Thankyou Mosheli for your detailed reply. If I have understood you correctly, you believe in a worldwide flood that destroyed all life on the planet except for some aquatic species and that they all managed to fit on the wooden structure that Noah built. Other Christians see this as allegorical, does this in any way affect relationships between Christians? and if so does this how do you reconcile your differences? I'm not 100% certain what you mean by the age of the earth? I am not a scientist but does this mean that you don't agree with the current estimate of 4.5 billion years (I had to look that up). You don't seem to be a fan of the scientific method, are there many Christians who have a similar view? I am very curious as to what the shelved artifacts are, where would I find information on these? And do many Christians believe that Jonah really was swallowed by a great fish and that Ballam's donkey actually spoke? Thanks again for your reply.
There is not necessarily any problem with fitting 2 (unclean) or 7 (clean) of each of all the animals on the ark. As you might know, most animals are pretty small. Larger animals could be taken as babies or eggs. Biblical "kinds" are not necessarily species but cross-fertile or viable taxa which is only barred by difference in order. And according to evolutionism the animal species probably have been more diversified since the flood than they were before the flood.
It is not certain that the Ark was wooden, it is not known for sure what "gopher wood" was/is.
I don't really know whether the difference between believers who think the flood was literal and believers or alleged believers who think it was allegorical is any much of an issue or not. It doesn't seem to be a point of major tension between different believers. I would assume most believers would believe there was a flood rather than that there wasn't one, though some may think it was local/regional not worldwide. And anyway I find it hard to see how the Flood story can be "allegorical". We try to resolve differences by going to the source text (bible) and original language and seeing which scenario the verses words supports, and by finding historical evidence corroboration.
The earth age bit was relating to your or someone else's reply mentioning about scientific age of the earth etc (I couldn't quote all the bits of the OP and replies that I commented on). No I don't believe the Earth is "4.5 billion" years old because the dating methods etc are all unreliable and there are counter evidences like the dust on the moon. They can't prove it, they were not there then. Such massive dates and large gaps/periods between the dates also stretch belief.
I am not "not a fan of" all science, I just don't agree that certain dating methods and evolutionary/geological theories etc are as reliable as asserted. I don't have statistics on all christians but my impression is most christians like most other people are lead to have a lot of faith in "science" and that this is a problem because it has lead to alot of people being lead to doubt the truth of the biblical account. Though at the same time there also seem to be quite alot of believers who do have strong belief in the bible and who don't believe the claims of the evolutionists etc.
I have no statistics of how many "christians" or messianics do or don't believe in Jonah being swallowed by a great fish. But I would assume that most are probably likely to believe it was a true literal event not an allegorical literary device. And I really don't even see why Jonah's fish is so hard to believe.
Shelved artifacts: Look up "out of place artifacts" or "ooparts", and "Forbidden Archaeology" by Cremo & Thompson (traces of humans and civilisation in most periods of the geological time scale), and some other sources. Humans found underneath dinosaur bones in South America. Human and dinosaur footprints in same bed in Genesis Flood by Whitcombe & Morris. There are modern humans found that date older then the fossil men. I listed a few shelved artifacts at but it would take some time and effort to collate a more comprehensive list.
What unites all true believers is believing in the God & Jesus of the bible and "all pass through same Red Sea and same cloud" like they did in the exodus.