Adam was given a commandment, Do not eat of the tree of knowledge; for in the day you eat thereof you shall surely die.
Adam ate and then made himself a covering to Hide from the Lord, the hide from his death.
The Lord said unto Adam, Who told you that that you were naked. The Same might be said of the covering that he made to hide from the presence of the Lord. Who told Him that He need a covering to Hide himself from Death? Was it the fruit of knowledge? Or the whispering serpent. Either way, Adam took unto himself a covering to Hide from the presence of the Lord and his certain death.
Then because Adam had brought Death into the world, the Lord provided Adam with a covering to protect him from the penalty of His Death. That the Angel of His death might continue to pass by. This is what is celebrated with the Jewish Passover. The sprinkling of blood as a covering so that the Angel of Death would pass them by. The covering given to Adam as he was driven from the garden so that He might survive by the Grace of God in the valley of the shadow of Death.
The Sin of Adam's transgression was he took to himself a covering that he might hide his transgression from the presence of the Lord. If the first mad Adam brought Death into the World, likewise the second man Adam brought Life into the world. The covering was to protect me from from death in the face of my transgression. Why do I need a covering to hide from His Life. How long shall you continue to taste of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.