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悟空 Goku means "awakened emptiness." AKA, enlightenment.

Come on 悟空 rally the voters, and sweep away the bank's terrible inflation. Thus making Listerine affordable to the people.
So use the mouthwash you prefer.

Inflation is the bank's war on all types of mouthwash.
Ones that work,fluoride kills,the whitening crap doesn't kill bacteria..I know try buying 2 percent floride tooth paste. 30 bucks a tube with insurance
I thought my back pain was gone since it hasn't bothered me in weeks, but once again I woke up with my back aching and sluggishly got up and went to the couch to use the heating pad there and fell back asleep.
I thought maybe it had healed, whatever is was, but apparently not. It's probably just because I've been careful not to strain my back.

Yes, I'm in my 20's and have back pain. From what I've read online I'm wondering if it's a pinched nerve.
I thought my back pain was gone since it hasn't bothered me in weeks, but once again I woke up with my back aching and sluggishly got up and went to the couch to use the heating pad there and fell back asleep.
I thought maybe it had healed, whatever is was, but apparently not. It's probably just because I've been careful not to strain my back.

Yes, I'm in my 20's and have back pain. From what I've read online I'm wondering if it's a pinched nerve.

Do you exercise your back muscles?



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