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The 1611 KJV errors, part 1


Out of respect for the people mentioned in this post, it may be a little too long for most. You will see many mistakes that were made in the first KJV, and a guy named Tragelles who memorized the entire Bible in the original languages of Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek in order to recreate a complete copy of the Bible.

The King James Version (KJV) was originally published, in 1611, by the royal
printer, Robert Barker. In the margins of that very first edition, there
were some 8,422 notes. Several of these notes indicate that a particular
verse itself may not be exactly correct.

For example, here is Luke 17:36 as it appears in the New King James Version

“Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.”

Here is the note that appeared in the margin of that original 1611 edition:
“This 36. verse is wanting in most of the Greek copies.”

If you have a NIV, don’t bother looking this verse up. It is not in that
Translation. What the note said in essence was, “we have reason to
believe that this verse should not be in here at all.”

Well, therein lies Textual Criticism, which is the study of what the
Original Autographs (these are the actual writings of the Apostles
themselves) exactly contained. In other words, before we can know what the
Bible says, we need to know what the Bible is. And this is no small task.
Once a group of Textual Critics finish their work, they turn their work over
to the printers to publish. That way, we can read the Bible.

In this article, I would like to draw our attention to some amusing mistakes
that found their way into the KJV. Fortunately, they have all been fixed
with subsequent Editions. Bear in mind, the King James Version went through
many revisions, including one the very next year in 1612. And again in 1613.
And many more after that.

Oddly enough, the KJV was translated from only about six Greek manuscripts
dating no earlier than the 10th century. Although there are more than 5,400
Greek manuscripts today, back in the 1600’s that was not the case.

The relatively few Greek manuscripts that are behind this KJV date between
the 10th and 14th centuries. Since the publishing of the first KJV, more
than 2,000 Greek manuscripts have been found. And some of these date back as
early as the 2nd century. (Remember, the earliest Greek manuscript
supporting the KJV is 800 years later.) With the new discovery of older
manuscripts, modern versions have come on the scene. The NIV is based on
different Greek manuscripts than is the KJV. That is why they differ at
places, as noted above.

Here is one example as to why they differ. When a man by the name of Erasmus
was putting together the Greek New Testament in the early 1500’s, he could
find no existing Greek manuscript that contained the words in 1 John 5:7,
which reads in the KJV, “For there are three that bear record in heaven; the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one.” It’s in the
KJV even to this day, but Erasmus refused to put it in his Greek Edition,

That was his mistake! Erasmus went on public record saying that if anyone
could produce even one Greek manuscript with the disputed passage in it, he
would put it in his next Greek Edition. (These disputed words were first
noticed in a not-so-old Latin version.) Erasmus’ first two Greek New
Testaments did not contain this passage.

Well, along comes an enemy of Erasmus, by the name of Edward Lee, and he
mysteriously produces a Greek manuscript (a very highly suspect one, I might
add) that contained these words. So, Erasmus, true to his word, yet being
convinced it would not do too much damage to sacred Scripture, unwillingly,
put it in his third Edition. Erasmus did note that he doubted its
authenticity. Right here is where my opening line fits in. He was true to
his word, but not the Word of God.
Well, no early Greek manuscript has this passage in it. Not one early
manuscript! No Greek manuscript dated in the first 5 centuries has this
passage in it. So, if we look at most modern versions, we simply will not
find that passage in it. There are a lot of these types of disputes in the
various manuscripts, practically all of them very insignificant.
So, one set of Greek manuscripts read one way and another set of
manuscripts say something slightly different, and that’s why we have different versions today.

Let me show you why some people are initially shocked when they begin their
study of Textual Criticism. The Greek New Testament has roughly 138,162
words. Taking all the 5,800 manuscripts together, there are somewhere
between 400,000 and 500,000 variations. That’s about 3+ variants PER WORD!

Maybe this will help. Let me give you a couple of those variants in one
small phrase in the Bible:

In John 4:1 some manuscripts read, “Then when Jesus knew.” Some other
manuscripts read, “Then when the Lord knew.” One manuscript has, “Then when
Jecus knew.” So, some say “Jesus” and some say “the Lord” and one misspelled
“Jesus.” (There are actually a few more that misspell “Jesus”)

So, how many variants do you see? Are you concerned with any of them? Here’s
the good news: That is just about the extent of the vast majority of
variants in the New Testament. As you can see, not knowing the history of the Bible makes us vulnerable to every wind of doctrine, or false claims against the Word. But when we add up all the ‘discrepancies’ and ‘variants’ there is absolutely nothing to be concerned with. Absolutely nothing! The preservation of the Word of God over the years, one could argue, has a supernatural element to it.

