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VaultZero4Me said:Not trying to teach you anything. But continue the sarcasm. It doesn’t bother me.
As for taking the hell concept light (I didn’t say you thought it was funny. There is a difference between taking something light, and considering it funny.)
Here are some examples:
1. The name “Turnorburnâ€Â.
2. This whole thread (including the rat with his eyes popping out next to the “Be afraid, be very afraid.†Comment) viewtopic.php?f=20&t=30494&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
GraceBwithU said:VaultZero4Me said:Not trying to teach you anything. But continue the sarcasm. It doesn’t bother me.
As for taking the hell concept light (I didn’t say you thought it was funny. There is a difference between taking something light, and considering it funny.)
Here are some examples:
1. The name “Turnorburnâ€Â.
2. This whole thread (including the rat with his eyes popping out next to the “Be afraid, be very afraid.†Comment) viewtopic.php?f=20&t=30494&st=0&sk=t&sd=a
Actually the whole theory of man coming from apes is funny, not you. And you’re right I was being sarcastic. But I can’t help it when it comes to this subject. That is the reason I actually don’t want to discuss it much, nothing personal toward you.
However, I do have some questions if you would like to answer them.
VaultZero4Me said:btw Grace, I do not understand why you act as if I came on the thread and spear headed a debate for evolution. My only point initially was for the poster to not use the toronadoe makes a 747 example. She wouldn't be taken seriously in her endeavor.
Francis: Most Gallup polls on the subject show only some 20% of people actually believe the totally far-fetched idea of macro-evolution - not that this is some sort of proof against it - but it is an argument against your idea that it is "accepted everywhere but in Christian quarters".
National Geographic:
In European countries, including Denmark, Sweden, and France, more than 80 percent of adults surveyed said they accepted the concept of evolution.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news ... ution.html
Francis: It is just poor science, if we look at the circumstantial evidence that "supports" it - and is more based on a priori metaphysical beliefs.
Maybe it did lack empirical evidence in the beginning. What theory hasn’t in its infancy? Darwin didn’t have the advantage of micro biology nor genetics; plus, a lot fossil evidence which has been discovered in the last 100 years.Darwin's theory came around at the right time - otherwise, it would have been laughed out of the science community for its massive presumptions and little evidence. It came around during the Victorian era when people just "knew" that God couldn't create the universe with imperfections - "God wouldn't create this or that" - and so, the idea of micro-evolution, extrapolated to the very beginning of time with no evidence, seemed to make sense of the mindless "survival of the fittest" force that replaced God. Now, deism would have its "scientific proof". None of which explains how it all began in the first place, of course...
VaultZero4Me said:I guess that is our roadblock to understanding each other. I do not see why it is funny or offensive to say that man and apes have common ancestry. I just don't understand that reaction. I find it highly interesting to learn about.
I will try to answer your questions, but again, I am no expert. I just read on the subject.
GraceBwithU said:VaultZero4Me said:I guess that is our roadblock to understanding each other. I do not see why it is funny or offensive to say that man and apes have common ancestry. I just don't understand that reaction. I find it highly interesting to learn about.
I will try to answer your questions, but again, I am no expert. I just read on the subject.
Where did live first appear on earth and what was it?
VaultZero4Me said:I have read a poll that showed that only 28% believe in evolution. But, that is a gallop poll on the United States . That same poll showed that 83% believe in a virgin birth for Christ, suggesting that the majority sampled were indeed Christians. That actually supports the notion that it mainly Christian quarters that is a garner for the non-believers in evolution.
VaultZero4Me said:In European countries, including Denmark, Sweden, and France, more than 80 percent of adults surveyed said they accepted the concept of evolution.
VaultZero4Me said:Now, those countries are a bit more secular, so that may indicate, as Bible literalists within the population goes down, belief in evolution goes up. They certainly are positively correlated, as well as education.
VaultZero4Me said:Again, I don’t really want to debate this with you, but you certainly should offer up some evidence for your claims when you make them. That is just proper form. Where is it so lacking at?
VaultZero4Me said:Also, evolution didn't just pop into his head one day. Natural selection, the mechanism, is what he developed.
VaultZero4Me said:Many people had thought along the lines of us evolving from different organisms for a long time. No one really had a grasp on the mechanism that drove it.
I still have yet to see you cite where the theory is so lacking.
That is certainly a mis-use of statistics. Those two unrelated polls have nothing to do with each other. We do not know if the SAME people who disbelief in evolution ALSO belief in the Virgin birth. This is just another example of how "evidence" is manipulated to say something that it cannot say anything about
Which concept of evolution? That mankind emerged from a planet that had absolutely no life on it based on random chemicals bumping into each other? Or the concept of a bird having a beak 4% larger during periods of drought?
