Cure of Ars
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- #61
Fiat, Isaiah 22:15-25 is speaking about Christ.
Isaiah is talking about a steward office under the king in the dynasty of David. Hezekiah was king and he was replacing Shebna with Eliakim. The office of the keys was like the Prime Minister it was an office second in charge only to the king. Now how can this passage be talking about Christ if Jesus is the king or do you believe that Jesus is not king and he is second in charge the “prime minister" under another King?
And Matthew 16:18-19 speaks about the keys which Christ, Him on who's shoulders God has placed the keys, gives to Peter. These keys were concerning the kingdom of the heavens, which has to do with the church. And Peter used these keys on the day of Pentecost to allow the Jews to enter into the church, and on the day at the house of Cornelius to allow the gentiles to enter the church. So now, both Jew and Gentile have access to the Kingdom of the heavens, which is the church.
The keys are a symbol of authority with an office. The person with the keys has the final say. The other apostles were given an office and authority to bind and loose but they were never given the keys of the kingdom.
fiat wrote:
........ Since we continue to fall, daily repentance and conversion is part of our Christian life...God's glory is manifest in our weakness. However, the Church has already been made clean by Him. As we read in Ephesians, "...Christ love the Church and sacrificed himself for her to make her holy. He made her clean by washing her in water with a form of words, so that when he took her to himself she would be glorious, with no speck or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and faultless.
Make up your mind, which is it?
You say you are a part of the church and that you still sin, and then you say that the church is sinless,...... what gives?
The Church is sinless because Christ’s body is sinless. Sin damages or even breaks communion with the body of Christ, the Church. My heart is not totally converted to Christ and because of this I am not perfectly united to the Church, Christ’s body. I can say that I am a sinner but still be apart of the Church because I have his grace (his life within me) but God has not totally completed what he has started. I am a member of the Church militant and I still wage the battle. I hope to make it to be a part of the Church triumphant. May God complete this grace within me.
Fiat, the church is Christ, and only Christ. In this sense it is sinless and perfect. But Christ desires a corporate body from among men, and therefore seeing that only He is the perfect element that this body must be made of, He needs to become us and us become Him. And this is what is being carried out by the Spirit in all those who believe
I think we agree on this point.
The church in its perfection is just Christ, not some man-made institution.
The Catholic Church is not man made, it’s Christ made. It is just not completed yet.
And even more, this perfect church is in every believer, for Christ comes to live in everyone who believes.
The body of Christ is not just a spiritual reality; it is also physical because Christ does not have a spiritual body, he was a physical body. He has a physical body so his Church must also be physical. Jesus in Matt 18:15-18 tells us to take disagreements to the Church. How can we go to the Church to resolve arguments if it is not physical? How do you find it and by what means does a decision become made? What “church†has final say? Could it be the physical Church that Christ established?
And the manifestation of this perfect church, Christ in His believing body, is just Christ lived out of His believing body, and not some man-made religious institution.
If the Catholic Church, with all the sinners that reside in its bosom, were man made then it would not have lasted this long. The Catholic Church has been given Christ’s grace through the sacraments. Because Christ has given the Catholic Church this grace it is the one holy catholic apostolic Church. Now granted, I do not now know where the Church is not but I sure know where it resides. In a spiritual sense all Christian are a part of the Catholic Church.