I mentioned earlier that since the first publication of the KJV of 1611, of
which there have literally been thousands of corrections to it, many Greek
Manuscripts have been discovered. How one or two of those manuscripts were
discovered are interesting stories.

More than 200 years after the first KJV, in the Spring of 1844, a man by the
name Count Konstantin von Tischendorf, a man (genius) fluent in classical
languages and dialects, took a trip to Mount Sinai to visit a monastery. He
took this trip in hopes of discovering ancient biblical documents. The
monastery he visited was called St. Catherine’s, then occupied by Russian
monks. Initially, he was a bit disappointed when he was unable to find what
he was looking for. However, as he looked in a small room near the Library
he noticed something very unusual in the trash can, of all places! His heart
began to race as he approached this waste basket. The contents, sheets of
‘paper’ written on animal skin, seemed all too familiar to him. He was well
aware that ancient documents were written on the very kind of “trash” he was
looking at. Well learned in Koine Greek, he picked up a sheet and began
reading it. It was the Old Testament! As he kept digging deeper, the New
Testament was also there. There were 129 pages of the oldest known
recordings of the Bible, written almost 1,500 years earlier. Who knows how
many pages had already been burned to warm those Russian monks.

Let me add an interesting twist (the second story). Tischendorf had a friend
named Samuel Tragelles. Tragelles was also a scholar. Excited by von
Tischendorg’s discovery, and in hopes of finding more biblical manuscripts
himself, Tragelles asked the Pope if he could visit the Vatican library. The
Pope agreed to let him in, but put some unusual restrictions on him. The
Pope insisted that he not bring any writing material with him into the
library. To insure compliance, he would be searched on his way in and out.
Additionally, he was only allowed to sit there for six hours a day. All of
this Tragelles agreed to, and did so for three months. Tragelles discovered
a document similar to that of his friend, Tischendorf. Rather than notifying
the Pope that he had just stumbled upon an ancient manuscript of the Bible,
he took another route. You may not believe this, but Tragelles, apparently
endowed with a great memory, memorized the entire manuscript, piece by
piece, not just the Greek and Hebrew, but the Aramaic as well! What he did
was memorize a small portion, about six hour’s worth, then went to his
personal room and wrote down what he had memorized. After three months, he
was able to memorize most of the Bible in its original languages!

Hope you enjoyed that brief digression.

Well, I think I said I wanted to list a few amusing mistakes that the
printers made while publishing the KJV. Here they are:

In the KJV, the seventh commandment was slightly altered. The word “not” was
accidentally omitted. With this oversight, the KJV read, “You shall commit
adultery.” Not sure how many copies were circulated before this omission was
noticed. I do know this, after this error was duly noted, and corrected I
might add, scoffers labeled this edition the “Wicked Bible.”

In the garden of Gethsemane, the first KJV had “Judas” going there to pray,
not Jesus.

When John in Revelation 21:1 saw the new heaven and earth, he described it
as having “no more sea.” The KJV, in an early edition, once again omitted a
word (no). Hence, in this version’s rendition of the new heaven and earth,
there was actually ‘more sea.’

Here’s a good one. In 1 Corinthians 6:9, it’s not the ‘righteous’ who
inherit the kingdom, it’s the “unrighteous.” Not so sure I don’t like that

John 5:14 is a close second for the funniest. After Jesus heals the
paralytic man, he admonishes him to “sin no more.” However, two letters
where reversed in this KJV. Can you guess which two? Yup! If the printer was
right, that man was asked to sin ‘on’ more! Must have been the same person
who worked on the Commandments.

Psalm 119:161 was goofed. But in this case, we can see why. Here is that
verse as it should have appeared:

Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.

Notice how the printers subliminally personalize it, albeit by mistake. Here
is how it appeared in that KJV:

Printers persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.

In Luke, you recall when Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three
times. Nope, It was Philip, as far as the KJV printers could tell. At least
both names start with a P.

Although a rather obscure passage, the mistake in Ezekiel 47:10 should have
been caught (get it?). In this verse, the fisherman stand (that’s the
correct wording), but according to the KJV, the fish stand. That would be
quite a feat.

This last one I mention is found in the section of Scripture from which I
chose the name for my daughter. The KJV got all the words right, they just
put two in the wrong order. As we can see they switched them. Here is how it
should have appeared:

“Then Rebekah and her damsels arose, and they rode on the camels and
followed the man.”

