CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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When the lost person goes back to the Father.hello wondering, dirtfarmer here
The prodigal son was always the father's son. He never ceased to be a child of his father. In verse 18 of Luke 15 the prodigal said " I will arise and go to my father." Does this sound like a lost sinner? Can a lost sinner call God, "My Father"? A son that has a relationship by birth can. The relationship of Father and son was not broken, but the fellowship between the father and son was broken. As long as the son was in the pig sty(world), there could be no fellowship. Once the son realized the fellowship was broken by his action he said, "I will arise and go to my father". Where do we find that in salvation the Father runs to the sinner and lavishes gifts upon him?
NOT the sinner. We all sin and do not become lost.
When we ABANDON God, we become lost.
Luke 15:24
"This son of mine was DEAD" (lost)
"And has come to life AGAIN" (he was alive before, then became dead)
"He was LOST and has been FOUND"
The Son was saved
We are lost when we do not have Christ's life in us. The zoe life. The zoe life is impossible WITHOUT Christ. God's life must be in us to be able to go live with God. We do not have that life if we do not have Jesus.
John 3:36
John 11:25-26 Believes is always in the present tense. We must believe at the time of our death.