Unfortunately, with just about every "viewer" of the law, they only see God's engagements with people. That was never the case.
How so? We know, from Jesus, that the devil is also "moved" into action within man by The Word. See this disclosure in Mark 4:15 and all the other "seed" parables, showing that the devil(s) is moved by The Word, to RESIST same, and does so in MAN.
So, how might we see the Law of God, in His Light? We might see that there is a world with inhabitants that can not be seen, yet these "interact" with and within mankind, and do resist the LAWs of God IN man.
Here, by the Prophet, we see the same disclosure:
Hosea 4:12
My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for
the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.
Hosea 5:4
They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God: for
the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord.
If anyone views the Laws of God, [which I happen to believe every Word of is fully applicable and will remain so], as only "mancentric" they will continue to miss the entire crux of the Laws.
The spirit of whoredoms can never be legal or obedient. That "spirit" can only resist and violate the law, internally, in the midst of people. This active working against the Laws of God transpires within the minds and hearts of everyone who picks up the Law, in whatever "form" they pick it up, to (claimed) obedience or denial of present day applicability.
It is not possible for the tempter, the devil, to be legal or lawful. This "illegal" spirit is engaged within everyone in the form of various temptations, within, and is prompted by THE LAW to do so, within. Paul elaborates quite nicely on this in Romans 7:7-13, showing the operation of that spirit of disobedience in his own flesh, working in it's adverse ways to the LAWs.
I conclude therefore that the tempter can not be legal in any claimed "legal person." I conclude that the tempter can not be "obedient" in any claimed "obedient" person. These things are just not possible. The Law is meant to condemn both that working and worker, the tempter.
Therefore, the just live by faith. They have no basis upon which to stand, legal or obedient, when their "internals" come into LIGHT, because it is not just about "the person" but also about the tempter.
If this is seen, which sight can only come from God in Christ, then all arguments about "the Law" disappear, and we see it's intentions are to expose the lawlessness of the tempter who does operate IN man. In this way the Law is my friendly ALLY. But I would never presume to make the tempter "legal or obedient" in me, as that will not and can not happen.
Any honest believer will and can be "led" into the facts of this matter, and will then be divided
from lying hypocrisy.
We are all falsely led to vainly attempt to justify the entirety of ourselves, in every thought, word or deed, and that is just a dead end lying street. The Law exposes the problems of our internals. And yes, it is a present dire problem with everyone. Yet the source of that problem is NOT the person, but the spirit of disobedience, the spirit of whoredoms, who affect every person, believer or not.
Everyone who sees that they still sin, even in thought, should logically connect their own sin to the devil, just as 1 John 3:8 shows us to do. Once this connection is made, you will see the source of all lawlessness and will conclude that it's not YOU as a believer. You will stand only by faith in Jesus Christ. The tempter will not and can not stand, and will instead be "exposed."
This is the Sword of Division that Swings from the Mouth of Jesus, able to DIVIDE, permanently, when the time comes to do so. Until then
there IS an edge of that Sword that is against us, and for good reasons.
As it pertains to the Sabbath, this day is a shadow, an image,
a typology of that day when we are promised rest from having to "wrestle" with our own built in enemy. This is the "remembrance" of the promise. Whether we remember on a particular day or everyday is entirely irrelevant in the discourses of shadows and typology.