The Disciples who sat with Jesus on the Mt. of Olives in Matthew 24:3 asked Him three questions, when shall these things be, what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? These three questions are now revealed to us as the Spirit of God has revealed them to John who told him to write these revelation visions down and give them to the Church for instruction and understanding. Matthew 24 is an outline of all things that will come to pass that is revealed in full in Revelations before that of Christ return for His Bride. Those events are called the great and terrible day of the Lord.
There was a question asked in Revelation 6:17 about the great day of His wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? Part of this question is answered in Nahum Chapter One for one example as there are many scriptures detailing Gods great vengeance against His enemies and His mercy on those who are called by His name having the seal of God on them, Ephesians 4:30. Matthew 24 gives us an outline and Revelations gives us the meaning of the outline.
The spirit of Jezebel runs rampant throughout the land spreading lies from the pulpit that seem pleasing to the ears as many would rather believe their Pastor instead of searching and Spiritually discern what they are being taught, Matthew 7: 21-23, John 3-3-7; Acts 19:1-6; Romans 10:9, 10; 1 John 4:1-6.
The first four seals in Revelations are the beginning of sorrows described in Matthew 24:4-26 before that of Christ return. There are three woes to come after the beginning of sorrows. The first woe is found in Rev Chapter 8-9 with the first six trumpets. The second woe is that of the two witnesses in Rev Chapter 11:1-14 as the preaching of Gods word will have come to an end as the time of the Gentiles has been fulfilled in the last person repenting and turning back to God. The third woe begins with the seventh trumpet in Rev 11:15 and will end with the Great White Throne judgment in Rev 20.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb comes in Rev 19 as at this time we have only prepared ourselves to be His Bride, but not yet caught up to Him. It is not until Jesus returns with His army of warring angels and destroys the beast and false prophet casting them into the lake of fire and, Rev 20, sends and angel to bind Satan for a time while all who are in the grave will at that time hear His voice calling both Saint and sinner to come forth as all will be resurrected at the same time as some will resurrect to eternal life and others to damnation, Rev 20; John 5:28, 29.
Those who are Christ’s will be gathered with those who are still alive at His coming and all will be given their new glorified bodies as they will be with the Lord forever. Satan will be loosed for a time as he deceives the nations as he gathers his army to go up to surround the camp of the saints of God, but are destroyed by fire that God sends down on them. Those who were called to come forth from their graves that are not of Christ will stand in His judgment and as their names are not written in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire after Satan is cast there.
The Church, which represents the bride of Christ through the Spiritual rebirth of John 3:3-6 by that of Romans 10:9, 10, are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, Ephesians 4:30, either asleep in their graves or alive at Christ coming. That day of redemption comes on the last day, John 6:40, when Christ returns and makes an end to all abominations (end to sin) as all Gods enemies will have then become the footstool of Christ, Psalms 110:1; Luke 20:42,43 as they are destroyed forever and remembered no more and then Christ will reign here on earth with all the saints of God forever.
Many teach that the Church will be Raptured out of here before Gods wrath (tribulation), but according to these scriptures the body of Christ who are still alive at Christ coming will be here on earth during the time of the greatest tribulation this world has ever seen nor will ever see again, Matthew 24:21.
(Reference: Acts 14:22; Matthew 24:13; Rev 3:5; 19:8; 5:13; 6:16, 17; 6:9-11; 7:13-17; 8:13; 13:11-18; 14:14-20; 16:11, 15; 18:23,24; 19:7, 8; 20:4-6; 20:12-15)
First woe
First trumpet Rev 8:6-7
Second trumpet Rev 8:8,9
Third trumpet Rev 8:10,11
Fourth trumpet Rev 8:12,13
Fifth trumpet Rev 9:1-12
Second woe
Sixth trumpet Rev 9:13 through 11:14
Third woe
Seventh trumpet Rev 11:15 through Rev 20:15 (seventh trumpet includes all the events that unfold and ends with the great white throne judgment)
There was a question asked in Revelation 6:17 about the great day of His wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? Part of this question is answered in Nahum Chapter One for one example as there are many scriptures detailing Gods great vengeance against His enemies and His mercy on those who are called by His name having the seal of God on them, Ephesians 4:30. Matthew 24 gives us an outline and Revelations gives us the meaning of the outline.
The spirit of Jezebel runs rampant throughout the land spreading lies from the pulpit that seem pleasing to the ears as many would rather believe their Pastor instead of searching and Spiritually discern what they are being taught, Matthew 7: 21-23, John 3-3-7; Acts 19:1-6; Romans 10:9, 10; 1 John 4:1-6.
The first four seals in Revelations are the beginning of sorrows described in Matthew 24:4-26 before that of Christ return. There are three woes to come after the beginning of sorrows. The first woe is found in Rev Chapter 8-9 with the first six trumpets. The second woe is that of the two witnesses in Rev Chapter 11:1-14 as the preaching of Gods word will have come to an end as the time of the Gentiles has been fulfilled in the last person repenting and turning back to God. The third woe begins with the seventh trumpet in Rev 11:15 and will end with the Great White Throne judgment in Rev 20.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb comes in Rev 19 as at this time we have only prepared ourselves to be His Bride, but not yet caught up to Him. It is not until Jesus returns with His army of warring angels and destroys the beast and false prophet casting them into the lake of fire and, Rev 20, sends and angel to bind Satan for a time while all who are in the grave will at that time hear His voice calling both Saint and sinner to come forth as all will be resurrected at the same time as some will resurrect to eternal life and others to damnation, Rev 20; John 5:28, 29.
Those who are Christ’s will be gathered with those who are still alive at His coming and all will be given their new glorified bodies as they will be with the Lord forever. Satan will be loosed for a time as he deceives the nations as he gathers his army to go up to surround the camp of the saints of God, but are destroyed by fire that God sends down on them. Those who were called to come forth from their graves that are not of Christ will stand in His judgment and as their names are not written in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire after Satan is cast there.
The Church, which represents the bride of Christ through the Spiritual rebirth of John 3:3-6 by that of Romans 10:9, 10, are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption, Ephesians 4:30, either asleep in their graves or alive at Christ coming. That day of redemption comes on the last day, John 6:40, when Christ returns and makes an end to all abominations (end to sin) as all Gods enemies will have then become the footstool of Christ, Psalms 110:1; Luke 20:42,43 as they are destroyed forever and remembered no more and then Christ will reign here on earth with all the saints of God forever.
Many teach that the Church will be Raptured out of here before Gods wrath (tribulation), but according to these scriptures the body of Christ who are still alive at Christ coming will be here on earth during the time of the greatest tribulation this world has ever seen nor will ever see again, Matthew 24:21.
(Reference: Acts 14:22; Matthew 24:13; Rev 3:5; 19:8; 5:13; 6:16, 17; 6:9-11; 7:13-17; 8:13; 13:11-18; 14:14-20; 16:11, 15; 18:23,24; 19:7, 8; 20:4-6; 20:12-15)
First woe
First trumpet Rev 8:6-7
Second trumpet Rev 8:8,9
Third trumpet Rev 8:10,11
Fourth trumpet Rev 8:12,13
Fifth trumpet Rev 9:1-12
Second woe
Sixth trumpet Rev 9:13 through 11:14
Third woe
Seventh trumpet Rev 11:15 through Rev 20:15 (seventh trumpet includes all the events that unfold and ends with the great white throne judgment)