Now, I close with this final error. This is how it actually appeared in the
KJV. Talk about a damsel in distress!

“Then Rebekah and her camels arose, and they rode on the damsels and
followed the man.”

How in the world can anyone make a misteak like that?

:o )
More than 200 years after the first KJV, in the Spring of 1844, a man by the
name Count Konstantin von Tischendorf, a man (genius) fluent in classical
languages and dialects, took a trip to Mount Sinai to visit a monastery. He
took this trip in hopes of discovering ancient biblical documents.
Found an article about Tischendorf if anyone wants more background :) .

Hero or Thief? Constantine Tischendorf Turns Two Hundred
... the earliest Greek manuscript supporting the KJV is 800 years later.

[... the earliest Greek manuscript supporting the KJV is 800 years later.]

Yes, but let it be underlined that the transmission mostly goes back to the authentic text (Tenacity of the Text). By and large the KJV, often disliked in its earlier history, did a great job in making good translations better, and if it was all we had we should still thank God for it. For my part I would burn it with high honour, as a funeral pyre for a fallen hero. I also admire the NKJV, and wish that it would have a gender update for gender accuracy.
Psalm 119:161 was goofed. But in this case, we can see why. Here is that
verse as it should have appeared:

Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.

Notice how the printers subliminally personalize it, albeit by mistake. Here
is how it appeared in that KJV:

Printers persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.

For Ps.119:161, the KJV style is a little different from your modernised ‘quote’ (from a third party). The 1611 pronouns in such settings were more thy than your, and annoying reverential pronoun capitalisation is a C19 phenomenon which I’d junk and which I don't blame the KJV for. “Printers have persecuted mee without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.” I seem to recall that F F Bruce mentioned the “printers have persecuted me” typo—a 1612 KJV print run?
Well, no early Greek manuscript has this passage in it. Not one early
manuscript! No Greek manuscript dated in the first 5 centuries has this
passage in it. So, if we look at most modern versions, we simply will not
find that passage in it. There are a lot of these types of disputes in the
various manuscripts, practically all of them very insignificant.
So, one set of Greek manuscripts read one way and another set of
manuscripts say something slightly different, and that’s why we have different versions today.

Let me show you why some people are initially shocked when they begin their
study of Textual Criticism. The Greek New Testament has roughly 138,162
words. Taking all the 5,800 manuscripts together, there are somewhere
between 400,000 and 500,000 variations. That’s about 3+ variants PER WORD!

Maybe this will help. Let me give you a couple of those variants in one
small phrase in the Bible:

In John 4:1 some manuscripts read, “Then when Jesus knew.” Some other
manuscripts read, “Then when the Lord knew.” One manuscript has, “Then when
Jecus knew.” So, some say “Jesus” and some say “the Lord” and one misspelled
“Jesus.” (There are actually a few more that misspell “Jesus”)

So, how many variants do you see? Are you concerned with any of them? Here’s
the good news: That is just about the extent of the vast majority of
variants in the New Testament. As you can see, not knowing the history of the Bible makes us vulnerable to every wind of doctrine, or false claims against the Word. But when we add up all the ‘discrepancies’ and ‘variants’ there is absolutely nothing to be concerned with. Absolutely nothing! The preservation of the Word of God over the years, one could argue, has a supernatural element to it.

I mentioned earlier that since the first publication of the KJV of 1611, of
which there have literally been thousands of corrections to it, many Greek
Manuscripts have been discovered. How one or two of those manuscripts were
discovered are interesting stories.

More than 200 years after the first KJV, in the Spring of 1844, a man by the
name Count Konstantin von Tischendorf, a man (genius) fluent in classical
languages and dialects, took a trip to Mount Sinai to visit a monastery. He
took this trip in hopes of discovering ancient biblical documents. The
monastery he visited was called St. Catherine’s, then occupied by Russian
monks. Initially, he was a bit disappointed when he was unable to find what
he was looking for. However, as he looked in a small room near the Library
he noticed something very unusual in the trash can, of all places! His heart
began to race as he approached this waste basket. The contents, sheets of
‘paper’ written on animal skin, seemed all too familiar to him. He was well
aware that ancient documents were written on the very kind of “trash” he was
looking at. Well learned in Koine Greek, he picked up a sheet and began
reading it. It was the Old Testament! As he kept digging deeper, the New
Testament was also there. There were 129 pages of the oldest known
recordings of the Bible, written almost 1,500 years earlier. Who knows how
many pages had already been burned to warm those Russian monks.

