Alright, so anybody who knows me already knows that I believe that those in Christ are automatically saved and will go to Heaven, and like the Bible says the others will be judged by works alone (yes it actually says that) but have a slimmer chance of making it to Heaven. Anyway, let me make this perfectly clear, we are not here to debate those belifes. It may be discussed but know that I'm not going to argue with anyone and I probably won't change my mind so don't be surprised if I don't. So, that all being said, I want to know what happens to babies if they die? I assume they go to Heaven because they haven't even had the ability to sin yet, but I'm actually talking about toddlers who sin but have no knowledge of right and wrong or what it really means to accept Jesus yet. Are there any children in Hell? Jesus told us thathat unless we become like children ourselves we will never see the Kingdom of God, does that mean that all children go to Heaven or that there really is an age of accountability?