Point #1
- if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
This shows us that
God will bring with Jesus Christ, those who have died and are in heaven...
We know Jesus Christ is
in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father.
So, if God brings
the dead in Christ with Him, then it's clear that they are
with Him in heaven.
Do you agree?
I know this was not to me, but thought I might add something here, because this has been something I have misunderstood for a long time. The problem becomes apparent when you try to reconcile this perspective that right now the saints are in the third heaven with God, and that when the rapture happens they will come down from the third heaven...so hang with me just a bit and try to reconcile this with 1 Thess. 4 The thought is that the saints are now with Jesus in heaven and that at the rapture they will be coming DOWN with him to the clouds which are in the first heaven, but 1 Thess. 4 shows the dead in Christ going UP to the clouds to meet Jesus in the air, in other words, they can't both be coming down from heaven TO the clouds below them and also be coming UP from the earth to the clouds above.
Keep that thought in your mind and then see how 1 Thess. 4 says..'the dead in Christ shall RISE first, not 'the dead in Christ shall DESCEND first', but to make it even clearer it says then the living will be caught up together WITH THE DEAD, (not the living will be caught TO MEET the dead, but together WITH the dead. So repeat, not to MEET the dead but rather they rise together WITH the dead.
The only MEETING taking place is that both the living and the dead are MEETING JESUS, who has came down from the third heaven to the first heaven.
And this does not do away with the scripture you quoted that the God will bring those who sleep with him, but the intersection point where the meeting takes place is in the clouds. When it says God will bring the dead with him, it means he will bring the dead who have met him in the clouds down with him, but not from the third heaven. So in summary, Jesus comes down to the clouds and the dead and the living go up to meet Jesus in the clouds, then Jesus and the saints come down to the earth to set up the Kingdom of God on earth.
And so when we see Rev. 19 where there are much people in heaven...it can only mean there are much people who have been caught up to the clouds which are in the first heaven, not the third heaven.
We can also see this with the two prophets who were dead in the street in Rev. It says the spirit of life from God enters them and they stand upon their feet...so they have now been resurrected and given immortal bodies, for it says we shall ALL be changed at the same time, but then they hear a voice saying 'come up hither,' but then look where they go...
They do not ascend up to the third heaven...it says they ascended up to heaven IN A CLOUD....there are no clouds up in the third heaven...they do not go to the third heaven, they go to the first heaven where the clouds are, which is exactly where the dead in Christ and the living go in 1 Thess. 4...they go UP TO THE CLOUDS, and the Lord comes DOWN TO THE CLOUDS,' and that's where all the living and the dead saints meet and then all the saints come down to the earth...Blessings to you in Christ Jesus