The basic belief among most born again believers in Jesus Christ is that satan is just as free and active today as in the first century,however as a believer we can bind satan in the name of Jesus. Just a personal story, years ago I was listening to a well know radio preacher tell that he had bound satan while listening to a man curse while speaking when working on his church building. He said the man never said another curse word the rest of the day,he was quick to add that this would work if the man was being pressured by a demon to curse rather than just using curse words because he wanted to. Anyway, it was some time later that I was speaking to a woman who was the wife of a coworker, I did not really know the woman and she was leaning into my car window and just about every other word was a curse word. What the preacher had said come to mind,so in my mind without saying a word, I bound the spirit that was putting pressure on her to curse, as God is my witness folks, right in the middle of a sentence she stopped cursing and though she continued to talk for some time longer she never used another curse word. Praise God, we do have the power in Jesus name to bind demons.