That is certainly a mis-use of statistics. Those two unrelated polls have nothing to do with each other. We do not know if the SAME people who disbelief in evolution ALSO belief in the Virgin birth. This is just another example of how "evidence" is manipulated to say something that it cannot say anything about
That certainly is not a misuse of statistics. Statistics is at least one area that I can say I have had formal training in.
It is simple. You poll a group of people. You ask them a series of questions. If 72% say that they do not believe in evolution, and 83% say they believe in the virgin mary, there has to be a great deal of over lap. There is no way around that.
Look at it this way, if 72 out of 100 people said they believe against evolution, and out of the same group, 83 say they believe in the virgin birth of Christ, would there not be a large proportion that say they believe against evolution and believe in the virgin birth?
How did I misuse that statistic? Now, I can’t say the EVERY body who disbelieves in evolution believes in virgin birth, but I certainly, and have to say, that a majority of the 100 believe in both.
Its not apple and oranges, It was the same sample. The sample group did not change in the study I cited.
Which concept of evolution? That mankind emerged from a planet that had absolutely no life on it based on random chemicals bumping into each other? Or the concept of a bird having a beak 4% larger during periods of drought?
Again you muddle two separate ideas. Evolution does not say life came from non life. That is abiogenesis. You can believe that God created life, and evolution guided it to its current state. There is only one evolutional theory, but there are different theories within it. Evolution just states life shares a common ancestor, not that life came from non-matter.
Either you are not very good with statistics or your are purposely misleading other people. There are literally dozens of reasons why people may or may not believe in macro evolution. Thus, taking one variable and assigning it the all powerful "reason" is simply false. I have said, as a Christian, I am ready to accept either position. It does absolutely nothing to my belief in God. In the end, IF macro evolution was "true", rather than the "best guess", it does not discount a God directing evolution in how He sees fit. Many theists actively have taken that position. I choose not to because I do not find the evidence compelling enough, AND, I am concerned about the dishonest tactics used by the status quo "scientists" who feel the need to argue ad hominem and outright lie about particulars, such as Dawkins.
Nice personal attack ;) A false dichotomy mixed with an Ad Hom.
1. I am either ignorant in statistical sampling -or -
2. I am dishonestly representing the facts.
Actually statistics is one of my strongest subjects. I made As in all my statistic classes in college. Nor am I trying to mislead anyone.
Statistical sampling does not really allow you to cite cause and effect.
I did not do that. I said that it infers a relationship.
No where in my claim did I say that you can’t believe in God and evolution. I just said that from the sampling, it is indicative that the less Bible literalists you have in a sample, the more likely you are to have people who believe in evolution. That is an accurate reflection of the sample. Do you deny that?
I have read enough for me, as a layman in the field, to know that evolution is not accepted for a number of reasons. Thus, in my mind, it is still a theory, nothing more. I wholeheartedly accept micro evolution. Macro evolution has not proven itself, in my opinion
Of course it is a theory, but it is a highly supported one.
Gravity is just a theory. Thermodynamics is just a theory. Relativity is just a theory. Nuclear fusion is just a theory. Quantum mechanics is just a theory. Black holes are just a theory. The tides being affected by the moon is just a theory.
But all of those “theories†make predictions that we can test, and are based on evidence. The same for evolution. Evolution is in fact a highly supported theory.
They are all theories in everyone’s minds. No one said it is a fact. But it is evidentially supported to be correct as much and more as many of the above theories, yet I do not see countless threads citing how those other theories shouldn’t be accepted.
The biggest problem for me, one you have ignored throughout, is WHY has evolution at the macro level stopped?
Who said it has? Evolution is happening every day. We are all in transition. In fact if you terraformed Mars and shipped a colony of humans to it, and there is no breeding between earth humans and the new martian colony for millions of years, the two colonies would likely diverge enough to be two separate species. They would not be able to breed together any more. That is speciation.
Now, if you are asking why we can not watch “macro†evolution in a lab, it is because no one can live for that long of a time period. But it has
not stopped. It hasn’t.
Where are the CURRENT evolvers based on the old assumptions? Where are the 4 legged creatures who are yearning to become a whale and jumping into the ocean and evolving into one??? Where are the Cro-Mag's? Wouldn't there be current monkies CONTINOUSLY evolving into these lower humanoids? Why have monkeys stopped evolving into men? If macro evolution was true, we would see evidence of it TODAY in CURRENT creatures, at ALL levels - from worms to humans...
We are the current evolvers……
I do not know what you mean about the “4 legged creatures†jumping into the ocean to become whales. I do not even know how to reply to that. That’s not evolution.
The Cro-Mags are extinct. You can go view their fossils in a museum if you wished.
Monkeys are continuously evolving.
You go about it all wrong. The current monkeys are not my ancestors. We are related. We share a common range of ancestor who are now extinct. We are cousins so to speak. Its not like evolution states that one day a monkey decided to be a human, so now humans exists.
UNLESS, some designer has decided that the time was finished and monkeys would no longer evolve at the macro level.
Again evolution has not stopped. You still see mutations do you not?
I have tried before, but every person I pick will immediately be discredited by you for being "intellectually dishonest" or "proved false in court"... That, for me, sends up the signal flares. What OTHER science discussion finds it necessary to belittle other objective ideas? To take the other side to court to silence it? Evolution is a dictatorship claiming to be "science". Where else do we find scientists acting as such - even to the point of suing other scientists to keep it out of the classroom? Is that the state of affairs in this country? The theory of evolution has become a philosophical viewpoint being pushed onto the people. And anyone who doesn't accept it is labeled immediately by the thought police...
ID was charged with not being science. It did not meet the criteria.
It makes no predictions, it is not testable, and it’s not based on empirical evidence. Show me where it meets those criteria and I will go with you to file a suite to instate it into my district.
Oh, it is much more than a scientific discussion. As such, unless I see overwhelming proof, I will withhold my judgment on the incredible leap of faith needed to believe that life started from nothing and blindly came to this point today.
Again, evolution claims neither.
It doesn’t state we came from nothing, nor does it state the processes are blind. They are adaptive.