:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:blueeyeliner said:Quath said:It is used in the study of plagues and viruses. Flu shots would not need to be updated if it weren't for evolution. Anti-biotic resistance bacteria would not develop if evolution were false. I could give you a lot more, but I doubt you would try to comprehend it.blueeyeliner said:Scientist don't use the religion/theory of evolution to prove anything!
8-) Quath,Quath,Quath........
there you go again! How you just love to toy with me. you should
know by now that sin causes sickness to increase,and the wicked
are spreading it around to the innocent and don't even show any
kind of remorse for it.
THIS VIEW IS BOTH WRONG AND IMMORAL. I thought we'd stamped out this meritocratic view of sickness. Disease is caused by organisms, NOT BY SIN. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE deserves Ebola Zaire, HIV, Tuperculosis, Polio, Menengitis etc. NO ONE!
This is so wrong it makes my head spin. You sicken me blue.Flu shots need to be updated because people can get away with only
so much. The person addicted to cocaine can only use it for so long
before it takes it's toll. The same is true of any drug.
All you are saying is that people became dependent on the drugs to
cure the illness instead of doing things to prevent the illnesses.