- Jul 16, 2012
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- 295
I'm not sure what you're getting at, could you elaborate?
That’s a good point for this thread that I’d expand a little here with my observation:
It’s always important (especially when discussing these deep OP topics) to define our terms, agree on them and stick to them within any particular conversation/discussion/debate. For example, I think there's a meaningful difference between a “sign” and a “gift”, as the Scriptures use them. However, not everyone would agree with me. Therefore, it’s hard to have discussion without stipulating to the definition of the terms, first.
Admittedly, there is some conflation or "intermixing" with these two words' definitions (Gifts/Signs). Secularly from dictionary.com:
I'd say Gift is: something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned: "Those extra points he got in the game were a total gift."
but I can see that there's some conflation with its definition for a “Sign”: a token; indication.
because another/similar meaning for “gift” is: a special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent: “the gift of saying the right thing at the right time.”
But my point here as it relates to the OP topic/question is that the ten “Gifts” listed should not, in my opinion, include the “signs” of successful snake handling. There’s a difference in how the Biblical author intended for them to be understood. That’s pretty clear from Scripture, in my opinion. I wouldn’t see the point/blessing for the “ability” to handle snakes, unless it was specifically for a sign to people that the person was indeed telling the truth (or not).
To me, all these “gifts” listed are worth discussing and studying within either Bible Study or A&T. However, they seem to be beyond elementary study (Salvation 101) and are “graduate level” courses, so to speak.
CF.NET may not be the best environment for this level of graduate, doctrinal study as I’m learning.
Hi Chessman,
I agree that a forum is not a good place to learn. In answering the OP I posted an article I wrote since it was much to long to post here. It would have taken numerous posts. So, I posted a link to it. If anyone was interested in reading it that was fine, if not that's fine too. However, rather than answering the same questions over and over I simply pointed to the link.
Regarding the gifts/signs my point is that the two I see claimed the most are tongues and healing. Healing is listed as gift in 1Cor. 12, however, it's also listed as a sign in Mark 16. Since it listed as both I don't see why the others wouldn't be either. I do, however, agree with your idea that we need to define the terms.
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