kiwimac said:
Sorry, the majority don't get to infringe someone's first amendment rights just because they are a minority or even just because you don't like them.
That is your unfortunate misconception. ^ ^ This is not a case of sticking it to a minority or a case of hatred. You liberals seems to lean hard on those two points when all other defenses fail.
This is a case of principle.
When one group offers a solution like, "the community doesn't want you to build here, so we will offer assistance in finding another suitable solution" and the other party says, "No", who is it that is being obstinate?
If I live in a community and want to do something that is against the whole of that community, I still should be able to do it?

If adult bookstores are not against city or town ordinances, but the community at large says NO, does one still open one up or walk away peacefully, knowing the store is not welcome?
No! But that is the problem, not only in this country, but in the world! Over the course of many, many years, societies have shifted from a community environment to one of fulfilling self-first needs.

It's now an I, ME, Mine world.
We have one community who has no guaranty under the Constitution that insures them the right to build wherever they choose and another community who finds their rights beings trampled. It doesn't matter if the City Planning Board says ok, why in the world would anyone want to build where they were not wanted UNLESS there is an ulterior motive.
Maybe you missed the part in my post about the scheduled ground-breaking of this building?
I offer you the same prayer I offered Nick; I pray you never have to deal with the tough choices we have to make sometimes in the US.
I do not set out to sound rude, but this is a USA problem and in particular, a problem for those of us in the NYC area. Let us deal with it without so much outside intervention!
Thank you.