I use common sense when deciphering verses.Says you not Scripture
Jesus said "again" when speaking of birth.
He didn't say "again and again".
Just two births are in question, and birth from mom is the first.
Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins cannot be minimized, but it has nothing to do with a second or third birth.This passage, found in 1 Peter 3:21, highlights the significance of baptism in the Christian faith, particularly in the context of salvation. Peter explains that baptism is not merely an external ritual of cleansing—“not the putting away of the filth of the flesh”—but rather it represents a deeper, spiritual reality. Baptism is an “answer of a good conscience toward God,” meaning it is an outward expression of an inward faith and repentance. It is a response to God’s call, demonstrating a believer's commitment to follow Christ and live in accordance with His teachings.
Jesus said the second birth is of the Spirit, not baptism for the remission of sins.
Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins is essential for salvation, but the rebirth is of the Spirit and the first birth is from mom.This verse underscores the essential role of baptism in the salvation process. Baptism is more than a symbolic act; it is a vital component of the New Birth experience. It is through baptism in the name of Jesus Christ that believers identify with His death, burial, and resurrection. By being baptized, believers are not merely performing a ritualistic act, but they are entering into a covenant relationship with God, having their sins washed away and rising to new life through the resurrection power of Jesus.
Your baptism is a third birth.
Is baptismal rebirth done by the Spirit ?Peter’s reference to baptism saving us “by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” ties this sacrament directly to the core of the Christian faith—the resurrection. It is not the act of immersion itself that saves, but what it represents: the believer’s union with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus is the power behind baptism, transforming it from a mere ritual into a means of salvation. Thus, baptism is a necessary response of faith, an integral part of the New Birth that aligns believers with the saving work of Christ.
It seems to be done by men in scriptures.