different geographical location than you. You certainly set the bar high for us!
Well we can’t all be as intellectually gifted as you are, Dorothy! Especially in your incredible ability to label, stereotype, and slander people who live in a different geographical location than you. You certainly set the bar high for us!
Her comments are so preposterous they are evil in nature.
Let's remember the ToS 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 as most of you are in violation of these terms. Keep your replies to that of the OP by using scripture, to support what you believe. Any more personal attacks on each other will cause this thread to be closed.
Well we can’t all be as intellectually gifted as you are, Dorothy!
Yes, I know. But I do not use it to tell others that they are arrogant etc. (I was actually tested as a teen and found to be intellectually gifted so if you think you have lobbed an insult, you have failed. You simply called a woman what she has been certified to be, a woman who embraces the truth even about herself.)
Especially in your incredible ability to label, stereotype, and slander people who live in a different geographical location than you. You certainly set the bar high for us!
I am gifted in seeing patterns but an intellectually inferior person from a different country can see that the Americans now, was not always so, lobbed personal insults in an intellectual exchange where they are losing. I cannot tell you how many times audiences have lobbed personal insults at Ben Sharpio and the rest of the Daily wire staff because they were unable to give an intellectual answer. It would be better if Americans were aware of this weakness, especially the believers, and restraint themselves from participating in the cultural wickedness. That is not that difficult although harder when one has trained oneself to respond this way.
Yes, I know. But I do not use it to tell others that they are arrogant etc. (I was actually tested as a teen and found to be intellectually gifted so if you think you have lobbed an insult, you have failed. You simply called a woman what she has been certified to be, a woman who embraces the truth even about herself.)

I am gifted in seeing patterns but an intellectually inferior person from a different country can see that the Americans now, was not always so, lobbed personal insults in an intellectual exchange where they are losing. I cannot tell you how many times audiences have lobbed personal insults at Ben Sharpio and the rest of the Daily wire staff because they were unable to give an intellectual answer. It would be better if Americans were aware of this weakness, especially the believers, and restraint themselves from participating in the cultural wickedness. That is not that difficult although harder when one has trained oneself to respond this way.
The truth is gifted people are not able to hear Jesus any better than a moron. Dorothy is a case in point. Her claim that scriptures that don't include the label Antichrist, which describe the same activities as scriptures that do contain the word Antichrist aren't about the Antichrist, is at the top of the list of the most ridiculous statements I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. The truth is Dorothy thinks her appearing to be louder in her posts is all she need do to explain herself. Read the Bible.
Yet it’s only ever those who expose her evil that have their posts removed by mods & are kicked out of forums. Makes you wonder.
The truth is gifted people are not able to hear Jesus any better than a moron. Dorothy is a case in point. Her claim that scriptures that don't include the label Antichrist, which describe the same activities as scriptures that do contain the word Antichrist aren't about the Antichrist, is at the top of the list of the most ridiculous statements I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. The truth is Dorothy thinks her appearing to be louder in her posts is all she need do to explain herself. She needs to read the Bible.
My friend, according to the scripture, there is no rapture. For it is written, If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. Amen.

May this video be a blessing to you:
You forgot to point out that Satan appears as an oracle of God, just like you just did a very bad job of trying to imitate.
The truth is gifted people are not able to hear Jesus any better than a moron. Dorothy is a case in point. Her claim that scriptures that don't include the label Antichrist, which describe the same activities as scriptures that do contain the word Antichrist aren't about the Antichrist, is at the top of the list of the most ridiculous statements I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. The truth is Dorothy thinks her appearing to be louder in her posts is all she need do to explain herself. She needs to read the Bible.
Jesus didn’t come to call the “gifted”, in fact, quite the opposite. The Good Shepherd has a steady reputation for calling only the least likely/least of these.

I’m grateful to be a non-gifted runt of the litter in this world because I know I am a daughter of the King of all Kings.
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