Questions for those who think the RCC is the Whore.

Just a few questions for those who think the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.

Who is the Scarlet Beast?
Who are the 7 kings?
Who are the 10 horns?

More questions will follow depending on answers.
Repost because of site issues.
Who is the Scarlet Beast?
Satan represented in the world in various kingdoms in the world through history. Five of which, at the time of John's vision, are fallen, one is, and one not yet come.

Who are the 7 kings?
They are the seven kings of the kingdoms of the scarlet colored beast.

Who are the 10 horns?
They are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom/mountain to rule but who will receive power as kings to rule with the beast.
Just a few questions for those who think the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon.
The great whore is that great city spiritual Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified: Jerusalem.

The 7 heads are the mountains around Jerusalem. The only city on earth God prophesies about is Jerusalem. Rome is no more important to God than any other city on earth. It's just another city of people with God's people among them.

The heathen have never been whores and harlots and adulteresses with the Lord, but only His own people that turn from Him to other gods.

The whore was Jerusalem in the OT turning from the God of Israel, and now is the great whore in the NT turning from Jesus Christ.

Just before His return, both Jew and Christian religions will be world-wide in unfaithful abomination to God.

Who is the Scarlet Beast?
The one the great whore sits upon, when not sitting upon many waters of people. The founding pastor of future world-wide Christian heretics, taken from among all Christians whether Catholic, Protestant, and Independent.

Who are the 7 kings?
Antichrist heretic cults of Christian history, present, and future before the Lord's return. The first was the legalizing Judaizers.

Today's would be grace-dripping OSAS.
Who are the 10 horns?
The ones fulfilling God's will to destroy the great whore and give their authority and power to the beast. That is when the last great antichrist Jewish-Christian cult leader will destroy his own followers, by gathering them together out of the nations to make war with the Lamb and His resurrected saints in the air.

Sort of like Hitler with Germany, but on a much larger scale, and even more reprobate scale.
All these responses show me that the Tribulation will catch many off guard.

So many delusions... so little coherent thought.
All these responses show me that the Tribulation will catch many off guard.

So many delusions... so little coherent thought.
Nobody knows the specific names and faces of the Beasts and kings in Revelation. We just know that the beasts are world powers and the whore is an economic system. I'm of the opinion that the beast out of the sea, who we call the anti-christ and his kingdom, is a communist country, probably China, who, along with the ten kings allied with it, will rule the whole world and destroy the ancient whore system of capitalistic free trade.
Nobody knows the specific names and faces of the Beasts and kings in Revelation. We just know that the beasts are world powers and the whore is an economic system.
Where is this "known" thing stated?
You might be assuming somethings here beyond what is written.
I'm of the opinion that the beast out of the sea, who we call the anti-christ and his kingdom, is a communist country, probably China, who, along with the ten kings allied with it, will rule the whole world and destroy the ancient whore system of capitalistic free trade.
So the Whore is a system? How does that work with the description in Revelation?
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But the return of Christ will not catch true believers off guard.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But the return of Christ will not catch true believers off guard.
But does not scripture say that many will be surprised at His coming? Like a thief in the night?

If you are looking to the East and the thief comes from the West... will not you be surprised at His coming?
But does not scripture say that many will be surprised at His coming? Like a thief in the night?
Yes, many will be surprised at his coming. But not us who are not in darkness:

2For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

4But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. 5For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4
Where is this "known" thing stated?
You might be assuming somethings here beyond what is written.

So the Whore is a system? How does that work with the description in Revelation?
Well, we know the woman, the whore, is a city, a center of commerce: Revelation 16:19, Revelation 17:18, Revelation 18:15

A city and hub of commerce with whom the kings and merchants of the earth committed adultery and grew rich from her excessive luxuries: Revelation 18:3, Revelation 18:9

The beast out of the sea and it's ten horns (what we call the anti-christ and his kingdom) will hate the prostitute (the city and system of commerce that makes the kings and merchants of the earth committing adultery with her rich), and will burn her with fire: Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:16, Revelation 18:9

The merchants of the earth and the great men of the world who gained their wealth from her will mourn over her destruction and the loss of their markets and the loss of their riches and splendor. Revelation 18:9 Revelation 18:11, Revelation 18:14

This is a picture of the end of the world's ancient Babylonian system of commerce and the intoxicating wine of it's luxuries, destroyed by the anti-christ beast system and it's ten horns.

To me it's a picture of how godless communism rises up out of the chaos and turbulence of humanity (which it did) and which hates the riches and opulence of the system of free markets that has ruled over and intoxicated the inhabitants of the world from the beginning, and destroys them and rids the earth of it in favor of it's iron economic rule where one must submit to and worship it in order to buy and sell (Revelation 13:15-17).

It's all about economics. An ancient, historical system of world economics being destroyed and replaced by another. A ruthless and brutal end time economic system that rules the whole world.
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Well, we know the woman, the whore, is a city, a center of commerce: Revelation 16:19, Revelation 17:18, Revelation 18:15

A city and hub of commerce with whom the kings and merchants of the earth committed adultery and grew rich from her excessive luxuries: Revelation 18:3, Revelation 18:9

The beast out of the sea and it's ten horns (what we call the anti-christ and his kingdom) will hate the prostitute (the city and system of commerce that makes the kings and merchants of the earth committing adultery with her rich), and will burn her with fire: Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:16, Revelation 18:9

The merchants of the earth and the great men of the world who gained their wealth from her will mourn over her destruction and the loss of their markets and the loss of their riches and splendor. Revelation 18:9 Revelation 18:11, Revelation 18:14

This is a picture of the end of the world's ancient Babylonian system of commerce and the intoxicating wine of it's luxuries, destroyed by the anti-christ beast system and it's ten horns.

