Talk About A Slap In The Face

John said:
Lewis W said:
Lets stay on topic, and that goes for me too.

OK. If you wish Lewis the 1on1 debate offer is still open. :thumb
I don't have to, because I am a Republican conservative, so I am for God and country, and my loyalty is to Jesus and country, and I will not listen to somebody telling me about my country if they live here, or don't live here, and you don't live here. So it is best that I do not engage you in this debate, for tempers sake.
no thanks as i seem to recall a debate over the acid rain thing that some how never happened in my state.

but what would a floridan know about his state :shrug

fellas i live one mile from a mosque or musallah. this talk has me wondering. i havent heard anything negative but i wonder. hopefully i am wrong.
Jason their is a Mosque up the street from me, and a church is across from that, there is a heavy Muslim presence in Philadelphia, they are everywhere, on my job you name it. I heard a Muslim on my job today, tell a guy, they have Jesus and we have Muhammed. What he was saying was, that Jesus is just a mere prophet, I wanted to say something but I didn't, because a argument would have followed.
lewis muslims are in the army as well. and also we have muslim chaplains and chapel services.
jasoncran said:
lewis muslims are in the army as well. and also we have muslim chaplains and chapel services.
When I was in the Army, there were no Muslim chaplains and I never met a Muslim while I was in there. They would not have let a Muslim chaplain in at that time anyway.
Lewis W said:
jasoncran said:
lewis muslims are in the army as well. and also we have muslim chaplains and chapel services.
When I was in the Army, there were no Muslim chaplains and I never met a Muslim while I was in there. They would not have let a Muslim chaplain in at that time anyway.
i dealt with muslims in the army back in 1993.

three years after desert storm.
Lewis W said:
John said:
[quote="Lewis W":3p040982]Lets stay on topic, and that goes for me too.

OK. If you wish Lewis the 1on1 debate offer is still open. :thumb
I don't have to, because I am a Republican conservative, so I am for God and country, and my loyalty is to Jesus and country, and I will not listen to somebody telling me about my country if they live here, or don't live here, and you don't live here. So it is best that I do not engage you in this debate, for tempers sake.[/quote:3p040982]

I c
jasoncran said:
Lewis W said:
jasoncran said:
lewis muslims are in the army as well. and also we have muslim chaplains and chapel services.
When I was in the Army, there were no Muslim chaplains and I never met a Muslim while I was in there. They would not have let a Muslim chaplain in at that time anyway.
i dealt with muslims in the army back in 1993.

three years after desert storm.
I got out in 1980
:rolling i know that, but i was stating that we have had muslims in the army at least since the early 90's or late 80's.

lewis when you were in the army they still had the specialists ranks up to spec9.
jasoncran said:
:rolling i know that, but i was stating that we have had muslims in the army at least since the early 90's or late 80's.

lewis when you were in the army they still had the specialists ranks up to spec9.
Yes they did.

Ok so this finally made it on Australian news. I am neither opposed nor advocating the building of a mosque. Doesn't the constitution advocate freedom of religion? And it's on private property too. That's all I've really got to say as I don't feel a personal connection to the 9/11 attacks so I can't comment much further, as I feel that is where the centre of this issue is.

BTW there was a Muslim prayer room in tower no2, which got destroyedi n the attacks. Just an interesting side note.
Nick, this is a big slap in our faces here in the US and especially those of us who live the NYC area, like me. :shame

Don't be fooled into think this somehow reflects upon the US first amendment. It does not. This is more than just religious posturing; this is political. If it's done, it will most likely be done because it's PC. :screwloose

The Governor of New York offered the State's assistance to find a different location and his proposal was shot down.

Our President stuck his nose where it didn't belong and is spewing the same "first amendment" rhetoric. :bigfrown Personally, we don't really care what he thinks. This is not his fight.

Nick, sources says the groundbreaking for this mosque is scheduled for Sept. 11th.

Nick, the center of this issue is not one's personal connection to any 9-11 attack. But if you care to make personal connections the issue, I've got one: you are Christian and a citizen of a free country. What goes on in a country like the US does have effects that ripple throughout the free world.

Now, you've got a Muslim community and their sympathizers bent on building this mosque and having it's ground breaking on a very solemn day, not for just us, but the whole world.