Let me add an interesting twist (the second story). Tischendorf had a friend
named Samuel Tragelles. Tragelles was also a scholar. Excited by von
Tischendorg’s discovery, and in hopes of finding more biblical manuscripts
himself, Tragelles asked the Pope if he could visit the Vatican library. The
Pope agreed to let him in, but put some unusual restrictions on him. The
Pope insisted that he not bring any writing material with him into the
library. To insure compliance, he would be searched on his way in and out.
Additionally, he was only allowed to sit there for six hours a day. All of
this Tragelles agreed to, and did so for three months. Tragelles discovered
a document similar to that of his friend, Tischendorf. Rather than notifying
the Pope that he had just stumbled upon an ancient manuscript of the Bible,
he took another route. You may not believe this, but Tragelles, apparently
endowed with a great memory, memorized the entire manuscript, piece by
piece, not just the Greek and Hebrew, but the Aramaic as well! What he did
was memorize a small portion, about six hour’s worth, then went to his
personal room and wrote down what he had memorized. After three months, he
was able to memorize most of the Bible in its original languages!

Hope you enjoyed that brief digression.

Well, I think I said I wanted to list a few amusing mistakes that the
printers made while publishing the KJV. Here they are:

In the KJV, the seventh commandment was slightly altered. The word “not” was
accidentally omitted. With this oversight, the KJV read, “You shall commit
adultery.” Not sure how many copies were circulated before this omission was
noticed. I do know this, after this error was duly noted, and corrected I
might add, scoffers labeled this edition the “Wicked Bible.”

In the garden of Gethsemane, the first KJV had “Judas” going there to pray,
not Jesus.

When John in Revelation 21:1 saw the new heaven and earth, he described it
as having “no more sea.” The KJV, in an early edition, once again omitted a
word (no). Hence, in this version’s rendition of the new heaven and earth,
there was actually ‘more sea.’

Here’s a good one. In 1 Corinthians 6:9, it’s not the ‘righteous’ who
inherit the kingdom, it’s the “unrighteous.” Not so sure I don’t like that

John 5:14 is a close second for the funniest. After Jesus heals the
paralytic man, he admonishes him to “sin no more.” However, two letters
where reversed in this KJV. Can you guess which two? Yup! If the printer was
right, that man was asked to sin ‘on’ more! Must have been the same person
who worked on the Commandments.

Psalm 119:161 was goofed. But in this case, we can see why. Here is that
verse as it should have appeared:

Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.

Notice how the printers subliminally personalize it, albeit by mistake. Here
is how it appeared in that KJV:

Printers persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word.

In Luke, you recall when Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three
times. Nope, It was Philip, as far as the KJV printers could tell. At least
both names start with a P.

Although a rather obscure passage, the mistake in Ezekiel 47:10 should have
been caught (get it?). In this verse, the fisherman stand (that’s the
correct wording), but according to the KJV, the fish stand. That would be
quite a feat.

This last one I mention is found in the section of Scripture from which I
chose the name for my daughter. The KJV got all the words right, they just
put two in the wrong order. As we can see they switched them. Here is how it
should have appeared:

“Then Rebekah and her damsels arose, and they rode on the camels and
followed the man.”

Now, I close with this final error. This is how it actually appeared in the
KJV. Talk about a damsel in distress!

“Then Rebekah and her camels arose, and they rode on the damsels and
followed the man.”

How in the world can anyone make a misteak like that?

:o )
Interesting post.
I am glad you noted that none of the errors found made much of a difference in the continuity of God's presentation.
Interesting post.
I am glad you noted that none of the errors found made much of a difference in the continuity of God's presentation.
Yes! One of the biggest skeptic of the Bible is Bart Ehrman, an atheist. He says that there is nothing really left for Textual Critics to do except a few things to mop up. In other words, he admits that we have by and large reconstructed the original wording of the Bible.
Yes! One of the biggest skeptic of the Bible is Bart Ehrman, an atheist. He says that there is nothing really left for Textual Critics to do except a few things to mop up. In other words, he admits that we have by and large reconstructed the original wording of the Bible.
Isn't God marvelous ?
Yes! One of the biggest skeptic of the Bible is Bart Ehrman, an atheist. He says that there is nothing really left for Textual Critics to do except a few things to mop up. In other words, he admits that we have by and large reconstructed the original wording of the Bible.
This should be a reminder that no bible translation is perfect, KJV is not an idol of worship.