I do apologize Willie. I misunderstood. I assumed you thought you had the gift of tongues and believed it is for today. And was wondering Why you believed it. I always read your posts and you seem to have a level head on things and don't seem to "fight" as much. So I went to you thinking that you had it logically put together with scriptures. Again, I meant no disrespect to you.
My apologies for the rather direct way I responded to your initial post. I, undoubtedly used far too personal of a way of wondering why I was being asked about proving something about tongues. You didn't offend me. I was just surprised that someone thought I might be a crusader for speaking in tongues.
I do speak in tongues. Have for nearly thirty years. So, of course I believe it is for today. I've never seen anything that says ANY of the so-called, "gifts", were turned off. Most of what I read seems to indicate just the opposite. That's why I (and most of my church) very actively go around allowing God to use us to bring healing to even unbelieving total strangers.
I began speaking in tongues one night as I sat, alone, in my car outside a religious meeting, thoroughly angry at God and all the phonies back inside the auditorium who were "being taught" how to speak in tongues.
I won't tell you the content of the stream of hatefulness and hurt that came out of my mouth that night. Directed at both the people inside, and at God. Then, suddenly, I began to speak something that sounded like a cross between German and American Indian. For a long time (years) I saw no purpose in it. But, eventually, I realized something.
I am a high strung, very emotional person, and I used to "react" far more than I "reasoned." That was where I was that night. Just beside myself. But after speaking in tongues for several minutes, a calm peace came on me that I was honestly surprised and amazed to feel. And that is what tongues has done for me ever since. No "power", no particular "wisdom", or any sort of "revelations" or insights........ just peace, (not as the world gives, but His peace)
You called it "put together with scriptures." Well, "No", not in the way you mean....... that I could somehow "prove" anything to anyone. But, when things come on me to the point that I feel there is no way out, and nothing will relieve the roiling turmoil I sometimes sense, tongues seem to be "the way out" that has been provided for me. After a short session of "babbling", as so many here like to call it, I always find myself returned to a calm rationality that my own emotions would almost never let me experience for maybe even, DAYS.
That seems to line up pretty well with at least two major scriptures, (peace given, and nothing placed on me that there isn't also a way out given), but that is all I can offer..... beyond, of course, the standard, pat references that you usually see written in some apologetic's post as a Biblical explanation.
Do I think what I experience is some sort of power "gifting?" No. I don't. In fact, other than the peace it instantly brings me, I would have to say that I see no additional benefit. At least in my life.
Again, sorry if I came off as blasting you. I really didn't mean it that way.