Look at what you are saying. You have determined in your own mind that the mark is a microchip in your hand. The Bible says no such thing. You are adding your own imaginings to the word of God.
I remember the days when Christians were trying to understand Rev. were saying that a CCard was the mark of the beast. Obviously not.
I think you have a very carnal view of spiritual things.
I suggest that you go to OT scripture and find where God instructs His children to keep His laws between their eyes and on their arm and compare that to the Rev. mark.
Then I suggest comparing the scripture in the NT about having the law of God written on our hearts and on our minds and compare that to the Rev. mark.
If you still believe the mark on the forehead or hand is some kind of physical tender, then I think you have missed the spiritual signigance of the scripture.
I don't have to try to imagine this scenario, I have actually been there and had three children to feed. I tell you Again, I would not reject my Savior for any reason. So it someone were to say to me that I had to reject my God and worship some lawless man, in order to work, no I would not do that. That would be idolatry. There have always been people who are willing to worship money and reject God. The rich man in the Gospels comes to mind.
I not sure how much more plainly I could state my position than I did in my previous post. I am not willing to reject my God for mammon, is that plain enough for you?
It's obviously a diversion for you. You are waiting for the new technology and are so sure that not getting a microchip in your hand will save you.
God's answer to eating is honest working. If I were you I'd be much more concerned about not having work. Not being able to sell ones labor in order to buy. Or not being able to have a business to sell ones produce of their labor. Instead you are being fooled into believing that God cares about what
kind of tender one buys and sells with.
Jesus certainly wasn't concerned about it. He said it had nothing to do with anything when it came to giving to God what is God's. Our minds and our hearts.
I'm not willing to put in kind of tender into my body or any kind of tracking device or ID chip, or anything else. But it isn't because I believe it would be a sin to do so. Anymore than it's a sin to use any other kind of tender.
If one does something unGodly in order to obtain tender, that something is the sin. Such as dealing drugs, or fraud, etc. or worshiping an idol, such as Caesar. One doesn't do this by accident or unknowingly.
I think you are being deceived. That final choice, line in the sand, is made by each individual believer and has been going on since the beginning of time as we know it. If you think God has been allowing believers to play games with Him of thousands of years you don't have the same view of God that I do.