Solo said:
Hey John, Matthew 5:19 says that if you break the least commandment and teach others to break the least commandment you will be in heaven. What gives with that.
Do you read posts??

Here is a paragraph taken from my post, with perhaps a highlight or two! :wink:
John here: what are you saying?? Surely you know that the only way that these ones are in heaven,
is by record books? The wicked lost ones are D-E-A-D and are judged by their accurate recorded record books.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Rev. states that they are standing? But how do dead men stand?
Only by record books. Yet, take note of your verse? Christ states that they will be judged the LEAST! Check Christ's Word of Luke 12:47-48.
Now read what Revelation 20:12 says! These
are D-E-A-D & they did not die in the Hebrews 11:13 FAITH.
OK: They STAND only as in the record books, and then they DIE THE SECOND DEATH IN THE LAKE OF FIRE. verse 14, that is Revelation 20:14 as above.
'and the dead are judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.'
All the wicked are dead until
after the 1000 years. See 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 for who will have a part in this executional part of this judgement!