What do you think our "spiritual" relationship with Christ is based on? Its based on His Work on the Cross, And receiving "His Spirit of Grace" in which we stand! Where do think He is? How are we saved, in the physical or spiritual? Oh yea, do you believe in universal salvation?
OUr spiritual relationship has nothing to do with what Christ did on the Cross. It has to do with faith, our believing that He in fact did save us all from death. But that faith only justifies us into that relationship.
Christ's work makes it possible for man and God to be united in a relationship that has eternal consequences. What Christ did not the Cross was for every human being. God desires a relationship with all men, so of necessity He first needed to save all men from death.
So you think what He did over 2000 years ago is physical or spiritual?
the life part is physical. The INcarnate Christ rose from the dead, physically, and thus gave life to our mortal natures. It is how we get eternal life, an eternal existance. Without an eternal existance a relationship is moot. This is explicitly why Christ was needed to save us from death because we could not.
Christ also, by His sacrifice atoned for the sin of the world. It's purpose was to enable Christ, as our High Priest, to forgive sins when we confessed our sins to Him. That part is used for our spiritual relationship because we do still sin. And when we do sin, we know He is able and will remit them when we confess them.
He is in heaven and reigning. He is also there as our High Priest.
How are we saved, in the physical or spiritual?
both. we are human beings made up of body and soul. If we are to live immortally, as human beings, we must be saved, both body and soul. I Cor 15:45 gives you the sequence which happens to be the reverse of how Adam fell.
Oh yea, do you believe in universal salvation?
NOt as you are asking it.
But I do believe in univeral salvation from death which is what the text you quoted is saying. Same thing I Cor 15:22, II Cor 5:18-19, Col 1:20, John 6:39, Rom 5:18 is saying. It is why Christ is called the Second Adam, and why He is called the Savior of the world, John 4:42. He overcame death, the power of satan for all, for the world, Heb 2:14. I John 3:8.
It is also why all Christians have always believed in the resurrection of the dead. Which is also confirmed in Acts 24:15, Rev 20:12-13, or even I Cor 15:13-19.