To me it's a picture of how godless communism rises up out of the chaos and turbulence of humanity (which it did) and which hates the riches and opulence of the system of free markets that has ruled over and intoxicated the inhabitants of the world from the beginning, and destroys them and rids the earth of it in favor of it's iron economic rule where one must submit to and worship it in order to buy and sell (Revelation 13:15-17).

It's all about economics. An ancient, historical system of world economics being destroyed and replaced by another. A ruthless and brutal end time economic system that rules the whole world.
So do you think the Whore is a city or a system?
You moved the goalposts halfway through your answer.
Yes, many will be surprised at his coming. But not us who are not in darkness:

2For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

4But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief. 5For you are all sons of the light and sons of the day; we do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4
If you shield your eyes from the view from the West... does that not put you into darkness as far as the West is concerned?
So if you don't want to be caught by the thief... you have to look to where the thief approaches from.
So do you think the Whore is a city or a system?
You moved the goalposts halfway through your answer.
I’m not sure if it’s a literal city or if it’s a figurative city representing the heart and soul of an economic system that has lured the world away with its excesses and luxuries. Or both. I lean toward it being a literal city at any one time in history. The main financial hub of the world at any one time in history and which represents or epitomizes the world’s economic system of the day beginning with ancient Babylon and perhaps being represented by New York City or some other major financial hub today. I have heard of New York City being referred to by secular sources as the center of the world’s financial system, the whole world’s economy revolving around it. The destruction of which would bring the entire global economy down. The very thing described in Revelation.
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If you shield your eyes from the view from the West... does that not put you into darkness as far as the West is concerned?
So if you don't want to be caught by the thief... you have to look to where the thief approaches from.
Thus the reason for both Paul and Jesus to exhort us to stay awake and alert, lest the return of the Lord come upon you suddenly and with surprise as a thief in the night. Matthew 24:43-44
Instantly, Rome comes to mind as the only city renown to history, for over two thousand years, as The Seven Hills City. For The Seven Hills of Rome was a title applied to the original site of Rome since 390 B.C. In fact, with very “little” wisdom, anyone can answer the question — what great city seated on seven mountains reigned over the kings of the Earth in John’s day? Quite obviously, it was Rome!

The abomination of desolation in Matthew 24:15 was 1260 years (a year is as a day with the Lord) of Papal Rome rule from 538AD with Emperor Justinian’s decree and under the military protection of Belisarius and the beast (Pope) until the deadly wound came in 1798 by General Berthier who made his entrance into Rome and abolished the papal government and established a secular one. This is also confirmed in Revelation 12:6 the church of Jesus would hide in the wilderness for exactly 1260 days (years) or 3 ½ years.

This was the time when Rome persecuted the Christians and killed them which were around 500 million saints slain for the cause of their faith in Jesus. 1798 – 538 = 1260 days/years. Napoleon had closed down the Catholic Church and the Papacy, its power was thought to be forever broken. The wound was largely healed in 1929 when Mussolini gave the Vatican back to the Pope and established it as a country in it's own right in the Lateran Treaty. Today the Vatican has formal diplomatic relations with almost every country in the world.

Matthew 24:13 but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved. This means the end of Papal rule in 1798. Vs. 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come. This means that now the gospel can be preached through out the world as we have been set free from Papal authority even though Papal Rome will try to take its seat in Jerusalem, Daniel 11:36-45; 2Thessalonians 2:3, 4, which is also an abomination to God as Satan said “I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God (other ruling powers) I will sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation in the sides of the north (Jerusalem). I will ascend above the clouds, I will be like the Most High,” Isaiah 14:12-14.

We will see history repeat itself in the end of days when the son of perdition takes his literal seat in Jerusalem on the very temple mount of God making martyr's of those who will not renounce Christ refusing to take the mark of this beast.

For an extensive study of who the women on the beast is go to and also look up project Vatican. They are long studies, but worth the time to read so we will not be deceived in knowledge.
Sometimes I think the religious system is psychology psychiatry and related fields. Szasz…psychiatrist and author of the myth of mental illness…writes that psychiatry is a fake religion that infiltrates and undermines real religions. I’d argue the helping professions have infiltrated and undermined all social institutions. Now people talk in psychobabble on a daily basis and churches host all kinds of 12 step groups and…on and on.

It’s worth noting that szasz wanted psychiatry abolished because at the core psychology and psychiatry are slavery.
All these responses show me that the Tribulation will catch many off guard.

So many delusions... so little coherent thought.
This response shows all that the Tribulation catching many off guard is false.

So little actual teaching and only frustrated thought.

Great tribulation has been for the saints on earth since Cain argued with and then slew Abel for not coming round to Cain's way of thinking and sacrifice to God.

And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.

Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

It's not tribulation of temptation and persecution that catches the saints off guard, but the Lord's appearing on earth again. He comes as a thief in the night to catch His own off guard, not tribulation of the righteous.

The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,

And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

He caught His own off guard the first time in the flesh, and will do so again the second time in the air.

It's the great tribulation of plagues and wrath from the Lord, that will catch the world off guard after the resurrection of His saints.
This response shows all that the Tribulation catching many off guard is false.

So little actual teaching and only frustrated thought.

Great tribulation has been for the saints on earth since Cain argued with and then slew Abel for not coming round to Cain's way of thinking and sacrifice to God.

And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation.

Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

It's not tribulation of temptation and persecution that catches the saints off guard, but the Lord's appearing on earth again. He comes as a thief in the night to catch His own off guard, not tribulation of the righteous.

The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,

And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

He caught His own off guard the first time in the flesh, and will do so again the second time in the air.

It's the great tribulation of plagues and wrath from the Lord, that will catch the world off guard after the resurrection of His saints.
Also those that do not look for the Tribulation will be surprised.

If you don't think that... then be prepared for a surprise.