Either you are not very good with statistics or your are purposely misleading other people. There are literally dozens of reasons why people may or may not believe in macro evolution. Thus, taking one variable and assigning it the all powerful "reason" is simply false. I have said, as a Christian, I am ready to accept either position. It does absolutely nothing to my belief in God. In the end, IF macro evolution was "true", rather than the "best guess", it does not discount a God directing evolution in how He sees fit. Many theists actively have taken that position. I choose not to because I do not find the evidence compelling enough, AND, I am concerned about the dishonest tactics used by the status quo "scientists" who feel the need to argue ad hominem and outright lie about particulars, such as Dawkins.
I have read enough for me, as a layman in the field, to know that evolution is not accepted for a number of reasons. Thus, in my mind, it is still a theory, nothing more. I wholeheartedly accept micro evolution. Macro evolution has not proven itself, in my opinion
The biggest problem for me, one you have ignored throughout, is WHY has evolution at the macro level stopped?
Where are the CURRENT evolvers based on the old assumptions? Where are the 4 legged creatures who are yearning to become a whale and jumping into the ocean and evolving into one??? Where are the Cro-Mag's? Wouldn't there be current monkies CONTINOUSLY evolving into these lower humanoids? Why have monkeys stopped evolving into men? If macro evolution was true, we would see evidence of it TODAY in CURRENT creatures, at ALL levels - from worms to humans...
UNLESS, some designer has decided that the time was finished and monkeys would no longer evolve at the macro level.
I have tried before, but every person I pick will immediately be discredited by you for being "intellectually dishonest" or "proved false in court"... That, for me, sends up the signal flares. What OTHER science discussion finds it necessary to belittle other objective ideas? To take the other side to court to silence it? Evolution is a dictatorship claiming to be "science". Where else do we find scientists acting as such - even to the point of suing other scientists to keep it out of the classroom? Is that the state of affairs in this country? The theory of evolution has become a philosophical viewpoint being pushed onto the people. And anyone who doesn't accept it is labeled immediately by the thought police...
Oh, it is much more than a scientific discussion. As such, unless I see overwhelming proof, I will withhold my judgment on the incredible leap of faith needed to believe that life started from nothing and blindly came to this point today.
VaultZero4Me said:Dunno. No one does. Evolution isn't the mechanism that started it, it just took over once that spark ignited. Evolution describes everything after that point.
VaultZero4Me said:The transition from no-living matter (of course that definition varies) to life is abiogenesis, and probably really can be considered to be in the realm of metaphysics right now.
Just for the sake of discussion...let's say it was in the water. OK?
VaultZero4Me said:Grace:
Just for the sake of discussion...let's say it was in the water. OK?
Ok. I will go with that for the sake of the discussion.
GraceBwithU said:VaultZero4Me said:Dunno. No one does. Evolution isn't the mechanism that started it, it just took over once that spark ignited. Evolution describes everything after that point.
Come on make a guess...land or sea? Forget what it was.
Gen 1:9
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
VaultZero4Me said:The transition from no-living matter (of course that definition varies) to life is abiogenesis, and probably really can be considered to be in the realm of metaphysics right now.
abiogenesis -
So I guess this is what the bible is really saying in the following verse.
Gen 2:7
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
You didn't answer the question. I'd rather you answer it. You have read more about this than I probably have.VaultZero4Me said:Again, there are different theories on where it started and how (foam from waves, in the clay, in the vents in the ocean, etc.) No one really knows.
I do not see any contradiction with those verses and evolution. God could not have possibly explained evolution to the writer of Genesis. The writer nor readers at that current time had no way to understand any of it, much less put it into words. How would they have written about dinosaurs and explained how geographically cutting off two population will likely eventually create a new species through mutations. It would have been nonsensical to that time period.
Evolution does not deny God. It is just a process that does not necessarily need a direct guiding hand. But again, if you believe that God created the world and everything in it, natural selection would be an indirect hand because he created all the conditions, laws of physics, and chemistry.
Again you muddle two separate ideas. Evolution does not say life came from non life. That is abiogenesis. You can believe that God created life, and evolution guided it to its current state.
There is only one evolutional theory, but there are different theories within it. Evolution just states life shares a common ancestor, not that life came from non-matter.
VaultZero4Me said:It is simple. You poll a group of people. You ask them a series of questions. If 72% say that they do not believe in evolution, and 83% say they believe in the virgin mary, there has to be a great deal of over lap. There is no way around that.
VaultZero4Me said:Again you muddle two separate ideas. Evolution does not say life came from non life. That is abiogenesis. You can believe that God created life, and evolution guided it to its current state. There is only one evolutional theory, but there are different theories within it. Evolution just states life shares a common ancestor, not that life came from non-matter.
VaultZero4Me said:Statistical sampling does not really allow you to cite cause and effect. I did not do that. I said that it infers a relationship.
