CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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No one's obedience is a factor in salvation.It has to do with the fact that Saul wasn't obedient in the slightest before he was saved - his purpose was to imprison and kill Christians right up to the instant he was saved by God. So, it demonstrates God's sovereignty in the choice, and that his obedience wasn't a factor in it
And because God is sovereign does not mean He chose the saved.
It only means that He is sovereign.
Definition of sovereign
(Entry 1 of 2)1a: one possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty
b: one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere
c: an acknowledged leader : ARBITER
2: any of various gold coins of the United Kingdom
Definition of sovereign (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: superlative in quality
b: of the most exalted kind : SUPREMEsovereign virtue
c: having generalized curative powersa sovereign remedy
d: of an unqualified nature : UNMITIGATEDsovereign contempt
e: having undisputed ascendancy : PARAMOUNT
2a: possessed of supreme powera sovereign ruler
source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dic...ssing or,c : an acknowledged leader : arbiter