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They have provided major doubts, "real challenges", but philosophical beliefs are not overturned by the arguments presented - as I have labored to mention. Do you think someone like Dawkins, even if presented with the evidence, would suddenly deny evolution as you define it? Hardly. It is part of his philosophical construct - it is the lense that he views the world through. Theists are the same way, by the way. We also view things through a particular set of paradigms. How many more times or ways can I say this so you understand that? Scientists, contrary to popular belief, ARE affected by pre-existing theories, ideas, concepts, or hypothesis, ESPECIALLY the status quo monopoly of evolution. They thus view evidence and data with a tendency of fitting it into the "puzzle" called evolution.
Actually I would expect Dwkins to change his stance if substantial evidence would be provided that completely invalidates evolution. He would not be a scientist otherwise. Have any such evidences been presented? If so, what are they. I would like to view them.
I do not have a major problem with that - science tends to favor the current models until disproven. What bothers me is the way "evolutionists" are so intent on squelching models or evidence that does NOT fit the "model". It raises my skepticism of the whole construct - as if someone may find out it is built on a house of cards or a grand assumption. I see the current groups in court as a struggle for the philosophical mindsets of the young, not an effort to teach "the truth"...
What squelching are you referring to. All that I know of is the irreducible complex examples, which have been debunked. Debunking is not squelching.
Intelligent design is no more unprovable than natural selection. Each are attempts to explain or theorize how this so-called evolution "works". By inferential knowledge, most people infer a designer. We do this every day - except when looking at evolution, I guess. THEN, it becomes 'natural' to presume such things happen without any designer.
It is falsifiable. If evidence for a competing theory could be demonstrated, and that theory fits the data better, and is invalidates evolution, than it would falsify it.
For instance, if we witnessed a monkey suddenly becoming a human, we would invalidate evolution.
Rather than admitting, "we don't really know", philosophy is the driving force that supports the science. And all else is squelched or taken to court or ridiculed in the public forum. Has science learned anything from Galileo, who was attacked by secular SCIENTISTS, calling upon the Church to squelch him by turning his theory into some heretical proposition?
You are talking about on of the founders of the observational method of science. His methods are what evolutionary scientists use. False comparison.
I said that the evidence does not prove macro evolution, in my opinion. Of course it is possible - that a designer would start from square one and guide life how "he" saw fit - rather than creating a numerous number of species that are not related. The bible does not rule out the possibility that God created from one common ancestor. The bible DOES rule out the idea that this evolution occured without design or guidance, though. Thus, again and again, I do not find the theory of common descent problematic to my faith - just the explanation of HOW by "natural selection". I find macro evolution far-fetched and unobserved today - but not impossible.
But that’s the thing. No one claims evolution to be proved. Nothing is seen as proved. That would not be science. It is just stated that evolutionary theory fits the data the best, and has enough evidence to substantiate it. There are no other competing theories.
I will state that I do not feel it is the end all, because there are always revolutions. Einstein revolutionized Newton mechanics. That is a possibility to happen to evolution. But the people that supported Newton mechanics were right in doing so until a competing theory was produced. It fit the observational data the best at that time.
What seems to be obvious, is that ALL life is somehow related because they are all carbon-based building blocks and all possess DNA chemicals that determine their physical makeup. But how is materialistic evolution proven from this? By simply stacking the deck and saying "God" cannot be part of the equation because "He" is not scientifically provable? No doubt, if you rule out all possibilities but material evolution, you will end up with material evolution.
That’s just how science works. It tries to explain things on their own terms. That prevents one from skewing the data. You play it as it lays. Thus far, evolution has not hit any roadblocks during a natural explanation. It does not say God cannot be a part of that process, but you cannot have it the other way and say God was part of the process. It just says nothing in regards to God.
I am not arguing that - I am arguing that the CURRENT monkeys would be evolving into something else - some mutation that would set it apart. Macro evolution has literally stopped. A bird with a bigger beak is still the same bird.
We do see primates that have had mutations that set them apart. Humans and gorillas are one.
We live in a limited part of the dimension of time. Individuals, and even whole societies only get a minuscule glimpse of time. Evolution takes place in a much larger time frame.
You are right, a bird with a bigger beak, is still just the same bird, unless that bird can no longer breed with the birds with a smaller beak.
That is interesting. Today, all creatures have fully adapted to their environment... That is special pleading.
How so?
If we see some dramatic change in the environment (like the current global warming spins out of control), than we would see rapid extinction. This would create a lot of holes in the niches and spur rapid evolution as species fill in these gaps. That is evident in the fossil records. That is how mammals likely won out over dinos.
"Nature" created? Would that be "Mother Nature"? Natural selection is supposed to be the explanation? I do not agree with the concept of "natural selection" because we see it is NOT practiced over and over again. Marathon runners drop dead, smokers live to 90 years old, and ugly people have lots of kids... The "survival of the fittest" is not my experience of life. The bad get away with things, the good get screwed, and it often has nothing to do with "survival of the fittest", but some grand scheme beyond our comprehension.
But that is an incorrect view of the survival of the fittest. That is the common misconception. Survival of the fittest does not necessarily see the physically strong survive. It basically means the animal that has the greatest advantage in the environment it lives in will survive better than an animal that does not.
It really is the survival of the best matched. There can be a number of reason why a species would be a better match and thus survive. The world is warming. Animals that do not survive as easily in a warmer climate, ie polar bears, are starting to die out. Animals that survive better than polar bears wont die out as quickly. If the warm was getting colder, we would see the reverse. Over a long time period, we would see new species emerge to fill in these gaps.
ID doesn't claim a "supernatural" guiding hand, but an intelligent designer. I don't believe the term "God" is brought up in those arguments - although it can be implied.
Ok, now this is where you have to be straight forward. You know as well as I know that Behe and Dembski have God in mind. But that doesn’t matter. If it is not supernatural, then it would be natural. If it is natural, than it has to be another life form, as we know nothing else that has intelligence. If it is another life form, it begs the question, and does not answer any.
Even empirical data is subject to interpretation. Thus, theories come and go as later scientists learn earlier scientists interpreted the data incorrectly. Today's "sure thing" evolution, thus, is only the CURRENT model or explanation of Point A to Point B progression. There is no need to fall upon the "default" science because there is no other model readily available. Consider superconductivity. There is no current model that explains it at room temperature - and scientists live with that. But since there is very little philosophical garbage associated with superconductivity, we don't see the need to accept an explanation, ANY explanation. Evolution is philosophically charged. Thus, this "demand" to accept the model, even if it stands on shaky ground. I won't accept partial evidence just because it is the only game in town playing with a loaded deck (God taken a priori out of the equation to begin with).
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Correct, but do they assume that there is an intelligent superconductor? No they do not. Why then, under your reasoning, do you not ask them to teach about an intelligent superconductor?