Don't see how your reply pertains to those verses
Have to leave.
I guess what we really should be doing is trying to understand the nature of God.
Trying to understand why God created us to begin with.
Could it really be that He did this just to send most of us to hell?
Pretty sadistic God I'd say....
even if we DO deserve it.
You cat might scratch me and deserve to sleep out in the cold...
but my love for him will not allow me to do that.
Imagine a God that sends persons to hell FOR NO REASON AT ALL.
I can see how the words predestine, chose, elect, could be confusing...
but only when someone preconditions us as to what they mean.
If we believe God is not a sadistic God then we can come to understand what they mean.
We would have to believe God is loving, merciful and just.
I don't really understand how anyone could believe He is anything else.