Reading it a 100 times, and you can't form you own conclusions? Your like some Google Christian index to Work others have done.
Let's get this right, you post someone else work, give the link and credit.
View attachment 6510
That YOUR WEB Site or you the author?
Wow, then a link here.
I am glad you joined, but surly you did not Join to master your copy and paste skills?
Here's the thing, if you don't have revelation of something, STAY OUT OF IT!!!!.
Post what you do know.
Pretending to know things by just googling up the topic and finding something that suites you is not only prideful. It's also deception into making others think you know far more than you do. You can post someone's work, but you don't even have the revelation they have. How can you even continue to discuses it. Google more information?
We are interested in what you know and can share from YOUR heart. It don't have to be 100% spot on. It's a community. If you have to study up on something, it's not good enough. That is not revealed knowledge to you from the Holy Spirit. That is someone else revealed knowledge.
At least give the link and credit to where it come from.
I am interested in talking with you. Not how awesome you are with Google and using the copy and paste function.
This is what Rollo was talking about.
It's hard to admit defeat, since no matter how well you explain it to me, You know I just won't get it.
Till another Thread Rollo................ Be blessed Brother.