VaultZero4Me said:No where in my claim did I say that you can’t believe in God and evolution. I just said that from the sampling, it is indicative that the less Bible literalists you have in a sample, the more likely you are to have people who believe in evolution. That is an accurate reflection of the sample. Do you deny that?
VaultZero4Me said:Gravity is just a theory. Thermodynamics is just a theory. Relativity is just a theory. Nuclear fusion is just a theory. Quantum mechanics is just a theory. Black holes are just a theory. The tides being affected by the moon is just a theory.
VaultZero4Me said:They are all theories in everyone’s minds. No one said it is a fact. But it is evidentially supported to be correct as much and more as many of the above theories, yet I do not see countless threads citing how those other theories shouldn’t be accepted.
VaultZero4Me said:Who said it has (stopped)? Evolution is happening every day. We are all in transition. In fact if you terraformed Mars and shipped a colony of humans to it, and there is no breeding between earth humans and the new martian colony for millions of years, the two colonies would likely diverge enough to be two separate species. They would not be able to breed together any more. That is speciation.
VaultZero4Me said:I do not know what you mean about the “4 legged creatures†jumping into the ocean to become whales. I do not even know how to reply to that. That’s not evolution.
VaultZero4Me said:The Cro-Mags are extinct. You can go view their fossils in a museum if you wished.
VaultZero4Me said:Monkeys are continuously evolving.
VaultZero4Me said:ID was charged with not being science. It did not meet the criteria.
It makes no predictions, it is not testable, and it’s not based on empirical evidence. Show me where it meets those criteria and I will go with you to file a suite to instate it into my district.
GraceBwithU said:You didn't answer the question. I'd rather you answer it. You have read more about this than I probably have.VaultZero4Me said:Again, there are different theories on where it started and how (foam from waves, in the clay, in the vents in the ocean, etc.) No one really knows.
I do not see any contradiction with those verses and evolution. God could not have possibly explained evolution to the writer of Genesis. The writer nor readers at that current time had no way to understand any of it, much less put it into words. How would they have written about dinosaurs and explained how geographically cutting off two population will likely eventually create a new species through mutations. It would have been nonsensical to that time period.
Evolution does not deny God. It is just a process that does not necessarily need a direct guiding hand. But again, if you believe that God created the world and everything in it, natural selection would be an indirect hand because he created all the conditions, laws of physics, and chemistry.
On contradiction That seems to be there is that Gen 2:7 says it happened in one day not millions of years.
Well, first, assuming it is the SAME poll, we would have to analyze WHO said what. We would also have to be more extensive in our questions - since there are a number of factors that lead to belief or disbelief or evolution. I believe in the Virgin Birth, but that is not why I disbeleive materialistic macro evolution. YOUR "poll" would toss me into the "bible literalist" category, which is statistically unfounded.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. I'll try to be more careful with how YOU define evolution - there seems to be a lot of definitions...
it is based on philosphical presumptions that muddy the data from the beginning. If one has a set of data and the assumption that we have evolved from an ameoba, then one would tend to INTERPRET the data to show this to be the case. The above are seen TODAY. Macro evolution is not.
You are speaking micro evolution. Not macro evolution. We are not changing into another species. We are not changing from warm blooded to cold blooded creatures, moving from air breathers to water breathers, or any such spectatular ideas. And yet, we are to believe that is what happened, by "accident" with reptiles becoming a warm blooded, feather spouting mammal? I am sorry, it is too amazing and unobserved to believe for me. Consider me an agnostic evolutionist.
Thanks, but if evolution was true, I should still be able to see monkeys climbing the evolution chain and becoming transitional homo sapiens.
Since when is materialistic macro evolution "testable", vs. intelligent design? The former claims "Mother nature", the later claims "Intelligent designer".
VaultZero4Me said:You are charging it not to be science. If that were true, why has not any ID person come up with a real challenge? If what you are stating is true, they should be able to knock down the theory with some knock out punches. They haven’t.
VaultZero4Me said:Ok, that is fine to be agnostic of evolution. But I did not get the implication of agnostic from you post. I get the impression that you feel it to be impossible.
VaultZero4Me said:Again, we did not evolve from the current apes or monkeys.
VaultZero4Me said:All creatures that exist today have adapted to their environment and are not ancestors of each other.
VaultZero4Me said:Evolution claims that nature created forces that caused species to adapt, and some species to go extinct. It claims that over time, if two groups of a species are some how prevented from sharing genes, eventually the two groups will have enough genetic changes that will prevent them from producing offspring together.
VaultZero4Me said:.
ID claims a supernatural guiding hand. How can you scientifically study the supernatural?
VaultZero4Me said:That is tantamount to saying that a belief that a deity pushes two objects together is as much a science as saying that objects of mass warp space/time. Again, the latter is testable by viewing the path of light near an object of significant mass, for instance, studying the apparent change in the position of stars when viewed near the edge of the sun during an eclipse.