So, you have a small minority wanting to circumvent the will of the people in the community, in a nation that is still majority professed Christians. We now know that that these sort of things can happen here in the US and if they can happen here, rest assured, these sort of things can happen everywhere, even in Australia.

I pray there doesn't come a day where you are forced to make such a stand, but if it ever comes down to it, will you?
Sorry, the majority don't get to infringe someone's first amendment rights just because they are a minority or even just because you don't like them.
kiwimac said:
Sorry, the majority don't get to infringe someone's first amendment rights just because they are a minority or even just because you don't like them.

Right... it's the minority that gets to overrun the countries of other people with their crazy religious laws about shawls and beheadings... :screwloose
Yes, building a community centre is SO overrunning a country!
Pard said:
kiwimac said:
Sorry, the majority don't get to infringe someone's first amendment rights just because they are a minority or even just because you don't like them.

Right... it's the minority that gets to overrun the countries of other people with their crazy religious laws about shawls and beheadings... :screwloose
What laws are over running this nation? NONE. Stop with this scare tactic rhetoric. The reality is, this nation has to be shared and everyone has a voice. You don't like it? Tough, people put up with Christianity, so Christianity has to put up with everything else.

People don't seem to remember that before the constitution, groups would hunt down Muslims, Indians, Protestants, Hindus, Catholics, and Mormons in this country. The purpose of the first amendment was to protect us all from being pushed to the side just because the majority didn't like it.

Same here, the group bought the land and have the right to do what they want.
kiwimac said:
Sorry, the majority don't get to infringe someone's first amendment rights just because they are a minority or even just because you don't like them.

That is your unfortunate misconception. ^ ^ This is not a case of sticking it to a minority or a case of hatred. You liberals seems to lean hard on those two points when all other defenses fail. :confused

This is a case of principle.

When one group offers a solution like, "the community doesn't want you to build here, so we will offer assistance in finding another suitable solution" and the other party says, "No", who is it that is being obstinate?

If I live in a community and want to do something that is against the whole of that community, I still should be able to do it? :screwloose If adult bookstores are not against city or town ordinances, but the community at large says NO, does one still open one up or walk away peacefully, knowing the store is not welcome?

No! But that is the problem, not only in this country, but in the world! Over the course of many, many years, societies have shifted from a community environment to one of fulfilling self-first needs. :( It's now an I, ME, Mine world.

We have one community who has no guaranty under the Constitution that insures them the right to build wherever they choose and another community who finds their rights beings trampled. It doesn't matter if the City Planning Board says ok, why in the world would anyone want to build where they were not wanted UNLESS there is an ulterior motive.

Maybe you missed the part in my post about the scheduled ground-breaking of this building?

I offer you the same prayer I offered Nick; I pray you never have to deal with the tough choices we have to make sometimes in the US.

I do not set out to sound rude, but this is a USA problem and in particular, a problem for those of us in the NYC area. Let us deal with it without so much outside intervention!

Thank you.
What laws are over running this nation? NONE. Stop with this scare tactic rhetoric. The reality is, this nation has to be shared and everyone has a voice. You don't like it? Tough, people put up with Christianity, so Christianity has to put up with everything else.
Excuse me??? We were the first ones in this boat and all you other climb-aboarders now realize there's not enough room in the boat. So, you decide you want to throw out the Christians, just to make room.


Same here, the group bought the land and have the right to do what they want.
No, they do not. Not unless they have an agenda. That seems to be the motivating factor these days... agendas.
Lance_Iguana said:
]What laws are over running this nation? NONE. Stop with this scare tactic rhetoric. The reality is, this nation has to be shared and everyone has a voice.

I think you may possibly need glasses. I have observed in this, and other, topics that you seem to skim right over the parts of a post that you do not like and only see what you will. Because I already posted it, and I am not a fan of repeating myself, I will only let you know that this entire paragraph of yours is in error. Perhaps you should put on those glasses and reread my post :thumb

Tough, people put up with Christianity, so Christianity has to put up with everything else.

Interesting... so the Christians carve out a nation full of rights (and all evidence points to the rights being meant for them) in the wild. They fight for their freedom from an oppressive king. They hold together a nation for two hundred years and at the turn of 1900s YOUR people barge in and demand this land. You best "put up" with the Christians, because this is Christian land, first and foremost. It's because the Christians have tolerated indecent and perverted minds that this place has fallen so far in the first place. So, uh, you are welcome...