Not really, people are less likely to be offended by black people being prejudice due to the lack of established political and economic power.Blacks are racist's and it is accepted.
Yeah, because their history was mostly ignored if not completely ignored. There are modern black academics that do want to phase out black history month and just restructure history education to just be inclusive of all peoples. Just like everything in the US, its going to take time to phase in due to how slow the bureaucracy moves.Blacks, and other races can have a month dedicated to their race.
You literally operating on a misconception and self imposed victim mentality. There is no singular white culture. There are months dedicated for various "white" ethnicities sprinkled throughout the year. Irish, German, Spanish, Italian, etc all have months. What you are trying to call "white" is an amalgamation of vastly different cultures throughout Europe. In the US there has literally been infighting between varying "white" ethnicities. You literally have no idea about the very history you want represented.Oh it's all so rich in culture they say. Just try having one dedicated to the White race. Try having anything for whites and it will be classed as evil and terrible.
I see it as a reactionary movement by ignorant people that want to blame minority groups for their problems instead of the failings of our government and the vast divide that is happening due to economic disparities that have arisen from polices that have devastated the American people as a whole. Its literally a distraction from the real problems in this country.In other words, you don't think a white person should be part of a group representing the white race without it being viewed as evil. How do you view the NAAWP?
This is literally because you are using arbitrary goal posts that you can shift, but don't apply to others the same way. You are literally just repeating propaganda that was used against he Irish, Germans, and Russians. You are just shifting it to people with darker skin.Again, just because blacks go or are brought where whites dominate, doesn't make them white. If they advance in that civilization, they do so as a result of that civilization. The black race as a race can never dig itself out of a hole.
Because its a made up problem based on junk science from a fallen empire.Of course you and others will reject that statement. But that is the problem. You and America refuse to believe it. So America has no solution to the race problems in America. They refuse to acknowledge race as a factor, for or against.