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The Derailing Thread


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900 Linux security cameras were taken over by hackers.
Anybody even slightly in the know, like me, knows that Linux is hardly invulnerable to hacks. In fact, I read that the complacency of most Linux users make them an especially easy target.

Obviously, crime is an economic thing. Criminals go where they can get the biggest bang for their buck--you know, where they can get the most for the least amount of effort and the least possibility for getting caught. Windows systems just happen to fill that bill because there are so many, many more Windows systems than there are Linux systems. So Windows is not a problem because Linux is somehow superior to Windows in regard to being hacked.

(Scanning the horizon for tim-from-pa....he should be along any time now :lol)
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Ralph, no, it wasn't me Ralph.
Cynthia killed John Wayne, not me!!!

So I just heard an argument amounting to "Hitler was going to deport Jews but Palestinians convinced him to do concentration camps instead".
When I asked for sources, because you'd think that little factoid would have come up when I was researching WWII a few years ago, all I got in response was basically "the person who said this is Palestinian and Christian are you calling him a liar?" :|

So I'm asking, anybody ever heard this before and know the source?
*Googles question*
*comes across speech video on YouTube*
*glances at comments*
"Is Hitler the most misunderstood and misrepresented person in human history?"
"American Jewish propaganda has it wrong. Hitler was not the bad guy?"

....exCUSE ME
OF COURSE his speeches are going to sound good and noble. How else do you expect him to have made as much headway as he did? Have you READ his autobiography??? I HAVE.

So I just heard an argument amounting to "Hitler was going to deport Jews but Palestinians convinced him to do concentration camps instead".
When I asked for sources, because you'd think that little factoid would have come up when I was researching WWII a few years ago, all I got in response was basically "the person who said this is Palestinian and Christian are you calling him a liar?" :|

So I'm asking, anybody ever heard this before and know the source?
*comes across this and other articles*
Okay, looks like this is a very recent claim.
Isaac Herzog, the leader of the opposition in the Israeli parliament, wrote: “This is a dangerous historical distortion and I demand Netanyahu correct it immediately as it minimizes the Holocaust, Nazism and … Hitler's part in our people's terrible disaster." I'm not saying it is true, but whether it is or not the fact still remains that Hitler did the Holocaust. He was already anti-Sematic, he literally irrationally blamed the Jews for all kinds of things.
Wikipedia has an article on Arab/Nazi cooperation in WWII. Hitler did actively encourage migration to Palestine before the war started. No doubt أمين الحسيني‎ was against migration, but civilian passenger liner traffic to Palestine was impractical anyway once the war started. There was no way for civilians to get to Palestine, as civilian ships stayed away from the war zone.
I heard that John Wayne stole one of Ralph's quotes (I heard they were buddies and Ralph gave the okay).
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid".


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